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Thread: Panic disorder-

  1. #41
    MotorBoatin' SOB is offline Junior Member
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    alot of people get paraniod when they are high lol

  2. #42
    MotorBoatin' SOB is offline Junior Member
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    I should also mention that in my early 20's.. (21-24) I used quite a bit of MDMA (ecstasy). I that it may have had a direct effect (coupled with my pre-disposition) on the severity of my anxiety today. So that injects another problem to the situation. Do I tell the specialist about the MDMA use?? There really has not been enough studies done on it, for any professional to use that sort of information in a attempt to help me get a handle on my disorder. IMO, all that it does is give the doc another thing to point to, as being the cause (its the easy answer).
    I am 21 and I have had some of the same problems too. Are you saying that it just increased your attacks/depression or did something happen to you while you were rolling? Or just the bad side effects that MDMA has on body?
    I would not tell the Dr. right off the bat but if you really think thats what it is I would. Stay off the barrs. They will **** your world up.

  3. #43
    Lavinco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MotorBoatin' SOB
    alot of people get paraniod when they are high lol
    yeah but it's not supposed to last for 7 months later while you are clean. My shit was laced with acid. It really ****ed me up for awhile.

    That was 15 years ago now and all is well but I will never forget the hell I lived during that time.

  4. #44
    Mogamedogz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MotorBoatin' SOB
    I am 21 and I have had some of the same problems too. Are you saying that it just increased your attacks/depression or did something happen to you while you were rolling? Or just the bad side effects that MDMA has on body?
    I would not tell the Dr. right off the bat but if you really think thats what it is I would. Stay off the barrs. They will **** your world up.
    I have always delt with Panic Attacks, they were just not as severe as they are now "after" I had an extemely severe one while I was rolling (I actually thought I was O.D'ing) I have NEVER touched a recreational drug since.. That was like 2 years ago. I dont think the MDMA caused my condition, but I do beleive that it may have contributed to the severity of it.

  5. #45
    BOOST's Avatar
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    I started 20% Test cream about a 2 months ago and I also take Xanax daily. The only thing I see different is I am very sensitive to noise and little things kinda like a cat more aware of things and sometimes they bother me. I have at night sometimes had trouble sleeping, I will close my eyes and my body twitches and I wake up, kinda feels like a shortness of breath. I did notice this more since the cream, I know most guys will say the cream is junk and I am wasting my time. However I wanted to see how I would react with raising my Test levels and so far so good. I have a decent injectable cycle and when I am done with the cream, I will hit it. Just be careful and I would start very light as I have seen some things elevated with my panic attacks from time to time. I know it sounds stupid, but I have been going to Church and it really also helps the panic attacks from not coming on. I had them so bad last year I ended up with IBS and really unless people have experienced these attacks, they feel like you are loosing your mind. Not fun.

    Be careful be safe.

  6. #46
    Mogamedogz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BOOST
    I started 20% Test cream about a 2 months ago and I also take Xanax daily. The only thing I see different is I am very sensitive to noise and little things kinda like a cat more aware of things and sometimes they bother me. I have at night sometimes had trouble sleeping, I will close my eyes and my body twitches and I wake up, kinda feels like a shortness of breath. I did notice this more since the cream, I know most guys will say the cream is junk and I am wasting my time. However I wanted to see how I would react with raising my Test levels and so far so good. I have a decent injectable cycle and when I am done with the cream, I will hit it. Just be careful and I would start very light as I have seen some things elevated with my panic attacks from time to time. I know it sounds stupid, but I have been going to Church and it really also helps the panic attacks from not coming on. I had them so bad last year I ended up with IBS and really unless people have experienced these attacks, they feel like you are loosing your mind. Not fun.

    Be careful be safe.
    If you dont mind me asking, How was your BP before the test, and how is it now after? Also, how old are you, and how much Xanax do you consume daily? Just wondering.


  7. #47
    Thekidtmac's Avatar
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    I'm considering doing my first real cycle, I took superdrol followed by rebound xt for my post. I have anxiety attacts which reared it's ugly head during my post. I'm looking for suggestion on what to use for my first cycle. a friend suggested strait test. What are your thoughts?

  8. #48
    Xprime's Avatar
    Xprime is offline Banned
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    chocolate is good remedy

  9. #49
    Mogamedogz's Avatar
    Mogamedogz is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thekidtmac
    I'm considering doing my first real cycle, I took superdrol followed by rebound xt for my post. I have anxiety attacts which reared it's ugly head during my post. I'm looking for suggestion on what to use for my first cycle. a friend suggested strait test. What are your thoughts?
    Did you end up doing the Test Cycle?? Just curious what the results were.

