01-13-2006, 07:03 PM #1
1st Cycle - Newbie - Need feedback and advice!
Hey guys!
I'm 25 years old, 240 lbs. I've been working out for the past 5 years. My trainer suggested the following cycle:
Anavar , Clenbuterol and Sustanon 250
This would be my first cycle, so I'm a bit nervous, but I can't wait to begin. I definatly have some fat to lose, and I have built some decent muscle, but I need to get rid of that fat layer.
I'm doing 300g Protein, 150g Carbs, and 25g Fat -
How does this look for a first cycle? My goal is to get hard, but I have this stubborm damn layer of fat the refuses to leave. My trainer said that the clen will work wonders for fat loss.
I need as much feedback as possible! Have you guys tried any of these before? What results did you have? How much did you take?
Waiting to hear from all of you.
How does it feel to inject in your glutes? What happens after you inject? How fast do you feel it?
01-13-2006, 08:23 PM #2
For your 1st cycle I would keep it simple. What is your goal? What are you trying to achieve?
01-13-2006, 09:26 PM #3
Hey Prada,
You asked the million dollar question. I want to burn as much fat as possible, while building hard quality muscle.
I used to weight 360 pounds five years ago. I'm now 235. I'm still a little flabby and this last layer of fat is very hard for me to burn. I've tried every supplement, and have done everything. My diet is meticulous.
So basically, build as much muscle tissue as I can, while eliminating as much fat as humanly possible... - isin't that what everyone wants?
01-13-2006, 09:32 PM #4
Hey Prada,
You asked the million dollar question. I want to burn as much fat as possible, while building hard quality muscle.
I used to weight 360 pounds five years ago. I'm now 235. I'm still a little flabby and this last layer of fat is very hard for me to burn. I've tried every supplement, and have done everything. My diet is meticulous.
So basically, build as much muscle tissue as I can, while eliminating as much fat as humanly possible... - isin't that what everyone wants?
01-13-2006, 09:32 PM #5
1st Cycle
Hey Prada,
You asked the million dollar question. I want to burn as much fat as possible, while building hard quality muscle.
I used to weight 360 pounds five years ago. I'm now 235. I'm still a little flabby and this last layer of fat is very hard for me to burn. I've tried every supplement, and have done everything. My diet is meticulous.
So basically, build as much muscle tissue as I can, while eliminating as much fat as humanly possible... - isin't that what everyone wants?
01-13-2006, 09:40 PM #6
1st Cycle
Hey Prada,
You asked the million dollar question. I want to burn as much fat as possible, while building hard quality muscle.
I used to weight 360 pounds five years ago. I'm now 235. I'm still a little flabby and this last layer of fat is very hard for me to burn. I've tried every supplement, and have done everything. My diet is meticulous.
So basically, build as much muscle tissue as I can, while eliminating as much fat as humanly possible... - isin't that what everyone wants?
01-13-2006, 09:43 PM #7
Sorry, my computer kept telling me the message wasen't going through, so I kept resending. Hopefully the moderator can delete the excess posts.
I need advice everyone! Remember what it was like when you did your first cycle? There is this level of fear or worry that I have about taking this stuff, but such excitement to see what will happen, so see the amazing results.
01-13-2006, 11:00 PM #8Associate Member
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holy triple post batman!
01-13-2006, 11:05 PM #9
The sust will need to be injected ED or EOD...... So I would suggest either Enan or Cyp.... They are both single estered and only need to be injected 2 x per week.
You could add the anavar and it will help with a little fat loss but to see any type of gains from the var you will need to run at least 60mg ED....... it will be pricy.
01-14-2006, 07:26 AM #10
Well all he has on hand right now is Sust. My trainer said I would only need to inject twice per week. Does this sound right to you guys?
So he's charging me $375 for a cycle of Sust, Anavar and Clen . He said the Anavar is expensive but it works really well.
He never discussed dosing, so I'm a little concerned about that. How much of all this stuff should I really take? I'm sure he'll give me the standard dosing, but I'm looking for feedback from others also.
01-14-2006, 08:36 AM #11Originally Posted by Konstandino
Also, did he go over anti-e's you will need, and what to use for PCT?
Here's what you could do:
1 - 10 Sust 500mg /wk
6 - 13 Var 60mg ED
1 - 13 Nolva 10mg ED
1 - 13 Arimadex (l-dex) .25mg ED
Start PCT 18 days after last Sust injection for no less then 30 days
Day 1 - 30 100mg Clomid / 20mg Nolva / .25mg L-dex
01-14-2006, 11:24 AM #12
What is PCT? I'm getting ready to go to the gym and pick up the Sus, Var, and Clen .
I'm so excited...
01-14-2006, 11:44 AM #13Originally Posted by Konstandino
Pheedno's PCT
Pheedno's PCT
PCT start times
PCT start times
01-14-2006, 12:46 PM #14
PCT is the most important part of taking steroids correctly and safely. Its what you do to kick start your natural test production after a cycle to help keep your gains, avoid depression, etc.. Read up on it and have all your PCT supplies on hand before you start your cycle
01-14-2006, 03:03 PM #15
Okay I just back from the Gym, did arms today and afterwards got the stuff. Like I've previously said, my trainer had suggested Var, Clen and Sus 250 for my first cycle.
I was excited, but when I looked at everything, I was kinda confused. Instead of Sus 250 he gave me "Test 250" and it has a picture of a dog on the outside so it's meant for dogs. Last time I checked I'm not a dog, I'm human! Is it okay to take a steroid meant for a dog? It's a 10ML size bottle. Is this enough for a whole cycle? On the back it lists 4 different types of Testoterone in spanish: "Propionato, Fenilpropianato, Isocaproato and Decanoato testosterona" All the writing is in Spanish, so I can't read everything, even the var, Made in Mexico also...
