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  1. #1
    Ddub is offline Junior Member
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    Might cycle deca/ test-e. Any suggestions?? Thanks!

    My stats are:
    24 yr
    179 (weight)
    9.6% bf (as of today)

    First cycle was just test-prop 250mg eod until gone and it was a 10cc vial.

    Second was deca 300 and sust 250 a wk on every md for 10wks.

    And then I found out about this site, had a buddy helping until now, not to sure how much I trust him anymore, so I am looking for advise from you guys. I have been off for around 2 mnths so far from last cycle.

    Third, which hasn't started, wanted to get some advise and critiques first.

    Deca 500mg and Test-E 500mg once a wk on md for 12wks
    then go into pct with nolva and clomid I guess

    Just wanting to bulk up some but not way to much for now, so is that to much of not enough? Any suggestions on if I should add anything else, will also be on protein, multi-v's, creatine (V12), and I do have a pretty descent diet.

    What should I expect from this cycle?

    Any helpful information would be extremly greatful, THANKS!

  2. #2
    pdog80 is offline Banned
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    First off, you don't need creatine when your on cycle. It's a waste because your already getting strength gains from AAS. Also the cycle your proposing sounds good.

  3. #3
    tonytone's Avatar
    tonytone is offline Anabolic Member
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    deca and test is a great's how i would do it
    wks 1-12 test 500mg/wk
    1-11 deca 400mg/wk
    and you should shoot these at the same time, 2 x a week(ie mon morn and thur night)

    head to the diet forum and look for the "how to bulk" thead and read up, diet will be the key

  4. #4
    tonytone's Avatar
    tonytone is offline Anabolic Member
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    multi vitamins are a must when on cycle, and when's very hard to say what to expect from this cycle because everyone is very different, but with proper diet you can gain AT LEAST 20 lbs

  5. #5
    Ddub is offline Junior Member
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    I didn't think about that on the creatine, that should save some money!

    Thats how I will shoot it but would it be alright to shoot it thurs mornin cause I workout at noon ed, and do I need to split that dosage to equal that amount on those days? That might be a dum question but I want to be sure.

    I could also substitute the enth with cyp, which one you think would be better or does it even matter?

    What could I take on the off time to keep me going, maybe something like clen or any other recommendations would be nice. I really dont want to drag a$$ on the off time like it did after my last cycle.

  6. #6
    briansauras's Avatar
    briansauras is offline Senior Member
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    I would prolly go with
    wk1-14 test e @ 750mg EW
    wk1-13 deca @ 600mg EW
    wk12-16 winny @ 50mg ED or 14-16 prop @ 75-100mg ED
    wk1-16 letro @ 0.25mg-0.5mg ED

    day1-30 clomid @ 100mg ED
    day1-you feel recovered, nolva @ 20mg ED
    day30-60 tribulus @ 4g ED

  7. #7
    SMAN12b's Avatar
    SMAN12b is offline Educate B4 U Medicate
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ddub
    I didn't think about that on the creatine, that should save some money!

    Thats how I will shoot it but would it be alright to shoot it thurs mornin cause I workout at noon ed, and do I need to split that dosage to equal that amount on those days? That might be a dum question but I want to be sure.

    I could also substitute the enth with cyp, which one you think would be better or does it even matter?

    What could I take on the off time to keep me going, maybe something like clen or any other recommendations would be nice. I really dont want to drag a$$ on the off time like it did after my last cycle.

    Test Enanthate or Cypionate needs to be taken every 3.5 days to keep the blood levels as stable as possible. So if doing 500/week, then shoot it Monday morning like 9AM then again thursday night like 9PM
    Enanthate and cypionate are very closely related and you will not notiice a difference between either.
    It is better for your libido if you keep the Test dose a little higher than the deca dose
    Thus the reason tonytone suggested
    Test E @ 500
    Deca @ 400

    as far as during time off, you can use a test booster like Tribulis or tonkat
    Clen is to help with fat loss and does have an anticatabolc effect that can help keep gains off cycle but should not be run for longer than 8 weeks

    All that being said, your diet and training will dictate 88% of your gains not the AAS you use


  8. #8
    Ddub is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks guys for the info, thats why I wanted to ask you all first.

    Theres not a whole lot more I can take with this cycle, as of right now I am limited to what gear that I can get. (its either dec, eq, enth or cyp and maybe dbol ).

