I've decided I wanna try priming my body for my next cycle but I'm not sure how to go about it?
After my first contest in april I made my best gains in size/strength for about 6 weeks it simply blew my mind! But then my appetite slowed down huge and I hit a big plataue.
My body loves to stay around 10-12% (even@5000cals+) but once i get down to about 8%or lower my appetite jumps which is what i want. My plan was to maybe just replace a few meals with clean foods (my diet is very dirty) and run some clen /t3 for 3-4 weeks. I wasn't plannning on doin cardio, because i dont think ill need it. Just wanna drop maybe 4-5lbs of fat enough that my body will be super anabolic when i start hittin high cals. Any suggestions appreciated to help me not lose much muscle/strenth appreciated.