OK, first of all this is not my first cycle. My first cycle was Test E , 400mg/wk for 12 weeks and proper PCT foloowing. Honestly, strength gains were good and all, but i hated the sides and just the overall feeling while on it. Yes, everyone responds different, but i just didnt care for it, maybe just bc it was my first cycle.

I want to give Equipoise a go stacked with Winstrol to give me quality, steady gains and lose a bit of remaining body fat. I have researched tons on this site before I actually registered, however, every EQ thread i found always ended up in a "test or no cycle" conclusion. I DO NOT want to run any kind of test in this cycle. I am not looking for huge, sheer mass right now, which is why i chose and planned this cycle. ANY SUGGESTIONS or OPINIONS would be great. Thanks.

1 - EQ 400 mg/WK
2 - EQ 400 mg/WK
3 - EQ 400 mg/WK
4 - EQ 400 mg/WK
5 - EQ 400 mg/WK
6 - EQ 400 mg/WK, Winstrol 50 mg/ED
7 - EQ 400 mg/WK, Winstrol 50 mg/ED
8 - EQ 400 mg/WK, Winstrol 50 mg/ED
9 - EQ 400 mg/WK, Winstrol 50 mg/ED
10 - EQ 400 mg/WK, Winstrol 50 mg/ED
11 - EQ 400 mg/WK, Winstrol 50 mg/ED
12 - EQ 400 mg/WK, Winstrol 50 mg/day, HCG 3000iu/5 days
13 - ..................... Winstrol 50 mg/day, HCG 3000iu/5 days
14 - ................................................ HCG 1500iu/5 days, Nolva 40mg/day
15 - ................................................ HCG 1500iu/5 days, Nolva 30mg/day
16 - .................................................. ......................... Nolva 20mg/day
17 - .................................................. ......................... Nolva 20mg/day