    So I am trying to make best with my options.

    Is tribulus otc product?

    Should I take the deca twice a week with the enth or could I take it just on md's?

  9. #9
    SMAN12b's Avatar
    SMAN12b is offline Educate B4 U Medicate
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    Tribuls is a OTC test booster, you can google it and find it on the web
    take the Test E and Deca in the same syringe at the same time twice a week.
    you can draw them out with an 18g then change needle to shoot


  10. #10
    Ddub is offline Junior Member
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    I might have to try that, would taking them together effect anything or be better, just haven't mixed before.

    I don't have anything for my pct yet, I am not going to start my cycle for another couple of weeks if that long. just wanted to gather up some knowledge first. I am little confused about the pct, I have read plenty but just don't know a whole lot. I missed the pct on my last go aorund because of lact of knowledge and research, which is my stupidty and I could tell, I've suffered for about 2 mnths while being off.

  11. #11
    tranzit is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by pdog80
    First off, you don't need creatine when your on cycle. It's a waste because your already getting strength gains from AAS. Also the cycle your proposing sounds good.
    HUH? strength gains are a result of creatine not the only thing creatine does for you. I would do a little more research before giving advice like this.

  12. #12
    Ddub is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks for the advise. I like taking it before I go workout to give me a little more pep. It seems to work for some energy at least cause I don't care much more energy drinks.

  13. #13
    tranzit is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ddub
    My stats are:
    24 yr
    179 (weight)
    9.6% bf (as of today)

    First cycle was just test-prop 250mg eod until gone and it was a 10cc vial.This wasnt a cycle

    Second was deca 300 and sust 250 a wk on every md for 10wks. Deca was too high for that amount of test

    And then I found out about this site, had a buddy helping until now, not to sure how much I trust him anymore, so I am looking for advise from you guys. I have been off for around 2 mnths so far from last cycle.

    Third, which hasn't started, wanted to get some advise and critiques first.

    Deca 500mg and Test-E 500mg once a wk on md for 12wksDeca agian shouldnt be equal or greater then your test intake. Id bump the test to 750 or drop the decca to 250-300. And you dont need clomid and nolva you can do either or.
    then go into pct with nolva and clomid I guess

    Just wanting to bulk up some but not way to much for now, so is that to much of not enough? Any suggestions on if I should add anything else, will also be on protein, multi-v's, creatine (V12), and I do have a pretty descent diet.Creatine is fine a multi is fine. I would also suggest some milk thistle, cranberry extract and come multiflex from GNC.

    What should I expect from this cycle? Bloat if you dont eat right

    Any helpful information would be extremly greatful, THANKS!
    Good Luck

  14. #14
    AnabolicBoy1981 is offline Anabolic Member
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    if you have access to HCG do anthony roberts PCT. if not, do pheedno's but sub the arimidex with aromasin . and if doing pheednos, it might be better to keep your cycle to 10 weeks, since generally you PROBABLY(not etched in stone) wont need HCG if the cycle is 10 weeks or less.
    at least this is what im told.

  15. #15
    tonytone's Avatar
    tonytone is offline Anabolic Member
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    head to the pct forum and you will get all the info you need..then you can buy the stuff by clicking clomid

  16. #16
    tranzit is offline Senior Member
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    And you dont need tribulas with this cycle....

  17. #17
    tranzit is offline Senior Member
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    tony tone is on the right track =)

  18. #18
    Ddub is offline Junior Member
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    I dont have access to hcg . I have read the pct examples cause not sure what I can get a hold of or not, I am new to the pct.

  19. #19
    SMAN12b's Avatar
    SMAN12b is offline Educate B4 U Medicate
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    Quote Originally Posted by tranzit
    And you dont need tribulas with this cycle....

    The tribulas was suggested in answer to his question about what he could take while he is OFF cycle!!

  20. #20
    SMAN12b's Avatar
    SMAN12b is offline Educate B4 U Medicate
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ddub
    I dont have access to hcg. I have read the pct examples cause not sure what I can get a hold of or not, I am new to the pct.

    DO NOT even attempt to start this or any cycle without full understanding of PCT and having it ALL before you start. Anything can happen in this business when placing orders. If you start your cycle and something happens that you dont' get your PCT compounds, then you will be screwed!!

    Please do NOT rush into doing a cycle, yoiu hopefully learned this from your previous experiences.

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