hey guys, i was thinking of doing test E for 12 weeks. this will be my first cycle. i was going to start at like 300 for the first couple weeks and then build up to 500 and then back down before i quit (250/mg/ml). gonna do clomid for the pct. I had a few questions about side effects though.

whats the best way to avoid stretch marks besides not doing roids and not growing too quick. how do you keep yourself from growing too fast? are there creams or tipcals you can put on? also, on a simple cycle like this can i count on my voice getting deeper at all? i am a singer and i like my voice where it is, so id want to know if there was going to be a big change or something very small and not really noticable. and what about acne? is that pretty common or it just depends on who you are?