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  1. #41
    cutting_king's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anabolios
    so there are TWO guys in this thread using tbol when they could be better prepared otherwise? hmm maybe there is a misconception that since its mild that it shouldnt be taken as seriously as a steroid? either way i hope you guys get a LOT out of the cycle because you cant get your first cycle back
    I understand its frustrating for some of us more experienced users to see newbies doing things different than perhaps we would have advised of them but i think we could do with being a little bit more positive. i know a lot of what is being said is true but their choices have been made in this case and i think it would be helpful to give constructive feedback as opposed to pointing out flaws. i mean who here did their 1st cycle as they should have? not me. Just my opinion. keep up the good work. King

  2. #42
    Johny-too-small's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anabolios
    so there are TWO guys in this thread using tbol when they could be better prepared otherwise? hmm maybe there is a misconception that since its mild that it shouldnt be taken as seriously as a steroid? either way i hope you guys get a LOT out of the cycle because you cant get your first cycle back

    Let me explain myself to you before you make uneducated generalizations about me.

    Athletic background:
    I played competitive sports since I was eight. In high school, I lettered in 4 sports (wrestling, swimming [did them doth during the same season], baseball, football). I was looked at by UNC (wrestling) and trained with them for two weeks until an injury halted my career.

    Educational Background:
    BA in Film and Television Production; MBA in Architecture.

    Career Background:
    I own my own architectural business, which has grossed $158K this year (I work alone).

    I lost 35lbs last year and maintained my strength. I can bench 100lbs over my bodyweight and bench my weight over 20 times. I have spent at least two hours a day for the past month on this site reading all that I can. I have read two books by Craig Stevenson. My diet is a clean 3000-3500kcals a day.
    I have lifted my whole athletic life. Five years ago, I was 12% bf and weighed 198lbs natty. I lost it when I moved out of state and changed jobs.

    Yes, this is my first cycle. I choose Oral-Turinabol after evaluating my short term and long-term goals. I know what its effects are, its strengths and weaknesses as an aas, and I choose it out of all other aas' because I made an educated and personal decision for it. I have my pct dictated and on hand.

    I have changed nearly every aspect of my life (diet, rest, training, cardio..) around what I am doing right now. Obviously, I was not born with a needle in my ass, weighed 210, and had 6% b.f. so I have much to learn still and always will. I have taken a very humble approach to what I am doing.

    I will continue to ask for advice and seek answers to "stupid" questions, but I know a thing or two about self-education and practice. However, if there is some secret that I am oblivious to about my approach please tell me.

    I am not trying to sound like a jerk here, but just because I don’t have 1000 posts on this site does not mean I am stupid and not taking this “seriously.” There are way too many guys on this forum that are into ripping on bros and talking down to them with nothing more to offer. Why? Help a bro out once in a while, I do the same.


  3. #43
    Johny-too-small's Avatar
    Johny-too-small is offline Vive Memor Leti
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    Thanks, KING! Amen!

  4. #44
    gritt's Avatar
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    Nice, Johny.........important to keep things in perspective. There are so many different opinions about what is right and wrong that I like what most of the long term forum guys have to say about experimentation. That your homework, keep to your diet, workout, etc. and keep your cycles simple with good PCT until you really know what you want, need and have figured your goals.

    Looks like you have done that..........good luck and keep us posted.

  5. #45
    Natty99's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anabolios
    so there are TWO guys in this thread using tbol when they could be better prepared otherwise? hmm maybe there is a misconception that since its mild that it shouldnt be taken as seriously as a steroid? either way i hope you guys get a LOT out of the cycle because you cant get your first cycle back
    I'm not going to defend my position and or/decision on why I choose to use TBOL the first time around to somebody. I have my shi! together, I'm very dedicated and I'm having great results. I'm doing this for myself!

    Thanks for at least checking out my thread bro.

