I was posed this question, it's kind of dumb and moot so I understand if no one answers, but it would be greatly appreciated so I can relay.

Buddy in the gym has been diagnosed with a testosterone level that is very low. Not off the charts low, but low enough to warrant therapy if he so choses. He's prob. 35 years old, so I am assuming his metobolism is declining. He's always been very lean, abs in tact and quit skinny. Now he has expressed some great desieres to add some mass, serious mass, over the next few years and compete in the older divisions.

He asked me if his therapy of 100mg/week would allow him to stya relative lean on a high caloric diet, as long as he trains hard and eats clean!

Then he asked if he upped te odse b himself or didnt go on HRT and decided t just run a cycle of 300mg test and 400mg of eq then pct, would this allow him to become leaner than he already is. He gets down because every time he adds calories, he feels his midsection is the first to get covered up and he really isnt getting stronger. So I guess, my question is (and I know steroids are wonder drugs) would the addition of cyp allow him to stop worry so much about true fat gain in a highly caloric diet and actually make him leaner? Do put uise cyp to cut?