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  1. #1
    pduke1234 is offline Junior Member
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    Looking to put on mass and burn fat

    Im looking to put on muscle mass and burn a good amount of fat at the same time. My guy suggested test 250 and masteron . I got alot of other opinions on it and most people here told me not to even think about masteron. Can someone please help me with a cycle that will bulk me up and increase fat burning.
    I figured my best way to go would be Deca qv and winstrol . please help.
    I am currently 170 pounds at 5-10.


  2. #2
    SPIKE's Avatar
    SPIKE is offline AR-Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    Dude how many of these do you need? If you want more answers bump it, no need for this many threads on rthe same question.....

    Thinking of doing test 250/masteron cycle

    masteron / test 250 cycle?

  3. #3
    pduke1234 is offline Junior Member
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    i understand jay. I just wanted some tips on what would be best for me to cycle..thats all...not trying to annoy anyone heh.

  4. #4
    TRE's Avatar
    TRE is offline Anabolic Member
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    Its hard to do both, I am naturally lean so while putting on mass I can lower body fat because of increased muscle. The best way is to use lean gain AS and not bulking drugs. Masteron is a bad choice unless you are already extremely lean. In my opinion test enth/EQ/ and either winny or anavar will increase mass without too much water and fat

  5. #5
    pduke1234 is offline Junior Member
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    122 you are saying test/eq and winny ?....or test and eq or test and winny?
    Id rather only do two....which you think i would see the best gains?

  6. #6
    TRE's Avatar
    TRE is offline Anabolic Member
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    If you want to run just 2 run
    test and var
    test and EQ
    test and winny

    Any will work but dont expect to go from a keg to a six pack without cardio and diet control

  7. #7
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    I think what Jay is saying, is that it is hard to do both. You kind of have to pick one or the other.


  8. #8
    scottroxx's Avatar
    scottroxx is offline Associate Member
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    prop and tren might be a good combination, water retention will be minimal and you will put on some quality and hard muscle mass. As for fat burning, throw in some clen and ephedrine rotating each one every other week and of course a desciplined diet. Hope you can handle the everyday injections thou !!!!

  9. #9
    pduke1234 is offline Junior Member
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    arnt clen pills? wont clen diminish my gains as well as burn fat though? I really dont have fat on my body....i have a baby gut. just the bottem part of my stomach and the sides...pretty funny actually.

  10. #10
    SPIKE's Avatar
    SPIKE is offline AR-Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    Quote Originally Posted by pduke1234
    I just wanted some tips on what would be best for me to cycle
    Not trying to deter you from posting or finding advice to get you to your goals. Just trying to keep the forum a bit more organized. With 50,000 members and the majority being in here, there can be a loooooooooooooooot of threads started in 1 day. The best thign to do is start 1 and elaborate on that one.

    Now back to your thread, lets keep everything on this one, deal? I understand you goal now what about the question I asked on your other thread? Current stats and previous cycling history?

    There are people recommending compounds such as Tren when they have no idea what you have taken.........That is bad advice and even worse if you took it.

  11. #11
    pduke1234 is offline Junior Member
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    ok jay. I did a deca only cycle. gained about 10 pounds and was very happy. that was about 3 months ago. im currently 5-10 170.i want to start my second cycle. im looking to get bigger and lose my stomach is my main 2 goals. i understand the stomach part i will have to diet and do cardio but as for my second cycle im not to sure what take. ive been suggested to do test 250 with something else like eq or masteron . now from the advice u gave me im not going to do masteron. so now its down to test 250 and something else. will test 250 and eq give me alot of water retention becuase i def do not want that.what do you think would be a good mix? would i have to do anything to supress gyno? and as far as clomids go would taking nolvadex be ok during the cycle?
    I appriacate your help.

  12. #12
    pduke1234 is offline Junior Member
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    let me add something in as well. my entire body is pretty leaned out. except my stomach so basiclaly wanna get bigger but keep my leaness. this forum says alot about how test produces alot of water retention!i dont want alot of water retention. Help me Jay !

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by pduke1234
    ok jay. I did a deca only cycle. gained about 10 pounds and was very happy. that was about 3 months ago. im currently 5-10 170.i want to start my second cycle. im looking to get bigger and lose my stomach is my main 2 goals. i understand the stomach part i will have to diet and do cardio but as for my second cycle im not to sure what take. ive been suggested to do test 250 with something else like eq or masteron . now from the advice u gave me im not going to do masteron. so now its down to test 250 and something else. will test 250 and eq give me alot of water retention becuase i def do not want that.what do you think would be a good mix? would i have to do anything to supress gyno? and as far as clomids go would taking nolvadex be ok during the cycle?
    I appriacate your help.

    3 months ago you did a deca only cycle and your 5'10 170?!?!? Bro learn how to lift and eat first, then do steroids second.

