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  1. #1
    BigDaddy2003's Avatar
    BigDaddy2003 is offline Junior Member
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    Progress on 1st cycle of Test E.

    Ok well after about 2 1/2 weeks i finnaly decided to make an entry of some sort listing my improvements on my first cycle. Although it has been roughly 3 weeks i am amazed in the gains i am experiencing. My most current stats are 6"2 (obviously havent grown anymore since 2 weeks ago) 293 lbs oddly enough i thought my BF was higher then it is but went and had a test done and came out around 19-20% BF yay me lost 5% BF and that was without any supplements, and 21 years of age. at the end of this cycle my goal is to be at or under 260 pounds, ive already purchased clen / T3 but after reading alot and researching on this website i think im gona wait a bit to add that in maybe after my pct is done..

    Anywhoo my first week 1/2 i spent so sore turning around to wipe became a accomplishment i was proud of for awhile but after that soreness was over thats when i started noticing gains.

    My current cycle consist of 2 1cc shots of Test E a week, 250 a shot, one on tuesday and the other on thursday i will continue this for a period of 10 weeks.
    Everyweek im gona list my workout and the gains ive made on each lift, fyi i am not listing my max on each lift i am just keeping track of my gains of how much weight i am adding and still being able to complete the 10 rep workout before failure. the gains listed below are from the start of the cycle to the current day.

    Day 1 - Chest, Biceps
    3 sets Bench Press 10 reps - start 155 current 185
    3 sets Incline Bench 10 reps start 135 current 165
    3 sets Dips 10 reps (was using assisted dips but changed to body weight only yay me!!)
    3 sets Barbell Curls 10 reps (started out on a curling bar at 50 lbs current 70
    3 sets Dumbbell Curls 10 reps - started 30 current 40

    Day 2 - Thighs
    3 sets Squats 10 reps (Due to bad back i am cutting this workout out of my training and just going to work my a#$ off on leg presses)
    3 sets Leg Press 10 reps (im not sure how much to factor in for the machine itself but im just going to list the amount of weights from the plates by thereself started around 600 currently sitting at just under 800 (this was my most impressive gain!!)
    3 sets Leg Curls 10 reps - uggh crap cant remember the weight but i went up 40 pounds on this lift

    Day 3 - Shoulder, Tricep
    3 sets Presses behind neck 10 reps - started 70 currently 100
    3 sets Upright Row 10 reps started at 80 currently at 100
    3 sets side laterals 10 reps i hate these things but only a 5 pounds increase
    3 sets lying tricep press 10 reps started using 40 pound DB currently at 50
    3 sets tricep pulley pushdown 10 reps started at 115 currently at 145

    my workout consist of 4 days on and 1 day off so i will list my 4th day tomorrow and see what kind of gains ive gotten on those.

    also just a question to the pros out there cause this seems kinda off to me.
    i have been doing a low carb diet with lots of cardio trying to shed some extra weight during my cycle. yes i realize its one or the other but some loss is better then nothing right. so anyway to the question, for the first week or so i didnt gain/loose any weight at all but come 2nd week and into 2 1/2 now i have been fluctuating weight by upto 10 pounds or more per day!! could this just be water weight? just seemed kinda odd to me ive never seen someone fluctuate 10 lbs in on day alone on water weight.

    Anywhoo feel free to comment and tell me if you think i should add or remove lifts from my workout, And thanks in advance to everyone.

  2. #2
    pmorris is offline Associate Member
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    cool i will be watching, but shouldnt this be in members cycle results section

  3. #3
    Liftnainez's Avatar
    Liftnainez is offline Banned
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    Not to bust your bubble but i HIGHLY doubt you lost 5% bodyfat in 2 weeks.. actually I know you didnt.. there must be a glitch in the system you used to determine this.. and at almost 300lbs and only benching 155- 185?? not to rag on you but that seems VERYYYY low.. ?????

  4. #4
    Liftnainez's Avatar
    Liftnainez is offline Banned
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    and i didnt see a back day there.. did you leave that out purposely??

  5. #5
    BigDaddy2003's Avatar
    BigDaddy2003 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Liftnainez
    Not to bust your bubble but i HIGHLY doubt you lost 5% bodyfat in 2 weeks.. actually I know you didnt.. there must be a glitch in the system you used to determine this.. and at almost 300lbs and only benching 155- 185?? not to rag on you but that seems VERYYYY low.. ?????
    To respond to you saying that gain is low, i suffered an injurey in my left arm about 2 years ago, now this injurey did recovery fairly quickly but ive always been afraid to put and extreme amount of pressure on it so i am taking it very slow when it comes to benching and making sure i have a spotter with me.

    to answer both of ur questions hell no i didnt do this in 2 weeks i started cardio and busting my a#$ off in the gym months before i even started my first cycle im just proud to have dropped that 5% and yes i did leave the back workout out of it because that is tommorow :P which will be listed when i get my gains.