As far as the Anavar ... the bottle has a picture of a dog on it as well and is called "Oxavet QV" On the back it says "Oxandralona 5mg per tab." Obviously a steroid is a steroid but are they as effective as the ones designed for humans?
He also gave me to small bottles or small white pills with a black top that has a butterfly on it. Of course this is the Clenbuterol but, he has no label on them and there is no seal when I open the bottle. I'm assuming he is giving me some from a larger supply or something. It looks like a small tylenol, and it has some script lettering on it, but it dosen't say how many mg. per tabelet.
I feel somewhat confused/jipped. I was looking forward to receiving something different from him. Plus he didn't give me a syringe. Where do I go to get one? What kind does it have to be? Does it have to be a specific size? Guys Help a bro out, what does everyone suggest?
I guess I still have a lot of research to do before I begin the cycle on Monday. My trainer said he would call me and let me know what dosage I should use. I want suggestions from you guys as well? What do you think?
Thanks for all your feedback so far, I appreciate it.
01-14-2006, 03:56 PM #16New Member
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Originally Posted by Konstandino
Just my opinion....good luck
01-14-2006, 10:04 PM #17
Boy ow boy. Never re-use needles or plungers. Cheap enough to buy them so don’t risk it. Check the ARR banner on the top of the page. I would advice u to push ure cycle plans away for another say 3weeks or so and have a good read on this site before u jump into it. Better safe than sorry. Gear comes in Human Grade and Vet Grade. I'm not sure if the gear u have is legit as i'm no expert in that. U should grab a digicam, snap some shots of the gear and post them on the Steroid Picture category of this forum. U would get the best response regarding ure gear. Whether its legit gear or not can be confirmed with “Seajackel”. For injecting tips pls read:
By Dr. David T. Ryan
for elitfts
We decided to print this article for the safety of all athletes that choose to use anabolics. We do not condone the use of AAS, especially with young athletes and teenagers. But we do realize that there are people that do use them and wish to give them some information on how to inject properly. If you have any moral or any other objections of the use of AAS, the please do not read the article. This is your choice as is the choice of those that use AAS. We have also decided to print this article as Dr. Ryan has had numerous obstacles in getting this published. We felt that this subject needed to be addressed.]
This whole article started with a shocking conversation I was having with a twenty year friend of mine and lifter. He was explaining about the procedure he would use to inject himself. The process of using an old/used needle to remove the solution from the bottle then applying a new ?fresh? needle to his syringe was rather shocking to me. He smiled and indicated that boastfully that he had done this for over twenty years. All I could think about were the large fibrotic lesions in his glutes that prevented him from further injection in those sites.
All too commonly the issues that are important are often never discussed by professionals until it is too late. This problem with that type of injection protocol is that you are taking a needle out of your dirty body (do you eat off of your ass?) and apply that needle, for the sake of keeping a sharp point, into a solution, just happy to grow the bacteria that is lodged in the needle and on it?s surface. Consider this, would you stick that needle into a bucket of paint then later shove that needle into your fresh bottle of EQ 200? Please consider that over the years of working medical research; I have seen bacteria grow in acid so strong you would have to open the chemical under a hood or burn your eyes and nose off ? it just takes time! NEVER STICK A NEEDLE FROM YOUR BODY BACK INTO ANYTHING THAT IS STERILE.
1. Wash your hands and anyone else involved should wash their hands. 2. Use only clean needles to remove and inject any solution. 3. Prepare the area with a prep solution (i.e. rubbing alcohol or other sterilizer) 4. LEARN TO Z TRACK (listed below) 5. Never inject more than 5 cc?s / ml. into any one injection site. 6. Keep all items clean and dry after the injection. 7. Store all items properly.
Washing your hands may seem simple, but it is a very effective way to prevent the spread of germs and viruses.
Using a contaminated needle to remove solution from a bottle is playing Russian roulette with your health. Only use clean needles to puncture your skin or that of bottle. A single injection doesn?t dull the needle tip to any degree worth complaining about. It only helps in your head, maybe! Various prep solutions are necessary to clean the injection site; this prevents the normal bacteria that are present on the surface of the skin from being pushed into the body.
Z Tracking
This is a simple process of pulling the skin to one side to allow for a hole to be made in the skin and then displacing that same hole after the injection has been made. This displacement stops the leakage of the injected solution to the skin surface.
Wash your hands and make sure that everyone else does too.
Prepare the area with alcohol.
Prepare the injection needle and solution
Firmly displace the skin to one side.
Inject the needle and aspirate to make sure you have no blood and then inject contents appropriately.
Release the skin pressure.
Remove the needle from the injection point.
Clean and dispose of all materials appropriately.
Taken from the nurses hand book (referenced below), notice how the displaced skin will stop the backflow of the injected solution.
For those of you who would like a diagram: Click Here
Follow these easy steps to providing a safer more effective injection. Common sense goes a long way in medicine and yes, this is still a form of medicine.
also check this out...
I do not intend to break ure hopes of starting ure cycle soon but instead i'm just concern for ure health. Its best u read up enough before u start. Good Luck.
01-14-2006, 10:36 PM #18
I'm just starting to feel frustrated w/ everything, trainer hasen't called.
01-15-2006, 05:45 PM #19Associate Member
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I agree 100 percent with grimlock, you do not know enough yet to do this safely, it most likely will turn out to be a bad experience for you. I suggest you get on this board every night for about three mo. and read.
I hope you are mature enough to understand that we aren't being assholes, just looking out for you bro.
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