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Thread: Dianabol ?????

  1. #1
    bmoore is offline Junior Member
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    Dianabol ?????

    Sorry for asking a dumb question, but if i was to start back up lifting, and i want to get bulked up really quick, and i have DIANABOL allready, what is the best method to use , and what else would anyone suggest i use with it , what are the GOOD and BAD side effects of it. And what the best methods for using DIANABOL.

    Please keep in mind i cannot stand needles at all, so i would like to be able to use oral type steroids only.

    The reason why iam getting back into getting size and bulking up is, i just returned home from Iraq after a 2 year tour, plus i had some hospital stay due to being injured over there.

    any and all information would be helpful.

    thank you

  2. #2
    ShnouzedUp's Avatar
    ShnouzedUp is offline Banned
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    Deep in some Guts!!! haha
    i guess i'll kick this one off...

    1. Your just getting back into training???? Start Eating
    2. Read up the diet forums and stay there for a long time
    3. It is never ever a good idea to run dbol alone
    4. Dbol is used as a "kickstart" into a cycle
    5. The gains you do make will come off faster then they came on.
    6. The risk far out weigh the benefits.
    7. There is plenty of info on dbol on this site.. do a search
    8. Research Research Research
    9. Read up in the training forum and learn how to lift for mass.
    10. EAT!

  3. #3
    bolin is offline Associate Member
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    Ahhhhh be ready for a great journey!!!!

  4. #4
    ShnouzedUp's Avatar
    ShnouzedUp is offline Banned
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    Deep in some Guts!!! haha
    oh yeah, and... if your not ready for needles your not ready for gear, period. just stick around and ask questions, and read through all the forums... you'll learn a lot, and one day think back to this and laugh wondering to yourself.. what was i thinking??? good luck on your journey bro! and welcome back home.

  5. #5
    ShnouzedUp's Avatar
    ShnouzedUp is offline Banned
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    Deep in some Guts!!! haha
    Quote Originally Posted by bolin
    Ahhhhh be ready for a great journey!!!!

  6. #6
    Mr. Testosterone's Avatar
    Mr. Testosterone is offline New Member
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    Thx man for ur service in Iraq. Alright I am about to get flamed for this but if you absolutely, positively dont want to use needles it is possible to run Dbol alone. This is your first cycle right?

    My first cycle was Dbol alone and I gained 14 lbs. Of course, Dianabol is one of the all-time best bulkers and you should begin to feel its effects within 72 hours.

    Use a dose of 30 mg a day and space the pills appx. 4 hours apart. Some reccomend taking with food but I cant even tolerate some vitamins without food and Dbol never bothered my stomach in the least.

    Sides well thats an individual thing and those new to steroids tend to overplay that. (Just read any mainstream media story on anabolics to see what I mean> lol) But since Dianabol causes a fair amount of water retention some experience bloating and Ive personally experienced intense lower back cramps. Also like any AAS you may experience testicular shrinkage and gyno.

    Dont let that scare you though imo. The good effects? Increased self confidence and growth!

  7. #7
    ShnouzedUp's Avatar
    ShnouzedUp is offline Banned
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    Deep in some Guts!!! haha
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Testosterone
    Thx man for ur service in Iraq. Alright I am about to get flamed for this but if you absolutely, positively dont want to use needles it is possible to run Dbol alone. This is your first cycle right?

    My first cycle was Dbol alone and I gained 14 lbs. Of course, Dianabol is one of the all-time best bulkers and you should begin to feel its effects within 72 hours.

    Use a dose of 30 mg a day and space the pills appx. 4 hours apart. Some reccomend taking with food but I cant even tolerate some vitamins without food and Dbol never bothered my stomach in the least.

    Sides well thats an individual thing and those new to steroids tend to overplay that. (Just read any mainstream media story on anabolics to see what I mean> lol) But since Dianabol causes a fair amount of water retention some experience bloating and Ive personally experienced intense lower back cramps. Also like any AAS you may experience testicular shrinkage and gyno.

    Dont let that scare you though imo. The good effects? Increased self confidence and growth!
    horrible advice bro! the guy just got back from iraq where he was recovering from an injury! I'm sorry but you just don't decide one day that you wanna start bulkin up again, and think about throwin in some dbol to go with it..

    bro, listen to me... get back in the gym gradually.. focus on your diet and various training methods and get to know your body.. learn what makes it grow before you go and do something dumb and that you will regret... I'll say it again.. stick around and research.. specially the diet and training forums.. You'll be much happier for it.... also you need to learn about PCT, so jump in that forum as well...

