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  1. #1
    zaneisgreat's Avatar
    zaneisgreat is offline Associate Member
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    Medical profession/field and steriod use

    Hello im new to AR (and to cycles) and have some questions about future steriod use. Ill try to make this short.

    I am going to be entering my second year in a PharmD program. The program is 6 years. The first two years are sort of a pre-pharmacy deal where you have to then apply for pharmacy school but really with the courses i have taken so far, i could go anywhere in the sciences (and might actually entertain that thought).

    I love bodybuilding and am concerned about the scrutiny and risks i would take by doing AAS at a professional level, especially something in the medical field. I could be say, a licensed pharmacist by the age of 24 and doubt i would be elligable for any sort of legal steroid prescriptions...

    Im wondering if anyone here hold a similar jobl title and manages to use steriods . What are the additional implications?

    Im sorry, perhaps i have not done enough research but i have no real-life peers to discuss things like this with! Yes, we hit the library hard and spend a ridiculous amount of time gangbanging chemistry problems but i cant just approach my friends and ask, "damn, i wonder if i can still juice when i go big". They dont share the same interests as me and im sure few people do that pursue serious degrees in the biological and other sciences etc.

    well, what are your thoughts on this? I guess Patrick Arnold comes to mind but i had something a little more stable in mind. I guess by that, i mean no jail time/ job loss hah.

  2. #2
    TheSentinal's Avatar
    TheSentinal is offline Member
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    I am not really sure what it is you are asking? Do pharmacists do steroids ???

  3. #3
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Just because you are a Pharmacist what difference does it make whatever profession you are in. As long as you dont abuse your position and obtain steroids through your job, its nobodies fvcking business IMO

  4. #4
    zaneisgreat's Avatar
    zaneisgreat is offline Associate Member
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    HA, yeah im sure my post was a bit unclear (its late!). I guess yes, i am wondering if pharmacists or any other professionals that might be subject to increased scrutiny use steriods . I dont imagine that being caught using illegal drugs would be taken lightly in such a profession... but then again, i wouldnt know, i dont discuss this kind of stuff with anyone.

    I am looking for others who manage to pursue bodybuilding goals with steriods but put their job at risk at the same time. Im guessing quite a few people fall into this category(not just pharmacists or even medical!) so i am eager to hear any input/thoughts.

  5. #5
    Huckster's Avatar
    Huckster is offline Associate Member
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    This is sounding like lounge material.

  6. #6
    zaneisgreat's Avatar
    zaneisgreat is offline Associate Member
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    Ok. Bottom line is i guess i would hate to get busted. I dont have easy access to gear and have had to purchase from UGLs via the internet. I feel very uncomfortable doing this and will get increasingly paranoid the further i get in school...

    What EXACTLY happens when your gear gets seized? What is "the letter"? Would it mean 'goodbye' to my college carrear?

    I feel comfortable DOING the cycles except for the fact that i purchased an illegal drug over the internet.

    BAHH! I know i sound stupid (what a way to make an intro to a new forum huh?) and the legal risks are OBVIOUS and should be easy to weigh but... sh1t i dont know haha.

  7. #7
    zaneisgreat's Avatar
    zaneisgreat is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Huckster
    This is sounding like lounge material.
    ok im done hah.


  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by zaneisgreat
    Ok. Bottom line is i guess i would hate to get busted. I dont have easy access to gear and have had to purchase from UGLs via the internet. I feel very uncomfortable doing this and will get increasingly paranoid the further i get in school...

    What EXACTLY happens when your gear gets seized? What is "the letter"? Would it mean 'goodbye' to my college carrear?

    I feel comfortable DOING the cycles except for the fact that i purchased an illegal drug over the internet.

    BAHH! I know i sound stupid (what a way to make an intro to a new forum huh?) and the legal risks are OBVIOUS and should be easy to weigh but... sh1t i dont know haha.
    IMO...the bottom line is.....don't take advantage of your position for personal gain. The risks outweigh the gains by far....its not worth losing your job. Do plenty of research and finding a reliable source shouldn't be a problem.

    A seizure letter is a letter from the authorities(I can't which organization it comes from off hand) that states your package has been seized and for you to claim it there will be instructions for you to do so. Obviously you will not claim a package that has been seized, if you do you will be caught with a controlled substance and be thrown in jail unless you have a legal right to posses those substances. Just take it as a loss.

  9. #9
    Oki-Des's Avatar
    Oki-Des is offline Anabolic Member
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    I think you are simply considering the ramifications of your actions. We all have personal things we would lose by being caught using AAS. If you are a lawyer you will be dissbarred, if a doctor your license revoked, etc. Yes, you should be considering these things before taking AAS, because they could effect the rest of your life. I think it will be difficult for anyone here to see your point simply because everyone appreciates their freedom. Even if you have more to lose, others feel the same stress for different reasons. I am sorry I cannot tell you one way or the other, but you are at least considering the ramifications which I feel is the right start to anything. Also, if you get caught you will most likely never be a pharmacist again. There are definately risks and you should consider them all carefully.

  10. #10
    Italion Stallion07's Avatar
    Italion Stallion07 is offline Associate Member
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    not sure what your asking but i knwo alot of docs that juice. they look real good to. my GF is in pharmacy also goign into her 3rd year and dont think for a second im not going to make her get me gear from the store :-)

  11. #11
    someone70's Avatar
    someone70 is offline Junior Member
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    Well bro like most have said u need to weigh the risks. If u think 4 a minute ur alone ur not! More people than u think are on some sort of muscle enhancement drugs. I know tons of police and fire fighters who use and get spot tested. They also take the same risks but some feel looking a certian way or preforming a certian way its worth it. There are many variables to consider where u obtain them how much u have in one place at one time. If u get nabbed with a ton of gear theres no outs. If it can be argued its for personal use u can get off light if not totally. I might know a bit about escaping by the skin of your teeth... But as 4 ur position in life (ie) career social status they will be at risk no matter what. But thats just my 2 cents good luck in whatever u do..

  12. #12
    cfiler's Avatar
    cfiler is offline Anabolic Member
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    There are police officers, nurses, doctors, taxi cab drivers, janitors, ect. that use aas. Pharamcist is nothing different.

    As long as you don't get caught, you are fine.

  13. #13
    Anabolios's Avatar
    Anabolios is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by cfiler
    There are police officers, nurses, doctors, taxi cab drivers, janitors, ect. that use aas. Pharamcist is nothing different.

    As long as you don't get caught, you are fine.
    oh sure a requirement is to take massive amounts of tren to have some nasty road rage

  14. #14
    Foskamink's Avatar
    Foskamink is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by someone70
    More people than u think are on some sort of muscle enhancement drugs. I know tons of police and fire fighters who use and get spot tested. They also take the same risks but some feel looking a certian way or preforming a certian way its worth it.

  15. #15
    zaneisgreat's Avatar
    zaneisgreat is offline Associate Member
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    Thanks guys for the kind input. Very much appreciated.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by someone70
    I know tons of police and fire fighters who use and get spot tested.

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