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Thread: Winstrol

  1. #1
    jasonvorhees's Avatar
    jasonvorhees is offline New Member
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    For the life of me would someone please explain to me why in the hell so many people on this site are suggesting to others not to take winsrol by itself. I have read so many forums where many reply that it is NOT a good idea to take by itself and yet nobody explains why. Not trying to be a dic but if you cannot explain your answers, don't reply to these questions. But I do wish someone with great knowledge on winstrol and believes it is not a good idea to take by itself, please explain why this is. I am taking winstrol orally by itself and thus far been happy. Is it more or less a health issue or just a personal preference? Thanks guys for any help.

  2. #2
    SMAN12b's Avatar
    SMAN12b is offline Educate B4 U Medicate
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    This is a paragraph from the drug profile for Winny:

    One novel use for Winstrol in any cycle (perhaps even bulking) would be to use it at a very limited dose, in order to lower SHBG. (2) One of the properties of Winstrol is it’s profound ability to lower SHBG much more than other steroids . A dose of .2mg/kg lowered SHBG significantly, which would in turn, raise the amoung of free testosterone circulating in the body. As with 99% of steroids, however, it’s important to note that suppression of your natural hormonal levels will occur (though perhaps not to the extent that it will with many other steroids).(10) As with running virtually any compound, testosterone supplementation (i.e. running test in a cycle containing Winstrol) is warranted to avoid possible sexual dysfunction.

    If you read the bold type, you will see that winny will supress your natural testosterone and can cause a limp dick if you are not taking anything to combat that.
    So that is why it is always best NOT to take it alone. If you are not worried about sexual side effects, then you should be fine. I hope you have proper PCT to bring back your levels as it will probably take longer to get back to normal

    Hope this helps


  3. #3
    Liftnainez's Avatar
    Liftnainez is offline Banned
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    good post sman..
    btw jason I know people who run winny only cycles and love them.. to each his own..

  4. #4
    WEBB's Avatar
    WEBB is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    i believe this is another case of personal deca only cycles, and test only for first time cycles...while i definatly agree with what Sman posted, Liftnainez is right comes down to personal preference and a little luck...some guys on here can run 600mg deca alone and have no problems, if i run 10mg deca alone my dick runs and hides for me on this one ok?, so when someone says the did a winny only cycle and had great results and no sides, there will be ten people saying the opposite, we just base our replies on the law of averages...and what we have read by people who have done actuall studies onit..


  5. #5
    jasonvorhees's Avatar
    jasonvorhees is offline New Member
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    Oh yea this definitely helps. I kept telling my girlfriend it happens to all guys but now I can be honest and say it was the winny. Hey thanks for your response. I will certainly check into another option.

  6. #6
    donpinn is offline Associate Member
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    get some test and start running it now with your winny it will help.

  7. #7
    Liftnainez's Avatar
    Liftnainez is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by WEBB
    i believe this is another case of personal deca only cycles, and test only for first time cycles...while i definatly agree with what Sman posted, Liftnainez is right comes down to personal preference and a little luck...some guys on here can run 600mg deca alone and have no problems, if i run 10mg deca alone my dick runs and hides for me on this one ok?, so when someone says the did a winny only cycle and had great results and no sides, there will be ten people saying the opposite, we just base our replies on the law of averages...and what we have read by people who have done actuall studies onit..

    Right on bro

  8. #8
    BajanBastard is offline VET Retired
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    I've seen some damn good transformations from winny only.

  9. #9
    vitor is offline Anabolic Member
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    As for the libido issue, its not really testosterone that stimulates libido by itselves. Its tesosterones conversion to DHT, which have activity in nerve-cells responseble for erectil-function, aswell as other things. Drugs like Proviron , winstrol , masteron will often increase libido b/c it has a structure somewhat similar to DHT. When testosterone levels drop so will DHT levels, but taking winny-only is atleast equal to natrual DHT-stimulation.

    But, someone with normal genetics is not going to gain alot of muscle by taking winstrol alone. There are a few exeptions ofcourse. Guys with super-genetics will basically get big of anything.

