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  1. #1
    RAM2500's Avatar
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    Test 800mg/Deca 600mg-winny 50mg-Anavar 50mg ED...HELP!

    Ok.. Here is the situation. As you can see from my avatar I’m not huge.Im 43 years old I’ve been lifting for 4 ½ years 4 – 5 days a week 2 hour sessions, split routine. 2 years ago I did my first cycle. My diet is good but not perfect. What I lack is good genetics; my dad is 5 5” 145lbs. What I have now is pretty much what I will ever have give or take.

    Now for the important shit. I’ve been on a Test E 800mg / Deca 600mg a week cycle for six weeks now. November 4th is my NPC body building show that I’ve entered. My goal is to enter the over 40, and the novice middle weight (175lbs) and try to place or better. Currently my weight is 192lbs but need to be at 175 in 4 months. So it looks like it will be 18 weeks of Deca and 20 weeks of Test. I know this is considered a long and ill advised cycle but that’s the way it goes. I just recently came into 200 tabs of Naposims Dbol and would love to add to my cycle if it will help me do well in the show. I also know that 4 weeks is the max you should run this compound. I also came into Anavar and have plenty of that too along with some oral winny.

    My goal is to do well at the show in November so here is what I thought. August 15th I start the Dbol 35mg ED and end it September 15th this should give me good size. (Test E 800mg/Deca 600mg weekly Dbol 35mg ED) September 15th I start the Anavar 40mg ED and also start the winny 50mg ED until November 4th the day of the show. This will be Test 800mg/Deca 600mg a week winny 50mg and Anavar 50mg ED for 6 weeks to cut and shred because I need to be at 175. I may also take some kind of stimulant or diet pill the last week to lose the blot and water weight. Therefore, I need as much input on this cycle as possible. I have 2 goals, do well at the show and drop 18 pounds by November 4th. Please help

  2. #2
    soccer#3's Avatar
    soccer#3 is offline Anabolic Member
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    just wanna say u look good for being 43 y.o.

  3. #3
    RAM2500's Avatar
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    this is a recent photo

    This photo was taken yesterday I weigh 192 lbs. As you can see I dont have a great chest and my Abs dont show that well. I work my Abs twice a week at least and do the same with my chest. I need to be at 175 and feel that If I lose the weight two things will happen, it will apear to make my chest look bigger and second my Abs will show better. Most of this weight is water due to the Test E so it should drop when I end the Test cycle and hopefully the Anavar and winny will help too
    Last edited by RAM2500; 11-15-2006 at 08:19 AM.

  4. #4
    RAM2500's Avatar
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    Bump for answers

  5. #5
    RAM2500's Avatar
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    Last edited by RAM2500; 07-23-2006 at 04:12 PM. Reason: does not make sense anymore

  6. #6
    SMAN12b's Avatar
    SMAN12b is offline Educate B4 U Medicate
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    Rising from my Ashes !!
    OK, why would you want to use dbol (which is all water gains) if you are trying to cut? How long do you plan to run the Winny as 6 weeks should be the max for it. If you have only done one cycle before, why are your doses on the high side especially if you are trying to cut? I think you should get yourself on over to the competition Q&A forum and do a little research on contest diets and cycles.

    Here is the link to that forum:

    good luck on your contest and keep us posted on your progress

  7. #7
    RAM2500's Avatar
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    I have done 4 cycles

    No. I've done a total of 4 cycles, however, I've never done a cycle that included Var or Dbol . I would like to put on my mass ecspecially on my chest using the Dbol. That wouuld leave 6 weeks to cut the water weight with Var and winny. Im not sure if I'm going about this correctly thats why Im asking.

    Quote Originally Posted by SMAN12B
    OK, why would you want to use dbol (which is all water gains) if you are trying to cut? How long do you plan to run the Winny as 6 weeks should be the max for it. If you have only done one cycle before, why are your doses on the high side especially if you are trying to cut? I think you should get yourself on over to the competition Q&A forum and do a little research on contest diets and cycles.

    Here is the link to that forum:

    good luck on your contest and keep us posted on your progress

  8. #8
    Biggyb is offline Junior Member
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    peace out y all
    hey ram looking good. i dont have the credentials to comment on most of this but im half way through with my 200 napoism 5mg at 40 per day and my chest has always been one of my weak points due to my ht(almost 6'5") and long arms but the dbol has really pumped my chest up and my bench has steadily gone up. i havnt noticed that much water retention although im taking l-dex so that is helping.