  6. #46
    Anabolios's Avatar
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    To johhny,natty,and cutting king...i am by no means an experienced steroid user and i did my first and only cycle to date my senior year in high school..BIG mistake..if i knew what i did now i couldve made that cycle much more effective...funny thing is i thought i researched enough but all thoise "steroid" sites are a joke their information is out of date and ridiculous for the most part...old profiles from the eighties and such..anyways i regret my cycle and i do not say dont cycle just to be a parrot..i just think that if i could stop someone from making the same mistake i made then itd be worth it..anyways not to bash you one bit..i really wish you the best on your cycle and if youre working hard without anabolics and that same work ethic carries over during your cycle..i think youll achieve your personal goals

    good luck

  7. #47
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    Thanks man. I appreciate it.

  8. #48
    Johny-too-small's Avatar
    Johny-too-small is offline Vive Memor Leti
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anabolios
    To johhny,natty,and cutting king...i am by no means an experienced steroid user and i did my first and only cycle to date my senior year in high school..BIG mistake..if i knew what i did now i couldve made that cycle much more effective...funny thing is i thought i researched enough but all thoise "steroid" sites are a joke their information is out of date and ridiculous for the most part...old profiles from the eighties and such..anyways i regret my cycle and i do not say dont cycle just to be a parrot..i just think that if i could stop someone from making the same mistake i made then itd be worth it..anyways not to bash you one bit..i really wish you the best on your cycle and if youre working hard without anabolics and that same work ethic carries over during your cycle..i think youll achieve your personal goals

    good luck
    Wow, thanks bro. That was really cool of you to say. Helps a lot.

  9. #49
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    Hows your gains going....

    Personally , every time I've ran tbol I didn't see nothing until week 3.

    Week 3 is when I felt strength increases aswell as some weight gain.
    My weight never really changed much, because I was cutting. I maintained weight while losing BF.

  10. #50
    Natty99's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hellmask
    Hows your gains going....

    Personally , every time I've ran tbol I didn't see nothing until week 3.

    Week 3 is when I felt strength increases aswell as some weight gain.
    My weight never really changed much, because I was cutting. I maintained weight while losing BF.
    Gains began coming via strength and vascularity during week 2. I'm doing a clean bulk. I'm keeping my Calories right at or just above my maintenance level.

    All my lifts are up roughly 20-25%. I definately see the results in the mirror.

  11. #51
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    Day 29 - Pumps still fantastic. Body is definately leaning out Gains are still coming. Sides: None. Weight: 203

  12. #52
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    Day 31 - Lifts up from last week slightly. Vascualrity is getting crazy. Veins are coming up close to skins surface everywhere. Chest is widening out considerably. Slight stretch marks in arm pit beginning. Lats have also widened out quite a bit. Sides: Little tired during afternoon. Weight: 203

  13. #53
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    Day 36 - Strength gains are finally begining to level off. Still having fantastic workouts. Insane power is just not there anymore. Pumps are still great. Six more days! Sides: None Weight: 205

  14. #54
    Johny-too-small's Avatar
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    I am on day 21. Weight: 180lbs. I started at 165lbs and I think much of the gain has come from eating much more clean and working out smarter (natty). This is my first cycle and I have changed everything I do in a positive way around it.

    PROS: Vascularity (shoulders and lower abs) is increasing, strength is way up. Body is becoming much more defined. Nice and hard pumps. Horrid gas has gone away. Shoulders, legs, back show nice gains. Chest has widened but not thickened. Lower BF.

    CONS: Hair is starting to fall out. Very tired all the time, easily agitated, headaches linger, more trips to the toilet.

  15. #55
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    Day 42:

    Finished off my first cycle ! Put on apprx. 15 lbs of LBM. Strength gain leveled off in week 6. All in all a fantastic experience. Look much more muscular in the mirror. All muscles have grown substantially. Libido was amazing.

    Sides: Gas was definately awful, slight Lethargy, some irratability, slight increase in oily skin. Headaches subsided during wk.2

    Finishing Stats: 6'1.5", 204lbs, BF% ~18-20.

    Start Bench Max 195x1, Finish 215x4

    Thanks for everyones support along the way.

    I will continue to update this log throughout PCT. PCT is Nolva 20mgs ED for 2 wks.

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