  8. #8
    cutting_king's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ShnouzedUp
    oh yeah, and... if your not ready for needles your not ready for gear, period. just stick around and ask questions, and read through all the forums... you'll learn a lot, and one day think back to this and laugh wondering to yourself.. what was i thinking??? good luck on your journey bro! and welcome back home.
    i have to disagree. maybe if he was getting into professional BB then he would have to look into injectables but for bulking purposes an oral only cycle can be effective. i.e. t-bol. not that i'm saying he should do this but not all users have to inject. different people have different goals

  9. #9
    bmoore is offline Junior Member
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    ive been in the gym while i was in Iraq, and they fed us pretty good, iam back home now on guard status, so iam ready to bulk up. i put on a few pounds, and ive heard the DIANABOL will help cut the fat also, is this true ?

    Since iam back home, there is no need for active duty drug teast every 6 months, the guard never does.

    Ive heard that a person can use DIANABOL only, and a person should take some type of liver pills also with it, to help strengthen it...


  10. #10
    bmoore is offline Junior Member
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    iam not in professional bodybuilding, dont get me wrong i enjoy watching the competitions.

    i want to bulk up for myself, and cut bodyfat, i have no one to impress but myself only..


  11. #11
    Milky87 is offline Member
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    10 - 20mgs ED.

    If you dont want bloat, take liquidex at 0.25mgs ED with it.

    Take Milk Thistl at ~1g ED tohelp protect your liver

  12. #12
    jayheero is offline Banned
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    dbol as a cutter is a no no anyways thanks for your service bro in iraq we canadians appreciate big brother keeping us safe thanks.

  13. #13
    bmoore is offline Junior Member
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    its just that i have been wanting to bulk up for quite some time, and i have had people tell me that DIANABOL was the best ROID to do the job, is this true.

    and thank you for saying what you said about my service in Iraq...


  14. #14
    Booz's Avatar
    Booz is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    i would not advocate using d-bol only...granted it will blow you up,but it will be mainly water and you will lose most if not all that you have gained........pointless imo!
    if you are dead set on doin an oral only and i do not advocate this as i personally would run a test base with everythin........get some t-bol or var....
    another thing mate if you are just getting back into the "game" so to speak it would be in your best interest to get some gym time under your belt before you jump onto anything........

    Remember.............for us to help you you need to help us....................stats and exp.........

    Source checks and Ugl's to be kept to PM's
    dont ask for source checks unless you have 100 posts/and 45 days minimum as a participating member.........

    Booz.. a long-standing member of the AR Police:

    sorry but absolutely no sources will be checked at this present time....

  15. #15
    goose is offline Banned
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    A good oral cycle with Dbol :

    Andriol : 600mg each day
    Dbol 20mg each day

    Hit this for 8 weeks you will get great results that you will keep,diet must be clean.

  16. #16
    farrebarre's Avatar
    farrebarre is offline Anabolic Member
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    the pros n vets have already said everything there is to say but i was just as afraid of needles as u are, but believe me after ur first shot it gets easier, now i love poking myself lol

  17. #17
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    if ur too skared of needles to use aas properly then using AAS shouldnt even be a thought in the back of your mind.

  18. #18
    bmoore is offline Junior Member
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    thanks for the info, i appreciate it, so while iam taking DIANABOL , what is the best i should be taking with it, i will be taking a liver boost/support . what other steroid should i be taking and how long with the DIANABOL, and what doses.


  19. #19
    Tren Bull's Avatar
    Tren Bull is offline Dbol Junkie
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    Quote Originally Posted by bmoore
    Sorry for asking a dumb question, but if i was to start back up lifting, and i want to get bulked up really quick, and i have DIANABOL allready, what is the best method to use , and what else would anyone suggest i use with it , what are the GOOD and BAD side effects of it. And what the best methods for using DIANABOL.

    Please keep in mind i cannot stand needles at all, so i would like to be able to use oral type steroids only.

    The reason why iam getting back into getting size and bulking up is, i just returned home from Iraq after a 2 year tour, plus i had some hospital stay due to being injured over there.

    any and all information would be helpful.

    thank you

    dianabol is the bomb bro. but you really should stack it with other types of gear that yield more keepable results. if you really are set on doing an oral only stack, then you could try running dbol /tbol/winni. btw if you are just getting back into lifting then you should wait for awhile before you hit up gear

  20. #20
    bmoore is offline Junior Member
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    ok, thank you. i appreciate it.


  21. #21
    BajanBastard is offline VET Retired
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    Quote Originally Posted by goose4
    A good oral cycle with Dbol :

    Andriol : 600mg each day
    Dbol 20mg each day

    Hit this for 8 weeks you will get great results that you will keep,diet must be clean.

  22. #22
    eljugo16's Avatar
    eljugo16 is offline Associate Member
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    i think a brother will die at 600mg a week

  23. #23
    Milky87 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by big k.l.g
    Goose said Andriol not Anadrol

  24. #24
    chess is offline New Member
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    you would proably do better with a legal designer steroid like phera-plex I hear people do good plus your not breaking the law which is important to military men In my opinion its proably better than d-bol because d-bol can cause estrogen proablems

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