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  1. #1
    Tank75 is offline Associate Member
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    Pushing through Prop Pain...

    Hello All,

    I am currently on Test Prop (75mg eod and planning to go up to 100mg eod) and I am having mixed feelings about the results that I am getting. In terms of increases in size and strength I am feeling pretty great... I was always naturally bigger and stronger than anyone I ever knew, but I worked hard to get this way. Now that I am on my first cycle, I am more developed than I have ever been before and this is all great.

    However, with the frequent injections, it just gets to be very painful. My question is whether or not it is okay to lift through this pain. I would imagine that it is all part working with Prop and you would need to lift hard to get the benefits of the anabolics, but is there any risks of working hard when you're really sore from injections. Do injections increase chances of muscle tears or strains? I inject mainly in my quads and glutes, but have had to add lats and perhaps delts in the near future. My legs just really hurt and I do not feel like I am getting as strong with my lower body as I am in my upper body because I'm nervous about working my legs hard when they hurt so much.

    So, you guys just keep lifting through the pain or should I change something up. Please do not get me wrong, I'm not some nancy looking for a handout with steroids ... I'll work through the pain, I just don't want to end up hurting myself.

    I'm 22 years old, 6'0", 270lbs 17-18%bf. My goals for this first cycle were to improve my size and strenght in order to obtain a certain sports scholarship that has been offered to me for the upcoming school year. Again, I'll work through the pain in order to get it, but I'll get nothing if I'm injured.

    Thanks for your help.
    Best Regards,

  2. #2
    G-1000's Avatar
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    Mix is with steril oil and it will be painless

  3. #3
    Njectable's Avatar
    Njectable is offline Member
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    i'm gonna be running prop next cycle too really looking forward to it but i'm hoping the pain isn't gonna be to bad,i'm homebrewing mine though. For you guys that homebrew do you still dilute the prop like UG lab prop to cut the pain? Or just shoot it the way it is once it's been converted?

  4. #4
    Timm1704's Avatar
    Timm1704 is offline Anabolic Member
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    work through the pain bro, it wont increase the risk of injury aslong as you keep an eye on your technique. i ran prop at 100mg ED for 10 weeks straight, and it was affecting my sleeping as i could barely move without some recently-injected muscle group hurting so bad. i never changed my training

  5. #5
    Logan13's Avatar
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    Test Prop pain-sticky it.

    Test Prop does NOT have to be painful:
    OK, one more time. Prop does not have to be painful. Limping throughout the day is not my idea of fun and it does hamper one's cycle results. Go with a prop that has an Ethyl Oleate base, examples of this are Farmak and Viromone. These props have absolutely zero pain. Do not listen to those who say so and so's prop isn't painful, if it's got BB and BA in it, it is painful. You can only go so low in the BB/BA % before you run the risk of bacteria and such thriving in your suspension. I am not just talking about the actual injection pain here, I'm talking about the muscle soreness for days after the injection. The only prop that will not cause injection pain or muscle soreness is one with an ethyl oleate base (period)! Should you decide to use an ethyl oleate based prop, use only B-D brand syringes as the Terumo syringes' rubber stoppers do not work well with ethyl oleate. Again, prop does not have to be painful.


    I can attribute 30 or more of my posts to giving this same information.
    Last edited by Logan13; 07-09-2006 at 02:18 PM.

  6. #6
    rise2gr8ness's Avatar
    rise2gr8ness is offline Junior Member
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    I use 25 gauge needles and keep my shots in my delts before leg day/days, some spots are easier than others, but for me It takes like 10 min of strentching and hot towels to ease up the tension in my quads after leg shots, and each day there after-

    so best advice do 1 leg shoot per week, either after you train legs or the next day. delt shots and tri's are smooth 4 me.

    what size neddle r u using?

  7. #7
    Tank75 is offline Associate Member
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    I'm using a 1.5" 23G needle.

    Damn Timm, 100mg/day for 10 weeks sounds intense to me. I suppose that if you can get through that then I can get through this. I may try some sterile oil and hopefully everything will work out. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't setting myself up for certain injury.

    Thanks for all of your input.
    Best Regards,

  8. #8
    CapnZ's Avatar
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    I'll have to check out the Ethyl oleate base. I just came off a 14 week with TPP (phenylprop and NPP. My first bottle of Phenylprop was at 100 mg / ml, and when I went to the second at 200 mg / ml - holy crap! I did Glutes, delts and quads and I was SORE for days - especailly the quads - so much that I eventually gave up on the quads as I was on an EOD schedule. I worked through it and that actually seemed to help - but sleeping some nights was amnd near impossible. Then an unknowing friend would walk up and smack you right in the delt, and you have to act like its no big deal when it hurts like hell....

  9. #9
    macktownmac's Avatar
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    for my first cycle i ran Prop 50mg prop ED for 10 weeks, i was using BD prop that shit was painful... once i couldnt walk for a few days after a quad shot went bad..
    Long story short.. mix in some sterile oil (i used grapeseed oil)into your syringe with the prop and it will be painless..

    I usually do a 1:1 ratio prop/oil

  10. #10
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    Prop ED Builds Character
    prop/b12. But truthfully id say just try and get through the pain. its really not that bad as long as you are performing a clean protocol on shots. So if you can figure to just get through the pain then do so but if not cut it with sterile oil or b12.

  11. #11
    KDRLINUS is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by PlasticFuture112
    prop/b12. But truthfully id say just try and get through the pain. its really not that bad as long as you are performing a clean protocol on shots. So if you can figure to just get through the pain then do so but if not cut it with sterile oil or b12.
    I have been runnin prop at 75mg ed for 4 weeks now and i have almost no pain, i cut with B-12 but i have injected w/o as well and still no pain..... some brands hurt more than others

  12. #12
    pdog80 is offline Banned
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    I'm in week 6 of my 14 week cycle and I went with prop for the first 4 weeks of my cycle and man did it hurt like a biatch! I shot it in my glutes and quads and I was limpin' half the time and it hurt just to sit down. I think the pain's worth it though. I got some pretty good gains off of it.

  13. #13
    Swifto's Avatar
    Swifto is offline Banned- Scammer!
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    I mix 0.5ml Grapeseed Oil with each 1ml of Test Prop and it eliminates the pain for me.

  14. #14
    Stumbo's Avatar
    Stumbo is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Logan13
    Should you decide to use an ethyl oleate based prop, use only B-D brand syringes as the Terumo syringes' rubber stoppers do not work well with ethyl oleate.
    Interesting, we have a had a few discussions on the syringes "sticking" when using EO in the homebrew section.

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