yo,str8 up...I cant really feel my pinga or ''phalice'' Im feeling impotent and w/really know no sex drive whatso ever!!! Im on my 2 cycle -2nd month of:500mgs of deca and 500mgs of test! I think I ****ed up cus I didnt wait long enough for my own test levels to come b4 starting this cycle,AND I TOOK NO PCT!!!! SO...basically the deca really crippled me (my own fault no less) I know...Im a fukin dumbass but NOw My real concern is: Is this a temporary thing until I finish this cycle and my own test recuperates or am I doomed forever!!!??? I stopped taking the deca ( I dont want that shit still roaming in my system any longer) I have nolvadex for after and Im taking teretris tribulus and as far as my gains-Im not getting a whole lot bigger for the reasons stated above. so should I even continue the test or am I doing more harm than good prolonging my own LH levels to reform!! IM trying to see if I could get my hands on hcg but that shit is pretty expense ----I heard that shit drops ur balls on the spot w/e.I know Im an asshole but live and learn...