  10. #10
    crash187ct's Avatar
    crash187ct is offline Senior Member
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    from what i've read and been told, i'd would rather "play it safe" even if it isn't there to be played.

  11. #11
    Swifto's Avatar
    Swifto is offline Banned- Scammer!
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    Use compouinds from the 3 families of AS. Test derieved AS, 19-Nor's and DHT derived AS. Not one. This way your making the cycle the most efficient and effective IMHO.

  12. #12
    jasonvorhees's Avatar
    jasonvorhees is offline New Member
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    I have taken it before by itself and did notice small muscle gains and some muscle solidity. But I certainly agree that different drugs interact differently to people. I have not yet notice any erectile dysfunction so far. Signs of any will definitely void any future use of winstrol . I have not stacked it with anything in the same cycle but I did try an experimental cycle where I would take winstrol for about a month then nolvadex for a month every day 1/2 cc orally. I am going to do this for about 3 months on and take at least 2 months off then maybe go to some test. I know to some of you that sounds stupid or even a waste but right now its an experimental cycle. What da think? The results may surprise you or maybe not. Keep the suggestions coming, every one so far has been very helpful. Thanx.

  13. #13
    Gunns420 is offline Associate Member
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    I'm taking it Winny with test-ethanate- it is my first cycle,and I've been on it about a week & a half. I'm doing 500mg per week of the test and 150mg per week (3 cc's 3x) - I was 5'9 219lbs at first,I've managed to gain 3 lbs while being on a diet. I am very happy with the combo so far,although it is early there's been no side effects except maybe slight aggression. It really hurts after you inject that Winny into your arms though.....
    Last edited by Gunns420; 07-19-2006 at 07:32 PM.

  14. #14
    hippie1171's Avatar
    hippie1171 is offline Junior Member
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    A further question in the same direction: If you decide to run the winny by itself and you start to get those unwanted sides, can you add test in there during the cycle until finish?

  15. #15
    spywizard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hippie1171
    A further question in the same direction: If you decide to run the winny by itself and you start to get those unwanted sides, can you add test in there during the cycle until finish?
    if you do that, use test prop.. as cyp and e take too long to get in the system.. to notice results..
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  16. #16
    2DaTop is offline New Member
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    Get your hands on some suspension... for sure you won't have any sexual issues there. If not, take propionate .
    Guaranteed to not only get it up but also gain strenght and mass with any of those two.

  17. #17
    jasonvorhees's Avatar
    jasonvorhees is offline New Member
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    You can always go with the blue pill. If you can't get it up with the blue pill then you're gay. Although this pill is almost guaranteed success, taking with any steroid is dangerous due to it's side effects. So its almost inevitable to choose either sex or muscles. It's just not meant to be. Can't have your cake and eat it too. Although when I was stacking fina and test, my boy was definitely pitching some serious tents. However stacking these two only produced growth and no cuts. The winny and nolvadex is suppose to produce some slight gains with cuts.

  18. #18
    jasonvorhees's Avatar
    jasonvorhees is offline New Member
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    Just a little note. I am off my cycle now and I have noticed significant boneage. I elected not to take any supplements after getting off the cycle. However I did my cycle in a very different manner as most. Just wanted to pass this info on. So far good results but again I know different drugs will certainly interact differently with people. Thanks again for all your help.

  19. #19
    Huckster's Avatar
    Huckster is offline Associate Member
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    I'm curious of the results of your cycle. Could you list your before and after wieght and bodyfat %.

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by jasonvorhees
    For the life of me would someone please explain to me why in the hell so many people on this site are suggesting to others not to take winsrol by itself. I have read so many forums where many reply that it is NOT a good idea to take by itself and yet nobody explains why. Not trying to be a dic but if you cannot explain your answers, don't reply to these questions. But I do wish someone with great knowledge on winstrol and believes it is not a good idea to take by itself, please explain why this is. I am taking winstrol orally by itself and thus far been happy. Is it more or less a health issue or just a personal preference? Thanks guys for any help.

    Winstrol only cycles do not produce many gains at all.
    I could see someone gaining 5lbs , muscle hardness, & dropping a coulple lbs of fat off of winstrol only.

    Now a test cycle thats a diff story.

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