Hey guys. Im 22, 5'9, 180 pounds 17% Body Fat (gained 10 pounds off my first cycle)


I did a deca /tes cycle and i got pretty big and my weights tripled from what i was doing...my strength was out the roof for my size. Im 2 weeks off and havent noticed any bad bad symptoms.

However THE GOAL of the cycle was to loss weight by means of gaining muscle. IT DID NOT work to the extend i wanted it to. I lost about 3% body fat and i want to get down to the 10 or 12 or whatever is normal for my height.

Im not lazy and i workout constantly but i cant lose the body fat...maybe i party to hard on the weekends and drink too much beer but nothing ever seems to work fast enough...i can only do HARD cardio for about 2 months and then i usually get demotivated and focus on weights.

SO ANYWAYS...ive done alot of research on using gear for losing weight...what do you think my second cycle should consist of. Clen ? Cynomel? Id like to stick away from caffeine stuff because i can get pretty jittery and shaking when i take things like "Redline" (VPX GNC). Actually I passed out about 5 months ago on Redline while i was running...my heartrate got WAY up there...hence threw it away and started researching gear.

SO in summary. My goal priorities are to FIRST lower my body fat and SECOND gain muscle mass. Let me know guys...

as always THANKS IN advance for your advice!
