My stats; 6'1 205 pounds 9% b/f been lifting for about 8 years now. My question is that I just got off a small cycle of deca 200mgs a week along with 150 mg of Zambon Winny a week(silly cycle, but I like to go small). I was only on that for 5 weeks mainly because the deca made me hold too much water. I also did a post clomid cycle that I am off today, 300mg first day, 100mgs 10 days and 50mgs 10 days. Now I feel a little fat and I want to start a pure winny cycle for the summer, I am going to do 50mg ed of Zambons. Now how long should I start before starting it. Because I just start now I will be on gear for 9 weeks and that seems like a long time. What are you thoughts?
-East Coast