  14. #14
    PLAYA4LIFE's Avatar
    PLAYA4LIFE is offline Associate Member
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    doens't sound like you need to cycle but if you insist go with prop. because it is the only test with minimal water retention, and if you would like that can be your whole cycle. Prop. will help you put lean quality muscle mass, keep water retention low, and will help burn some fat. Hope this helps.

  15. #15
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    pick one and stick to it

  16. #16
    SPIKE's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pduke1234
    l dont want alot of water retention.
    Water retention is the least of your worries, what is your BF% at now?

    With the proper ancilleries you can keep the water off and not worry about gyno (for the most past). Since you screwed up on your first cycle, like most do including myself, you can get some good gains running test only this time around. A killer diet and proper training will get you to where you need to go.

    Get back to us on you BF% and how your diet and training is going. Dont list your diet or routine, just an overall comment on if you feel comfortable enough to run some AAS knowing those things are 100% on point.........

  17. #17
    MrMent1on is offline National Level Bodybuilder
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    Plain and simple it cannot be done. Bulk first then take off the fat, its what us bodybuilders do. dont try to do it simultainously. you wont gain a thing but keep the muscle you already have. with muscles comes fat, burn fat burns some muscles. its a give and a take.

  18. #18
    pduke1234 is offline Junior Member
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    ok. so a test 250 only cycle would be best for me? im not up to date on all the terms. what do you guys mean by aas and ancilleries.
    and btw hellmask i do know how to train...i gained almost 15 pounds from the deca only cycle which i figured was pretty good considering i was only doing 250 mg a week for 10 weeks.

  19. #19
    pduke1234 is offline Junior Member
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    is there a certain test i should be taking jay ?
    thanks for your help.

  20. #20
    spywizard's Avatar
    spywizard is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer~
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    In the Gym, if i could
    I would rather see what your eating plan would be.. that will determine the outcome of your aas use..
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  21. #21
    SPIKE's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pduke1234
    is there a certain test i should be taking?
    Most will say prop which is nonsense. Read this thread and it will open your eyes more to Long esters and cutting.................

    Short ester test .vs. Long Ester for cutting

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by pduke1234
    ok. so a test 250 only cycle would be best for me? im not up to date on all the terms. what do you guys mean by aas and ancilleries.
    and btw hellmask i do know how to train...i gained almost 15 pounds from the deca only cycle which i figured was pretty good considering i was only doing 250 mg a week for 10 weeks.

    Earlier you said 10lbs now it's 15?

    Don't get offended , I'm giving you the safest advice for you. You train to get bigger right, or do you train for strength , maybe you compete in a sport where you need to be at a lesser weight? If your training for size you OBVIOUSLY DON'T know how to train! You could have gained 20 lbs naturally in 6 months if you knew how to diet and lift correctly. Learn how to do these first, then later do AAS while more prepared. I've just recently changed up my diet and I'm gaining weight naturally at the moment! You can do it too, all it takes is smart dieting+training and dedication and you will better yourself.

  23. #23
    pduke1234 is offline Junior Member
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    jay i really didnt want to take a test only cycle. i def wanted to take a nice cycle where i see major results.
    test 250 and what else ? heh its hard for me to understand that thread. alot of things in there that i have no idea what they are

  24. #24
    pduke1234 is offline Junior Member
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    nah man. didnt take offense. just thought that was a good gain lol..guess not...nah i gained almost 15 pounds...i go up and down in weight so day ill be 168 2 days later ill be 171...i started at about 155 so i just gave it a ballpark ya kno..heh. i just really want to do a nice cycle man..i train pretty damn hard. the only thing i didnt do on the deca was eat right....i ate ALOT..ingested alot of protein but didnt stay away from fat either.
    I just want someone to give me a cycle im looking for.
    I dont want to take just a test cycle becuase im looking to gain a reasonable amount lean muscle mass here and would like to throw something in with test. something like winstrol but im getting advice that it wouldnt be the best idea.

  25. #25
    SlingMetal is offline New Member
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    test 500/wk
    eq 600/wk
    var 75ed

  26. #26
    pduke1234 is offline Junior Member
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    well. i dont have an exact diet plan. i am figuring a high protein minimul carbs and low fat.
    is that wrong ?

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by pduke1234
    nah man. didnt take offense. just thought that was a good gain lol..guess not...nah i gained almost 15 pounds...i go up and down in weight so day ill be 168 2 days later ill be 171...i started at about 155 so i just gave it a ballpark ya kno..heh. i just really want to do a nice cycle man..i train pretty damn hard. the only thing i didnt do on the deca was eat right....i ate ALOT..ingested alot of protein but didnt stay away from fat either.
    I just want someone to give me a cycle im looking for.
    I dont want to take just a test cycle becuase im looking to gain a reasonable amount lean muscle mass here and would like to throw something in with test. something like winstrol but im getting advice that it wouldnt be the best idea.

