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  1. #1
    macktownmac's Avatar
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    lost my sex drive

    just comming off a 11 week prop 100mg ed cycle, been doing PCT for the past 4 days. My sex drive has just gone... I can still get it up.. but my desire is gone..

    Im doing clomi for PCT and was using letro during the cycle

    any ideas?

  2. #2
    goalseeker's Avatar
    goalseeker is offline Anabolic Member
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    Canada me2,eh..
    Lost the drive from prop? Wow.. It makes me turn into a porno wanna be.. lol
    I can honestly say, from experience, Cia rocks...I will always use it from now on..Its really great stuff!! Long as you get a good quality one...

  3. #3
    spywizard's Avatar
    spywizard is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer~
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    the letro killed your libedo, the prop stopped your natural production of test..

    double whammy...
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  4. #4
    InsaneInTheMembrane's Avatar
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    for your PCT,

    I would add some HCG to get your boys working again (ED injections for 2-3 wks of 500iu)..THEN, wait 2-3 days and start your clomid
    throw in some tribulus and tongkat ali for good measure
    like spywizard implied, drop the letro, start nolvadex instead (20mg/day)


  5. #5
    macktownmac's Avatar
    macktownmac is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by goalseeker
    Lost the drive from prop? Wow.. It makes me turn into a porno wanna be.. lol
    I can honestly say, from experience, Cia rocks...I will always use it from now on..Its really great stuff!! Long as you get a good quality one...
    no when i was on prop i was always horny, couldnt stop wanting it... i've already stopped the letro a few days ago, im only doing clomi right now, 100mg ed.

    I dont have fast access to gear, i usually have to wait 2-3 weeks... anything i can do as a quick fix without new gear...

    I still have tonnes of prop left but i want to avoid going on it longer
    Last edited by macktownmac; 09-06-2006 at 10:53 PM.

  6. #6
    macktownmac's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by spywizard
    the letro killed your libedo, the prop stopped your natural production of test..

    double whammy...

    lets just say letro did kill my drive... how long for the effect of letro to die??

  7. #7
    spywizard's Avatar
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    well, depends.. mine didn't come back.. until i extended my clomid to 2 months..

    then it was back as normal.. everyday...
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  8. #8
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Drop the letro and introduce some trib and proviron , personally i would of had some hcg before pct compounds,

  9. #9
    getpumped24's Avatar
    getpumped24 is offline Associate Member
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    try 3g trib ed. it makes me hornier than test dose. take tamox w/ the clomi too.

  10. #10
    daem's Avatar
    daem is offline Anabolic Member
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    Since everyone seems to like running letro nowadays for cost effectiveness as well as results from that anti, HCG is something that everyone should become familiar with!

    It is so cheap, and will save you so much discomfort and speed recovery.

    Now isn't going to be the right time to take it, but look into it for the future.

    Right now, time is the only thing that is going to help you as well as your PCT regiment.

  11. #11
    vitor is offline Anabolic Member
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    Letro can be very good in PCT. It can raise your testosterone levels up to 4x of normal values, higher than clomid or nolva ever could. The lower your estrogen levels gets, the pituitary/hyputalamus will respond by hammer out much more LHRH than usal. Why? B/c you will trick your system into thinking that it will need to produce more testosterone to get your testosterone/estrogen ratio in balance. If it kills your libido yust add Proviron .

  12. #12
    clozr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by daem
    Since everyone seems to like running letro nowadays for cost effectiveness as well as results from that anti, HCG is something that everyone should become familiar with!

    It is so cheap, and will save you so much discomfort and speed recovery.

    Now isn't going to be the right time to take it, but look into it for the future.

    Right now, time is the only thing that is going to help you as well as your PCT regiment.
    I couldn't agree more. I ran HCG through my last cycle at 500iu every fifth day. No shut down at all. Sure, I am running Clomid for PCT and Trib, Tongkat, Ginseng, Maca and Horny Goat Weed just to be on the safe side (I have a reputation to protect!), but I am firmly (Teehee) convinced that the HCG is what is responsible for no loss of drive whatsoever!

  13. #13
    Duke of Earl's Avatar
    Duke of Earl is offline Senior Member
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    I dont get horny off test, proviron , trib, tongkat, horny GW.......
    the only compounds that have ever made me horny is Tbol & HCG
    But you gotta be careful with HCG in PCT ( watch out for that estro )

  14. #14
    macktownmac's Avatar
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    so back to my problem. I cant get gear that quick, I have to always wait 2-3weeks sometimes even 4 if the Canadian customs take too long.

    Should i be looking to pickup something like horny goat weed?

  15. #15
    orton4 is offline Member
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    i just started my prop cycle and i got 10,000 IU's of HCG for after my cylce.. try to score some it should bring it back

  16. #16
    macktownmac's Avatar
    macktownmac is offline Associate Member
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    I scored a local HCG source, is it too late to do it??? If not what dosages should I take it at. I can get 5000 i.u. Im just under a week into PCT

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    Its not too late in my opinion. I love HCG . It should definitely help your drive. Makes me hornier than hell. I just wouldn't run it with the clomid, as hcg can cause estro sides. Stay on the tamox at 20mg/day though

  18. #18
    macktownmac's Avatar
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    i dont have any other anti-e avaiable, I have Letro, Clomi, can probably get novla with the HCG if needed...

    I've never had to deal with anything like this before... I guess i could ride it out, it isnt all that bad, i just have to FORCE my self to be in the "mood" but once im there im doing alright.

    Would much rarther be horney more often, IMO

  19. #19
    AllGearedUp's Avatar
    AllGearedUp is offline Associate Member
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    Who needs viagra when they make prop. This stuff makes me want to screw my cat.

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