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  1. #41
    BajanBastard is offline VET Retired
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hellmask

    What's the difference in gaining 10lbs of muscle from orals compared to 10lbs of muscle from injectables?


    So let me get this straight......You all are saying you will lose all your gains just because it's from an oral? That is retarded. When it's consumed by the body either orally or injected it's purpose is to build LBM. The body isn't telling itself.....I'll grow , but once I've added 10lbs of muscle I'm going to lose it just because it was from an oral not a injection....

    Now lets use dbol only as a example....

    You take it & you gain roughly 18lbs of SIZE. Ok this is a mix between fat/water & muscle .....Lets say you lose 10lbs of that which was mostly water weight anyways and a few lbs of muscle. So you've lost more than 50% of your gains! Thats horrible! Wrong. You kept most of your muscle.

    Just like Injectable test. If you don't use an anti E or an AI you will gain water/fat & muscle < just using as an example. But whats this after you dropped all the water your only left with about half your total weight gain. Thats horrible!

    I don't get how oral gains "disapeer" while "injectable" gains stay. There both muscle. Or are you all considering water to be gains.

    Sure orals are more liver toxic and mess with your HDL & LDL quite a bit. But that has nothing to do with gains maintained and gains lost.

    Ahh that was my rant. Now cuss me out.....

  2. #42
    Anabolios's Avatar
    Anabolios is offline Anabolic Member
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    Oral only cycles are SOOOO TOXIC!!! .....
    Come 6 weeks of dbol alone more toxic than 6 weeks of dbol with injectable test? NO
    Does the test make it less toxic? **** no. You are saying that you'll lose all your gains with an oral cycle..that's is saying that methandrostenolone is not anabolic ...pfffttt
    It's a "heavy" androgen so obviously you'll retain water. you people crack me up ahemparrotsahem
    Also people say "look at the side effects you get with oral cycles!"
    What side effects that don't happen with injectables? Exactlyyyy
    I don't think a good reason to do an oral only cycle is because you're scared of needles. It's all goal dependent.

  3. #43
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anabolios
    Oral only cycles are SOOOO TOXIC!!! .....
    Come 6 weeks of dbol alone more toxic than 6 weeks of dbol with injectable test? NO
    Does the test make it less toxic? **** no.
    You are saying that you'll lose all your gains with an oral cycle..that's is saying that methandrostenolone is not anabolic ...pfffttt
    It's a "heavy" androgen so obviously you'll retain water. you people crack me up ahemparrotsahem
    Also people say "look at the side effects you get with oral cycles!"
    What side effects that don't happen with injectables? Exactlyyyy
    I don't think a good reason to do an oral only cycle is because you're scared of needles. It's all goal dependent.

    I've seen so many mentioning adding a different compound to give a certain compound less sides......I'm like whoa , now your gonna have 2 compounds to have sides with , what to do? what to do? WAIT....add a 3rd aas to it, then it will wipe all the sides out! muahahahaahahha!

  4. #44
    V_Vandetta's Avatar
    V_Vandetta is offline Senior Member
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    I dont use orals and have not for some years ... but some people Like them than use it ....... but in the end It all comes down to what YOU WANT . I have said this several times the best way to find out is trail....... Do it and see ... becasue 10 people say this and 10 say that . bottem line take all information apply it to your knowledge your experance and research and go from there than you can say for sure what worked for you ....

    But i dont like orals for lots or reasons but i would never tell someone not to do them but use them wisely 4-6 weeks ......... but bottem line THEY ARE TOXIC so prolonged useage is not a good thing

  5. #45
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
    perfectbeast2001 is offline "king of free stuff" / Retired
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    I'm not saying it doesn't work i'm just saying it's a stupid choice based on fear of needles when there are MUCH better compounds out there.

  6. #46
    Gumby is offline Junior Member
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    WHO SAYS IM SCARED OF NEEDLES? Who also says this is for me? Im just asking questions............ I can take a needle anytime.. I just want to know about d bol only cycles and can u bridge with them?

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