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  1. #1
    Tattoo70's Avatar
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    Gyno in 10 days? No freakin way! Right???

    Question. I have run prop only cycles year after year. I have run different cycles too but about once a year I run a prop only. Always have good luck with it. I always have anti-e's on hand but have never needed them. I have just started a new cycle of prop 10 days ago. 100mgs eod so I've only had 5 injections. Today my right nipple is alittle sore. There is no lump and its really not itchy or anything. Just alittle sore. My thinking was that I did something I hadn't paid any attention to and thats what made it sore not the gear. I mean,I don't seem to be prone to gyno so how could it be that in only 5 injections. Any feedback would be appreciated...Thanks....Tattoo

  2. #2
    tonytone's Avatar
    tonytone is offline Anabolic Member
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    might as well start taking your anti-e's to be safe, right?

  3. #3
    Tattoo70's Avatar
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    Yeah I did but it just seems funny that with such a low 10 days? Come on! Just seems crazy to me. I did 100mgs ed last 2 times and not even a itch....

  4. #4
    magic32's Avatar
    magic32 is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    You speak as though five injections of Prop is insignificant. Granted, you wouldn't be classified as deep into cycle, but nor do you have giant man breasts. Your overall description (cycle & symptoms) are in line with both suppression and aromitization. Is your anti-e Letro? If not read C. Bino's gyno protocol.


  5. #5
    Tattoo70's Avatar
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    Do you have to actually "push in" to feel gyno? I mean, do you actually have to push to the muscle to feel it or would the nipple itself be sore. Meaning if you had a lump,for instance, would that lump be right under the nipple between your chest muscle and nipple, or would it be in the actual muscle under the nipple. I hope I explained that right....

  6. #6
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    It sometimes starts with a tingle/itch....get the anti e's in asap brotha!

  7. #7
    briancb1 is offline Member
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    moderatly squeeze the sore and your regular nipples with your thumb on top and fore-finger on the bottom, not right at the tip of the nipple but more like compressing the farther back aereola part of the nipple. Do you feel a difference between the two as far as a lump or anything? I got a pea size lump under my left nipple after 1 week of Legal Gear M1A, so its not impossible.

  8. #8
    shortie's Avatar
    shortie is offline AR Biggerologist
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    For my 2 cents, if your nips start to itch then the gyno beast is coming. The fact that you have had no gyno in the past does nothing for the fact that you seem to be experiencing it now, get some anti-e's in there soon. Good luck with it~

  9. #9
    Tattoo70's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by briancb1
    moderatly squeeze the sore and your regular nipples with your thumb on top and fore-finger on the bottom, not right at the tip of the nipple but more like compressing the farther back aereola part of the nipple. Do you feel a difference between the two as far as a lump or anything? I got a pea size lump under my left nipple after 1 week of Legal Gear M1A, so its not impossible.
    No I don't have any kind of lump whatsoever. Just alittle sore. I keep feeling it all day. I think I've made it feel worse by messing with it for so damn long!Got my anti-e's rolling.

  10. #10
    thaisteroids's Avatar
    thaisteroids is offline Associate Member
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    start with 0.25 a day and eod go 0.25 higher till the feeling goes away, then slowly lower your dosage to about 1/2 of your max usage for the rest of the cyclbump from .025 to lets say 2mg? then you mainenance dosage will be 1mg.

    threre is one tricky thing.. letro seems to need 2 weeks before it starts to work.
    If you have some armidex, better use that as well for the first 2 weeks.

  11. #11
    Tattoo70's Avatar
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    Will nolva work? Got a friend of mine that had a little lump and when it happens he takes nolva and it goes away. I've been taking that since I noticed it. Started with 40mgs yesterday and today. Not saying I don't believe you about the letro,just asking bro...

  12. #12
    IndianGodMan is offline Junior Member
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    It may be nothing. But gynos not really something I would liketo chance. Nolva should wrk just fine to. I preffer letro because I think it gets the job done a little quicker

  13. #13
    Tattoo70's Avatar
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    I'm taking nolva @ 4omgs aday. 20 in the am, and 20 in the pm. First full day was yesterday and its still pretty sore this morning. Not too bad just more than I would like. Nothing that even feels like a lump forming though. Just sore. And its not the nipple. Its like I have to push way in to my chest to feel it. I can touch my nip and feel nothing. Anyway....Thanks for the help bro's! You all always help me when I need it.

  14. #14
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    i hate gyno

  15. #15
    Tattoo70's Avatar
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    Yeah me too! I'm on the 3rd day since I noticed it and its still sore. Net question...If I go back to my previous cycle of 100mgs ed as opposed to 100mgs eod, would that be better as far as keeping a stable amount of prop in me? When I did ed I had none of this problem. In fact, I've never had this problem before period.

  16. #16
    MatrixGuy's Avatar
    MatrixGuy is offline Good things come to those who wait
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    What really pisses me off about gyno is the fact that some people get symptoms just by looking at a bottle of test and some can inject strong androgens all year round and not see or feel a thing.... thats genetics for you. Sorry, rant over. lol.

  17. #17
    Tattoo70's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MatrixGuy
    What really pisses me off about gyno is the fact that some people get symptoms just by looking at a bottle of test and some can inject strong androgens all year round and not see or feel a thing.... thats genetics for you. Sorry, rant over. lol.
    I know what you mean. My friend, that I spoke of earlier, He gets a lump on every cycle. Which I think is stupid cause if he just ran his anti-e's he wouldn't but I guess he knows how his body works. He then starts running nolva which he borrows from me, and it goes right away in no time. Here I am,never had a symtom of gyno in any cycle I've ever done in my life and got a sore boob and it won't go away. I'm sure it will but it ain't happening fast enough for me!!! Ha ha!!!

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