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  1. #1
    Random is offline RETIRED VET
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    Andriol Discussion: Calling Goose, Marcus, Vitor...

    Guys, just creating some discussion for those people who havent tried Andriol ...personally i havent tried it but was curious on a couple things...i know you guys like this product even though many people on the board dont use it...from what ive read it seems like it would be worth it when considering oral only cycles if you can run it at appropriate doses (240mg minimum per day)...

    Personally i love everyday injections but...

    Are there any advantages to using Andriol compared to injectable test? Personally i get No Side Effects from using Test Prop...

    Would you avoid getting higher blood pressure using Andriol vs Inj. Test?

    Why do you guys like it so much compared to any other test?...thanks for any input....i just see hundreds of Tbol threads and oral only cycles and figured it would create some good discussion for those considering oral only cycles. I did a Var cycle which many people know about and had great results but i wouldnt do another oral only cycle unless im doing another experiment, but i am definitely curious about Andriol in the future....

  2. #2
    goose is offline Banned
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    Well ever heard that saying test is test? I think that applies for Andriol but it`s Slightly more Intricate than that.I have only two andriol cycles under my belt and I loved it!! They were both cutting cycles and I would never consider this ASS for bulking Purposes, however,for cutting it`s pure class.I don`t even use an anti E,as I understand my Vunrabilty with gyno. At the same time, you have the distinct advantage of taking a steroid that doesn't aromatize at doses around 10 caps, so there is no need to add Nolvadex or Proviron to the mix. That's the problem with a lot of drugs that require an accompaniment of anti-estrogen compounds; they can cause a film of water to appear on an otherwise contest-ready physique because of the estrogenic element.So this really helps you give you that ripped look,mix it with primo,masteron and HGH at 12iu each day will produce Thrilling results.I have read studies that show it helps with blood pressure.I would still Recommend test prop over andriol.This is the most interesting thing I have noticed,the Following bulk cycles with test prop my body repondered very well,I always like to not repeat drugs in a following cycle as much as I can,when I started to do this my gains continued to shine.Ever used drol or winny in back to back cycles? I can tell you useless.Can you give me a straight face and tell me that if you run Dbol in the first 4 weeks and then the last 4 weeks of a cycle you will get the identical results from Dbol,NO WAY.The problem with this board is most people have never used many drugs like andriol,and think reading literature they have an Sophisticated idea on the drug,these people make me sick.I could go on on andriol but I have meal 6 to eat.

  3. #3
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    I am a lover of andriol for many reasons. No noticble sides,easy on the body, fantastic results.....etc etc. The best advise I can give you is that if you can get hold of it then try it,you may never look back!

  4. #4
    Random is offline RETIRED VET
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    Goose great explanation, Thanks Xtralarg also for the comments, im looking to get some soon for the future...

    hey Xtralarg did you use it for a cutter or bulker?

  5. #5
    goose is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by xtralarg
    I am a lover of andriol for many reasons. No noticble sides,easy on the body, fantastic results.....etc etc. The best advise I can give you is that if you can get hold of it then try it,you may never look back!

    Well looks like your going to join this big party With me marcus and vitor,Lot`s of andriol and lot`s of party girls.It`s quite Puzzling as you really feel like your on test,nothing like the injects,I feel it`s Associated with the very short half-life,this is another factor it`s produces no water.Once I was on one cap per hour it was to much I had to reduce the dose,I was nearly being accused of rape by my lady.Anyway this is an example of the the party we will have in mosside:
    Last edited by Booz; 06-24-2006 at 03:01 PM.

  6. #6
    Random is offline RETIRED VET
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    I feel it`s Associated with the very short half-life,this is another factor it`s produces no water
    Wow, no water? So you would use it for contest prep then?

  7. #7
    goose is offline Banned
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    I feel the more you cycle the less sides you have with water,not saying I don`t get water.You got it dude,that`s WHY this is the test of my choice in cutting,NO WATER.If you wanted to concrete this you could add Proviron ,that`s all you need.It takes so much pressure from you when your cutting,as water is one of the possible sides that can creep up on you,even destroy you.I added winny at 200mg for the last 4 weeks of my cutting cycle and can tell you I added 3 pounds of LBM in that time frame,very dry,very lean.It has one side effect that was Apparent with me that it increase`s Appetite,and when your having to consume food with every dose (a big mistake people do on andriol ) you start to have trouble with added calories that can add fat.You have a couple ways round this but no need to Discuss this as not many suffer from this,that I know.
    Last edited by goose; 06-22-2006 at 04:30 PM.

  8. #8
    Booz's Avatar
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    E London,no SOURCES given
    do not listen to the parrots on boards such as this,try it out for yourself and make your own mind up..............
    i have never used it myself but know Goose and Large quite well and i would listen to them on this.......................