  6. #6
    big&tall's Avatar
    big&tall is offline Associate Member
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    keep the hard work up it will pay off

  7. #7
    Liftnainez's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigDaddy2003
    To respond to you saying that gain is low, i suffered an injurey in my left arm about 2 years ago, now this injurey did recovery fairly quickly but ive always been afraid to put and extreme amount of pressure on it so i am taking it very slow when it comes to benching and making sure i have a spotter with me.

    to answer both of ur questions hell no i didnt do this in 2 weeks i started cardio and busting my a#$ off in the gym months before i even started my first cycle im just proud to have dropped that 5% and yes i did leave the back workout out of it because that is tommorow :P which will be listed when i get my gains.
    I see.. yea i was going to say lol.. 5% in 2 weeks.. good job and continue the hard work.. it will pay off... good luck

  8. #8
    Weegiebol is offline Associate Member
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    Well done mate, and good luck with the rest of your cycle - maybe split up the shots a bit more though, instead of tuesday/thursday do tuesday am / friday pm - will give you a more stable blood level of gear throughout the week

  9. #9
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    you really dont need AAS for what you doing at all..

  10. #10
    BigDaddy2003's Avatar
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    Today i realized that being extremly sore in the gym that i needed to throw my self an extra rest day 4 days on and 1 day off seem to be to much at once so i am going to be adjusting this slightly and turning it into a 2 day on and 1 day off to give my body that extra beauty sleep. once again i am very happy with my gains as of only2 1/2 weeks into my cycle, although i have noticed very minimal physical changes to my body i think i am begging to retain some water weight i gained (according the scale) 10 pounds in 2 days. i highly doubt i put on that much muscle that fast so any suggestions for reducing that water weight? i was thinking of just taking some water pills but im not sure if that would cut it.

    Day 4 - Back, Calves
    3 sets Chins 10 reps - was using assisted around 80 lbs (currently assisted at 50 lbs)
    3 sets lat pull to neck 10 reps - started at 115 currently at 145
    3 sets barbell bentover row 10 reps - currently at 150
    3 sets seated cable row 10 reps - cant remember what i started at currently at 145
    3 sets standing calf raise 20 reps started at 245 currently at 300 (could do more but machine stops at 300 so i guess more reps?)
    3 sets seated calf raise 20 reps currently at 300 on this as well, poor machine just cant keep up with me hahaha, more reps again.

    i know posting the amount of weight im using may seem kinda weird... but that said i used to power lift so keeping track of what weight im using is sort of a habbit and on top of that it helps me remember to add more next time i go cause i got a crappy memory lol... (its that "Old Timers" disease)
    Last edited by BigDaddy2003; 04-29-2006 at 11:01 PM.

  11. #11
    BigDaddy2003's Avatar
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    yes i edited my own reply because i am horrible at remembering what i originnaly wanted to post in the first place :P

  12. #12
    BigDaddy2003's Avatar
    BigDaddy2003 is offline Junior Member
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    Bump... no ideas for the water weight anyone? i weighed myself last night and again this morning i gained 10 lbs last night and according to the scale i dropped 5 pounds over night.... lol i dont think thats normal anyone go any ideas of why i am fluctuating?
    Last edited by BigDaddy2003; 04-30-2006 at 08:06 AM.

  13. #13
    brutesinme's Avatar
    brutesinme is offline Member
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    what are water pills? are you taking your ancilliary products? l-dex helps control the bloat

  14. #14
    BigDaddy2003's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by brutesinme
    what are water pills? are you taking your ancilliary products? l-dex helps control the bloat
    im taking nolva 10mcg a day, but water pills such as "Expel" is what i am taking as of today and that drasticly reduces water retention under skin. gona see if that works.

  15. #15
    Cfh_Y_guy's Avatar
    Cfh_Y_guy is offline Junior Member
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    letro should dry you right up, also diet is a very important in how much water you will retain keep the carbs clean buddy or you'll end up losing weight like a grocery bag full of water with a hole in it.

  16. #16
    BigDaddy2003's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cfh_Y_guy
    letro should dry you right up, also diet is a very important in how much water you will retain keep the carbs clean buddy or you'll end up losing weight like a grocery bag full of water with a hole in it.
    thanks for the advice.. im going to try this expell for a few more days its worked for me in the past but if it doesent cut it i will get some letro and add it into my cycle.

    but as for the carbs, i have a really low intake of carbs atm i am cutting most of those out to speed up fat burning during workouts.

  17. #17
    Weegiebol is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigDaddy2003
    Bump... no ideas for the water weight anyone? i weighed myself last night and again this morning i gained 10 lbs last night and according to the scale i dropped 5 pounds over night.... lol i dont think thats normal anyone go any ideas of why i am fluctuating?
    Are you putting the scales in the same place each time you weigh yourself?? you get variation in readings if u don't mate. Also, how good are they?? get a reasonably expensive set and they'll be more accurate.

  18. #18
    BigDaddy2003's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Weegiebol
    Are you putting the scales in the same place each time you weigh yourself?? you get variation in readings if u don't mate. Also, how good are they?? get a reasonably expensive set and they'll be more accurate.
    i thought it might be accuracy of the scale.... but i wasnt sure as for the the same spot yes it never moves so i dont think thats a problem.
    the scale supports well upto 380 pounds... alot more then i weight so it should accurate.

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