  10. #50
    mb16610 is offline New Member
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    Panic Disorder

    I've suffered from Panic Disorder for 8yrs now. The doctor originally controlled it with .75mg/day of Klonopin. I'm now off the Klonopin and manage to squeak by with 25mg/day of Zoloft.

    What I can tell you is this. I've only done 2 cycles in my life, once in October and just finished my second. While on cycle (test only), I'm actually LESS anxious, more calm, more confident, & sleep like a baby.

    I thought the excess testosterone would have the opposite effect and make me a complete panic stricken nut, but it didn't. Tons of energy throughout the day yet that comes with a relaxing effect, if that makes any sense...

    Good luck.

  11. #51
    motoxjt is offline New Member
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    I have a history of Panic disorders myself. Taking Wellbutrin only seemed to make me more racy, so I stopped. I must say that well into my 8th week of Cyp I've felt absolutely great. Training hard, sleeping well and eating right I have'nt had the slightest bit of anxeity or panic during the whole cycle, so I guess it depends on the person. I am about to mix in some winny and primo towards the last 5 weeks of my cycle, I dont anticipate any panic issues with that since I have'nt had any thus far.

    I would say just try it and see how it goes. Everyone reacts a little differently.

  12. #52
    Thekidtmac's Avatar
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    I have no issues when I'm doing a cycle of either Pher phex or surpdrol, But my anxieties kick my ass during my PCT. Any ideas or should I just up my klonapin during my post? Does anyone else have this issue because i see alot of post by people with anxiety and panic disorder.

  13. #53
    mac750 is offline New Member
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    Post Panic Attacks under control first, then the rest....

    Quote Originally Posted by Mogamedogz
    So I have done all my cycle research and have pretty much all but decided to run my first cycle this summer. I plan to go with a basic 500mg Test/300mg Decca (nolva/clomid) pct.

    My only reservation now, is the fact that I suffer from pretty severe Anxiety attacks. My heart races uncontrollably (feel like im going to die) sort of thing. My doc says that it can not do any physical damage to me, and that it is all in my head (Hereditary). I take Paxil 25mg and Xanax (about 2mg ed) which seem to control the attacks from occurring.

    My question is should I be worried about creating a possible REAL heart attack, from the combination of the Cycle, and the anxiety?? I mean I know it is a mental thing... but the fact remains that my heart IS really racing (even if it is my mind making it race).

    I have known other people who have suffered from this disorder and have used gear in combination with paxil and/ Xanax, and have never had any problems.

    Just wondering if any of you have ever faced this sort of a challenge, and if so, what advice can you give??


    I know I am coming late to the party but wanted to respond as I as well have suffered panic & anxiety attacks and have been on an entire list of medications since 1979. Only in the past year am I on my way to eliminating the last medication I am on.

    As you probably know, when a panic attack starts, it is like a snowball effect and trying to gain control of the fear only intensifies the attack. Cause of my attacks, and what contributed to them, are still a mystery. I know that a lot of the issues were psychological in nature. But in many cases, things I did contributed or fostered an environment for them to occur. For example, stimulants like too much caffeine, high glycemic food, or anything that would cause wide swings in either blood sugar levels or blood pressure. I remember getting allergy shots a long time ago because I would panic and faint from the needle!

    I have been working out for years, but never was able to get the size that I wanted because I stayed away from anything that could possibly trigger and attack. The worst thing is not being able to get to the gym because you are having an attack. However, in the last 5 months, I started taking HGH with the help of a doctor and my trainer. I was surprised to find that I experienced no attacks. I was even able to inject myself! Last week, I started taking Test and Decca and have been far. I am fine and actually feel a much better sense of well being. Partly because I have two other people who are there to guide me and I feel a sense of calm. I am not nervous because I have done a lot of reading on my own as well and that sets my mind at ease. I can tell you as the months go on as to what happens.

    In the end, having lived with this for so many years, I feel that I want to eliminate the panic and anxiety attacks above all -- even if that means giving up on taking anything to enhance my bodybuilding efforts. The attacks, for me, are not a way to live every day. I had a choice to take the HGH, Test and Decca....I did not have a choice with the attacks. I am lucky that somehow things are doing well with what I am taking and I am having no adverse effects. You need to decide where you are with your attacks and determine if they will increase due to what you want to do.

    Just some quick thoughts. Good luck.

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