    Remember.............for us to help you you need to help us....................stats and exp.........

    Source checks and Ugl's to be kept to PM's
    dont ask for source checks unless you have 100 posts/and 45 days minimum as a participating member.........

    Booz.. a long-standing member of the AR Police:

    sorry but absolutely no sources will be checked at this present time....

  9. #9
    goose is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Booz
    do not listen to the parrots on boards such as this,try it out for yourself and make your own mind up..............
    i have never used it myself but know Goose and Large quite well and i would listen to them on this.......................

    I love booz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    When we win the world cup,I`m going to take you out drinking and FCK your cutting cycle up

  10. #10
    Random is offline RETIRED VET
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    Goose, sounds like a great compound instead of prop, i could use andriol the whole way till the show and would you recommend it? also

    whats the shut down like? what would a basic PCT be for andriol at 250-300mg per day? Thats great that it doesnt aromatize easily....

    how many mg do you use per day?

  11. #11
    goose is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by CaptainDominate
    Goose, sounds like a great compound instead of prop, i could use andriol the whole way till the show and would you recommend it? also

    whats the shut down like? what would a basic PCT be for andriol at 250-300mg per day? Thats great that it doesnt aromatize easily....

    how many mg do you use per day?

    Well when marcus comes into play he can expand as he like`s to mix both,andriol and prop at a lower dose (I think),so you get the best of both worlds yet reducing water issues.Another great thing is andriol will not shut you down even at extreme doses like other tests so PCT is super Friendly.All you need is nolva at 20mg each day for 4 weeks.

  12. #12
    Random is offline RETIRED VET
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    Another great thing is andriol will not shut you down even at extreme doses like other tests so PCT is super Friendly.All you need is nolva at 20mg each day for 4 weeks.
    That would be amazing if the shut down is low like you say! then i could fit more cycles in!!!!

    Would you Ever use it in a bulker?

  13. #13
    Random is offline RETIRED VET
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    Oh and how many MG you use per day Goose?

  14. #14
    goose is offline Banned
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    Andriol has a very short half-life,so it`s one of the best tests for drug tests,I think at doses around 320mg,yes you could,but I can`t be 100% Certain on your body,as you have had no Experience with andriol,but just evaluate before hand so you have time to adjust things if needed when on cycle.

  15. #15
    Random is offline RETIRED VET
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    Very interesting....yea ive heard of spreading out the does throughout the day...and its still very effective even though you wouldnt get a dose in during sleep....?

  16. #16
    goose is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by CaptainDominate
    Oh and how many MG you use per day Goose?

    So Combining it with ASS,like VAR,EQ,halo,Winny,Tbol,Dbol ,Primo you will not theortically get shut down,especially if you only do shorter cycles like me.Marcus has used it for bulking,so it`s best if he comments on that,dose thing is very Personal,I mean I got like 60 bottles a while back,and I felt like a junkie The max I did was one cap per hour while being awake,including when I went to have a piss at night when I was a sleep,I would down 3 with a banna Don`t try this at home........

  17. #17
    Random is offline RETIRED VET
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    Yea man i like short cycles myself too...ill definitely be jumping on this party!

  18. #18
    goose is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by CaptainDominate
    Yea man i like short cycles myself too...ill definitely be jumping on this party!

    That`s it dude,cycles around 6 weeks are the best,only makes sence,attack hard then defend your body,give your receptors 10 weeks break,and every cycle you will respond well.That`s the common mistake people make,using juice for to long,you end up doing crazy doses for mild results.

  19. #19
    Random is offline RETIRED VET
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    Yea good call...hope to hear from Vitor and Marcus too...see if they have anything to add...this just seems like a much better option for those who run Tbol or Dbol only for 10 plus wks....much safer too

  20. #20
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    One of the best cutting cycles I have ever done was Andriol ,prop,tren and masteron ....awsome.
    I have used andriol on its own for a cutter as well,i ran it at about 400mg ed and the results were noting short of amazing,no water just hard vascular results......just how i like it!

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by goose4
    Well looks like your going to join this big party With me marcus and vitor,Lot`s of andriol and lot`s of party girls.It`s quite Puzzling as you really feel like your on test,nothing like the injects,I feel it`s Associated with the very short half-life,this is another factor it`s produces no water.Once I was on one cap per hour it was to much I had to reduce the dose,I was nearly being accused of rape by my lady.Anyway this is an example of the the party we will have in mosside:
    Count me in....just a word of warning though, watch your back if Marcus is there.....hes what you might call a 'back door specialist'
    Last edited by Booz; 06-24-2006 at 03:00 PM.

