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  1. #41
    100%NATURAL-theGH's Avatar
    100%NATURAL-theGH is offline Senior Member
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    City of Angels
    I'm going to run EQ DECA and VAR... it is intended to help my joints out mostly and put some much needed size back on.... but I'm only going to run 400mg/EQ and 300mg/ Deca or less... I mean... I can take as much as I want... but I think the lower dosage would be best for me as I don't want to take test this time around.... makes me bloated and angry... (here comes the flaming!) i see plenty of people that don't take test that get plenty of size.... if your going for the OPTIMAL growth from a cycle I would say Test is a must... but if your willing to trade in being an angry monster (which I am) in for being a little bit lathargic and possibly having some trouble with the little guy.... then I say don't be a sheep motha f*cka! cuz almost everyone who bashes a testless cycle has never even done it... I'm thinking of taking some Trib while I'm on though just to try and help my natural production.. that and a lot of Cialis JUST IN CASE... wish me luck!

  2. #42
    anabolicbruce's Avatar
    anabolicbruce is offline Associate Member
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    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by 100%NATURAL-theGH
    hmm.. I've only heard Cyp/GH (HGH isn't prescribed anymore!)... but Deca is an HRT script now.. interesting.. wouldn't think they would go that route but that's cool!

    HGH is still prescribed, where did you get this information from? The latest research in the feild of HRT and anti-aging medicine advocates the combintation of testosterone and HGH along with DHEA to provide maximum benefits. The HRT clinic I work at prescribes HGH on a daily basis!

    Also, it isnt called Human Growth Hormone because its derived from cadavers, it is because the synthetic HGH is simply bio-identical to our natural HGH secreted from the pituitary. So, in fact, it is still Human Growth Hormone!
    Last edited by anabolicbruce; 09-13-2005 at 10:25 AM.

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