Whats crackin' fellas....I'm sure you get this question all the time so I hope it's not to much trouble to help me out...I know you were all first timers once.
I'm 5'10 200 lbs and wanna be a solid 185 lbs ... For my first cycle i wanna shread right up so focus on definition and muscle density.....and I also wanted to Stack...again sorry if my terminology is off i'm still new but i've been doing my homework and will continue reading up on this. I've been informed by those gone before me to try a stack of DECA and WINNI V using clomid after to combat gyno and water retention(I definitly don't want to retain water or be plagued with gyno) again excuse my terminology if it's off.....Hopefully you all may have some other stacks for me to try and it would be greatly appreciated. Also test enanthate was another I could use.
Thanks so much for your time and info guys
All the best.