  22. #22
    AleX-69's Avatar
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    Well i am not gonna argue with goose on this one as he has tried andriol himself, and personal expierence counts more than studies, but keep in mind that andriol has a bioavalibilty of 3,8% (in women - don't ask why they test women ) compared to test E. That is very disapointing in my eyes...

    To equal a 250mg Test E injection E7D you would have to take over 24caps of andriol ED. mhhh....

    Quote Originally Posted by goose4

    When we win the world cup,....
    .... Germany will win the world cup.. everyone knows that nowadays, geez..

  23. #23
    vitor is offline Anabolic Member
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    From my expirience, the advantage Andriol has over the injectables, is that it doesnt exhibit the dergree of LH and FSH supression that the esters does. So recovery will be more rapid, and like goose said, aromatazion is minimal with this compound. It rarely leads to water-retinsion, gyno or high BP. And then comes the "wild" libido, nothing ive used will increase sex-drive more...

    Ive used Andriol(480mgs) with Primo and winny, in a lean bulker, nice combo.

  24. #24
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    First off andriol is a good compound if its used correctly, to many people have no idea how to get the full benefit out of this drug, a high dose is needed and a constant supply of the drug every 2hours or even hour is needed throughout the day and even night, this is one of the down sides to Andriol the constantly taking the caps, some people say why bother why not just inject twice a week and get the same results, answer is the results are not the same, if this drug works with you will never look back,

    Even with the high dose and believe me ive done a wide range of dosages with Andriol, the sides are zero,no bloat,no blood pressure, suppression minimal,no gyno even if some feel some sides they can be easily controlled with adding certain products,

    Results with Andriol are related to how you stack it and use it with other compounds, the quality and the finish to the muscle is second to none, if the right compounds are used results can be amazing, ive had shocking results when mixed with compounds what work well together, ive had a good 3-5lbs of clean hard muscle tissue from using andriol in the right stack and the gains are very easy to maintain because what you build you keep, no water weight just muscle,

    Ive used it cutting cycles and bulkers and even had colleagues use it right up to a show date without any kind of problems, ive even tried it by itself, even tho i did like it i would prefer to use it within a cycle and stack, i am not saying this is a wonder drug by any means ive known a few who didn't like it and didn't even respond to good but the majority who use it correctly do experience good quality muscle gains without any major sides,

    you can replace the main test in any cycle or you can combine the two, i would try both ways and see which one you respond the best to, OK this compound is expensive and its one hell of a pain taking the caps throughout the day and night but, and i mean BUT, if this drug reacts with you the quality of the muscle is worth every penny or heartache taking it,
    i would say the dose would have to be around 10-15 caps a day to get the full benefit from this drug, ive even done higher and still didn't experience any kind of sides,

    One of the sides or advantages of using this drug is the FEELING you produce while taking it, i cant really describe it, the sex drive is out of this world, the feeling of well being is amazing, the feel good factor is better than any other kind of test around, you just feel like 10 men, every morning you wake up its a wonderful day, the erection throughout the day can be very embarrassing but the overall feeling is the best and nothing comes close, also the suppression/shutdown is light recover is easy and you bounce back quicker than normal, ive got a study somewhere what was done in England for which was the best test for HRT and Andriol came out on top, it widely used in England, i will see if i can find it and post it its interesting reading,

    I think its worth a try for anybody, if it works you will be very pleased with the results.

  25. #25
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    Hi,i will do shortly my first cycle...i have here andriol a feew boxes enough for taking 6 tabs(40mgs) a day for 10 weeks,and i have 15 omnadren ampuolesi would like to take 2 ampoules in one week and in the ohter just one/week and alternating this untill 10 weeks.Marcus in another andriol thread told me to take just one compund at the first cycle and take just omnadren.But im asking why,omna contaigns 4 esters of test,whats worng if i add the andriol to be the 5th ester of test?Maybee Marcus or another vet will enlighten me,thanks.

  26. #26
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by R69
    Hi,i will do shortly my first cycle...i have here andriol a feew boxes enough for taking 6 tabs(40mgs) a day for 10 weeks,and i have 15 omnadren ampuolesi would like to take 2 ampoules in one week and in the ohter just one/week and alternating this untill 10 weeks.Marcus in another andriol thread told me to take just one compund at the first cycle and take just omnadren.But im asking why,omna contaigns 4 esters of test,whats worng if i add the andriol to be the 5th ester of test?Maybee Marcus or another vet will enlighten me,thanks.
    best thing to do is start your own thread,

  27. #27
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    Its an andriol discussion thread,why my post dont have place in here?Ok,sorry for disturbing...