  9. #9
    RAM2500's Avatar
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    Cool. Great reply! I was Hopeful in hearing something like that, objective and experienced with the compound. I realize what I’m looking for may not be achievable but all I want to know is there any chance that I can have a chest that looks full and Abs that look lean in 4 months.

    Quote Originally Posted by Biggyb
    hey ram looking good. i dont have the credentials to comment on most of this but im half way through with my 200 napoism 5mg at 40 per day and my chest has always been one of my weak points due to my ht(almost 6'5") and long arms but the dbol has really pumped my chest up and my bench has steadily gone up. i havnt noticed that much water retention although im taking l-dex so that is helping.

  10. #10
    RAM2500's Avatar
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    Bump, come on give me a hand.

  11. #11
    2bshredded's Avatar
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    BUMP.....Looking good Bro. Gotta say with the chest.....mix it up good. You probably know this but I thought I'd throw it out just in case.
    I change my routines when the soreness is not there, even if it's only for a couple of weeks....I go back to weighted push ups every now and again.

    I'm 46, 6'3" 225lbs and have a hard time growing body parts....concentrate on contracting your muscles more than normal.

    I basically wanted to bump to get some more replies. Good luck in the comp.

  12. #12
    BG's Avatar
    BG is offline The Real Deal - AR-Platinum Elite- Hall of Famer
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    Do you get blood work done, thats alot of gear, then 2 orals at a time. Lose the D-bol , any gains you get you wont keep because your going to have to dehidrate.As for 15 lbs, lose 5 or more with diet then dehidrate the rest, thats all I can tell you. The var should work well if you diet real hard.

  13. #13
    RAM2500's Avatar
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    Is this dangerous?

    Yes I would get blood work done. yes I have considered the fact that I would be doing two orals. Here is my logic: At no time would I be doing two orals at the same time. The first oral, Dbol would start in 15 days and run for 30 days at a moderate dose 30mg ED. Low dose & short cycle. Immediatly after that would Avenar 60mg ED. This compund is the safest of all orals with an very low toxicity to the liver. If I am still running the risk of causing major health issues please tell me. Thank you.

    Quote Originally Posted by BigGuns101
    Do you get blood work done, thats alot of gear, then 2 orals at a time. Lose the D-bol , any gains you get you wont keep because your going to have to dehidrate.As for 15 lbs, lose 5 or more with diet then dehidrate the rest, thats all I can tell you. The var should work well if you diet real hard.

  14. #14
    layinglow is offline Junior Member
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    first of all anavar is very week, not bad, just week. so don't expect to much from it . second deca and test e will make you retain some water so close to the show. 3 wks before you might want cut out the deca, and lower the test.
    Idealy 5 wks before show you run tren , prop, winny, anavar, and armidex

  15. #15
    PROTEINSHAKE is offline Protein Power
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigGuns101
    Do you get blood work done, thats alot of gear, then 2 orals at a time. Lose the D-bol , any gains you get you wont keep because your going to have to dehidrate.As for 15 lbs, lose 5 or more with diet then dehidrate the rest, thats all I can tell you. The var should work well if you diet real hard.

    I would agree to drop the DBOL ..TEST E & Var should reap some very nice gains at your age.good combination of compounds -I have gotten good results from simply the test & var myself. & I agree to lower the dosages closer to the show. Looking good man.

  16. #16
    RobbieG's Avatar
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    imo for show in 4 months?

    1-12 w Test E 500 mg
    1-12 w Masteron 400 mg
    8-12 w Halo 20 mg
    13-18 pct (at your age pct has to be successfull and long i assume)
    10-16 letro .25 ~ .5 (depends)

    Masteron, halo and letro will give you the awesom contest look .. Masteron gives you the dry hard muscle, halo also but with awesom strength and letro will suck all water under your skin, muscle and fat ..

    But hell, you look awesome!

    just imo!.. that´s what I'll do in januar for summer contest here in my country!

  17. #17
    RobbieG's Avatar
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    but I think we all agree, drop the dbol .. and I even think we all agree to drop the deca .. you´ll be better off with Eq, Masteron , halo or var, That are those "show drugs"

    Have you seen the picture of the cat ? I highly doubt he was on dbol and deca

    and btw, your body looks great, your entire body is quite symmetric

    I'm loving those bi's and shoulders !! nice work

    I wish I had those shoulders!!! jk!!
    Last edited by RobbieG; 07-25-2006 at 05:17 AM.

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