    Honestly if I were you I would research diets, workout routines until you found the right ones. THE PERFECT ones for your goals. Then start the diet and workout routine. , ( you should be excited , shock the muscles a new way, eating healthier foods)
    Do this routine until you got up to around 190lbs. You can do it, I'm sure of it.
    Once you know how to gain naturally , you can cycle, then get even bigger. But listen , if your 190 you know how to train so once you finish your cycle you will be able to keep your gains you made because you know how to train! If you start a cycle now, sure you will get bigger, probly reach around 190, which I know you can do natural, but wait, you finish up your cycle then you wonder why your losing all your gains???? It's because you don't know how to get bigger NATURAL, so you won't maintain your gains!

    Once your 190lbs, if you still want to cycle then, do test 1-10 weeks at 500mgs. Only test, its more than enough you don't need any other aas, you will grow and you will maintain. It's your life choose which route you wanna go.

  28. #28
    pduke1234 is offline Junior Member
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    is there a big diffrence between test 250 and 500?. anavar is shots? much would 75mg a day be? like a half of cc or somethign?

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by SlingMetal
    test 500/wk
    eq 600/wk
    var 75ed

    Not necessary for a first cycle, but would be a nice one later on.

  30. #30
    SPIKE's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hellmask
    Honestly if I were you I would research diets, workout routines until you found the right ones. THE PERFECT ones for your goals. Then start the diet and workout routine. , ( you should be excited , shock the muscles a new way, eating healthier foods)
    Do this routine until you got up to around 190lbs. You can do it, I'm sure of it.
    Once you know how to gain naturally , you can cycle, then get even bigger. But listen , if your 190 you know how to train so once you finish your cycle you will be able to keep your gains you made because you know how to train! If you start a cycle now, sure you will get bigger, probly reach around 190, which I know you can do natural, but wait, you finish up your cycle then you wonder why your losing all your gains???? It's because you don't know how to get bigger NATURAL, so you won't maintain your gains!

    Once your 190lbs, if you still want to cycle then, do test 1-10 weeks at 500mgs. Only test, its more than enough you don't need any other aas, you will grow and you will maintain. It's your life choose which route you wanna go.

    Listen to this info rather then wanting a cycle. Cycling is a great way for increased LBM in some cases but not yours. I"m 99% sure that you wont listen but take what we say as help. Get at it and get at it hard. In the meantime stick around and research so that when you are ready you're sure of what you're doing.................

  31. #31
    SPIKE's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pduke1234
    is there a big diffrence between test 250 and 500?. anavar is shots? much would 75mg a day be? like a half of cc or somethign?

    its questions like this that show me you're not ready. You're not going to learn everything in one day. Get the basics down and research. Sit back and read up..........I guarantee you thats the better route..........

  32. #32
    pduke1234 is offline Junior Member
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    well i actually havnt lost much of anything sincre the deca cycle. ive been at 170 and ive barely lost any far atleast. i mean my last shot was sometime in the beginning of december.. i mean...maybe its not enough time for me to lose it? i dunno. but i feel pretty confident that i wont lose anything. Now as far as you saying a test only cycle will be fine. theres so many tests out there i dont even know where to begin on which one to take. 500 mgs of test would be 2cc`s a week correct? and how exactly would i use nolvadex ? and will that be enough ?heh im really a newbie when it comes down to this stuff man.
    i really appriaciate everyones help.

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by pduke1234
    well i actually havnt lost much of anything sincre the deca cycle. ive been at 170 and ive barely lost any far atleast. i mean my last shot was sometime in the beginning of december.. i mean...maybe its not enough time for me to lose it? i dunno. but i feel pretty confident that i wont lose anything. Now as far as you saying a test only cycle will be fine. theres so many tests out there i dont even know where to begin on which one to take. 500 mgs of test would be 2cc`s a week correct? and how exactly would i use nolvadex ? and will that be enough ?heh im really a newbie when it comes down to this stuff man.
    i really appriaciate everyones help.

    I was a newbie once too. I researched for a year before actually becoming a member. I learned alot from reading profiles of all the steroids and from peoples opinions. 500mgs could be 2cc's if its dosed at 250mgs/ml. It depends it could be 200mgs/ml aswell. So you gotta look at what its dosed at on the label first. Nolvadex you can take 20mgs a day if you want, or you can not take any and see if you get any signs of gyno to see if your gyno prone then take it. You know about PCT right? If not research! Honestly your not ready for any AAS right now. You should be more concerned about lifting and dieting.

  34. #34
    pduke1234 is offline Junior Member
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    heh....i dont. the only reason i keep posting like this is becuase im going to take a cycle regardless. so im basically trying to get all the info i can before i actually purchase somethign...
    pct is used to return harmone levels to normal correct? i thought nolvadex did the same thing....

  35. #35
    pduke1234 is offline Junior Member
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    Say i take test and eq over 10 weeks. after that i would want to take winstrol for cutting purposes. Now after the 10 weeks and when i start my winstrol cycle do i start on my pct at the same time or do i wait untill my winstol cycle is over as well? or should i throw winstrol in half way through my test/eq cycle?

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