  28. #28
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by R69
    Its an andriol discussion thread,why my post dont have place in here?Ok,sorry for disturbing...
    This is not your thread, i would start a new one and post your stats and training experience and your question, thats correct its a discussion on andriol if you have a question start your own thread, we could take 10 post to find out stats and so on then the topic as gone

  29. #29
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    I'm midway through my first cycle of Test E 500 only. Andriol sounds exciting and I'd be interested in running it next as a cutter.

    Marcus made it very clear that not everyone gets results from it, but that those who run it properly tend to do best. That is what I'm asking here...Please outline the specific protocol based on my cycle history and goals (Test E 500, cutting):

    1. What cycle combo would be recommended based on the above info (second cycle, cutting)?
    2. How would this cycle look (duration, doses, PCT)?
    3. And what would the consumption protocol be (total ED mgs, hourly dose split, night doses, etc.)?


  30. #30
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    I've used it a few times and the only things I really noticed are extremely increased hunger. I was hungry pretty much every hour regardless of what I ate. Other then that great pumps at the gym and some slight strength increases. That's at a dose of I believe 10-12 caps I day I was using at the time. I would definitly use it again but only as an additive to compliment the rest of my cycle, not as a base. However, I would only get it again if I found a really good deal on it, as anywhere i've seen, even including in mexico is far too much for what it's worth imo.

  31. #31
    Random is offline RETIRED VET
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    Marcus, Ejuicer: great posts guys....definitely seems worth it to me...

    so guys how would you split the doses throughout the night?

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ejuicer
    I've used it a few times and the only things I really noticed are extremely increased hunger. I was hungry pretty much every hour regardless of what I ate. Other then that great pumps at the gym and some slight strength increases. That's at a dose of I believe 10-12 caps I day I was using at the time. I would definitly use it again but only as an additive to compliment the rest of my cycle, not as a base. However, I would only get it again if I found a really good deal on it, as anywhere i've seen, even including in mexico is far too much for what it's worth imo.
    Ejuicer, Thats a new one on me, never experineced an increased appetite with Andriol , how did you split the dose up?

  33. #33
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    Are my questions so stupid as to generate no response?
    A fella could really feel unloved around here.

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300
    Ejuicer, Thats a new one on me, never experineced an increased appetite with Andriol, how did you split the dose up?
    Spread out over 3 even doses throughout the day, nothing during the night like goose mentioned.
    The appetite I had on it was stronger then from anything else i've ever used. After an hour from the time I ate I would feel like I hadn't eaten in days. That's the main reason I would ever use it again is just to help with getting in large amounts of calories while bulking.

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300
    First off andriol is a good compound if its used correctly, to many people have no idea how to get the full benefit out of this drug, a high dose is needed and a constant supply of the drug every 2hours or even hour is needed throughout the day and even night, this is one of the down sides to Andriol
    I'd be interested to try using it that way whenever I end up using it again. I'm curios what real differences there would be between every 3-4 hours and once an hour.

  36. #36
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ejuicer
    Spread out over 3 even doses throughout the day, nothing during the night like goose mentioned.
    The appetite I had on it was stronger then from anything else i've ever used. After an hour from the time I ate I would feel like I hadn't eaten in days. That's the main reason I would ever use it again is just to help with getting in large amounts of calories while bulking.
    interesting that, never experienced that at all with Andriol , if you do ever try it again please try splitting the dose up alot more throughout the day, i found this to be far better for results,

    Sounds a good side effect to have an increased appetite especially in the right cycle.

  37. #37
    vitor is offline Anabolic Member
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    marcus300- When you use Andriol , do you get up every 2-hours at night aswell, to get full advantage of the halv-live?

    I only did that during the day, so I guess there where a few hours at night I had no Test in me, but still liked it alot...

  38. #38
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vitor
    marcus300- When you use Andriol , do you get up every 2-hours at night aswell, to get full advantage of the halv-live?

    I only did that during the day, so I guess there where a few hours at night I had no Test in me, but still liked it alot...
    It was a experiment vitor, i normally get up during the night about 2-3 times to go to the toilet and for a protein drink anyway, been doing this for years so it wasn't hard to just drop some caps down the hatch, guess what it blow my head off, results were better and the feeling was bad so so bad,

    Depending what dose i would be on i would just split it evenly up throughout the day and night, it wasn't a problem to me, but i know it seems like alot of hassle for some when they can just use a long ester twice a week, i know Andriol is a form of test but it does feel different, i rate it because it works wonders on me.
    Last edited by marcus300; 06-23-2006 at 10:55 AM.

  39. #39
    Random is offline RETIRED VET
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    Yea i wonder how much of a difference it would make to take it every 3 hours while sleeping....?

  40. #40
    Random is offline RETIRED VET
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    When i use it ill definitely spread it out throughout the day and night, i think i plan to run 280mg ED...still kinda expensive though...

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