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  1. #41
    Danbrooks2k's Avatar
    Danbrooks2k is offline Member
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    i think ive spanked it 3 times while typing my last post looking at her... and i didnt even have a free hand...

    id like to give her a good ol' fashioned brumpski!

  2. #42
    pumpd4lif's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by powerliftmike
    youre not the only one!
    damn right ur not
    do u know her

  3. #43
    Bigmax's Avatar
    Bigmax is offline Retired VET~ If you dont know... ask me
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    yeah thats me in avvy

    6'2" 145,starting second cycle

    Quote Originally Posted by pumpd4lif
    damn right ur not
    do u know her
    Why??? want to meet her???..LOL

  4. #44
    Danbrooks2k's Avatar
    Danbrooks2k is offline Member
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    as far as a workout, hard gainers need 3 1 hour workouts a week, lots of recovery and no cardio...

    I did the old fasioned weider principals plan

    monday chest shoulder and triceps

    wednesday legs

    friday biceps and back

    if you ever use a machine you are wrong as two boys fvcking...

    you need to incorperate these exercises

    deatlifts, squats, bench, decline bench, incline bench, barbell curls, military presses, upright rows, bent over rows, skull crushers, still legged deadlifts...

    I suppose leg curl and extention machines are ok to add to legs day...

    and did I forget sqats and deadlifts? No... ok well do them again anyway... those are big mass builders and they make your body do one of two things, gett bigger or break in half and die... I didnt have an A$$ for 28 years, squats fixed that, and man I hate squats like my worst enemy... but I do them every week, yelling at the squat rack like a retarded kid...

    actually I yell at my legs " oh you dont wanna grow? " " hey cool with me I can stay here all day long, we are gonna do sqauts until you give up and grow you weak peice of $hit leg "

    I stopped punching my quat however, that mad too many people get concerned...

  5. #45
    Beefyman is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stumbo
    I started off your size bro, eat big and lift hard, youll grow, no need for juice.
    HOLY FVCKING SHIT U LOOK WAY BETTER DUDE THOSE PICS BLEW MY MIND nice nice nice work... worm to a bull

  6. #46
    puttinonpoinds is offline Junior Member
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    hey try this out ron, i was desperate myself about 1 year and a half ago and found thus guys program and followed it to a tee. It has work amazingly well and i went from 6'3 at 135 to 6'4 192 which is still to small for me but is great progress, here is the website site check it out and see what u think but u have to follow the program very strictly no waivering at all.

  7. #47
    puttinonpoinds is offline Junior Member
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  8. #48
    RobbieG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ron mexico
    Damn I didn’t know post that thread would kill my confidence so much. Human giraffe, dying of cancer very funny, but no im not joking im 6’2 145 , a year ago I was still 6’2 but 120 so im gaining. And im not all skin and bones im pretty cut up obviously because I have almost 0% body fat, and yes I do have the worlds record for fastest metabolism. As for my diet I eat a shit load, I shove calories in my body all day. Breakfast I eat 3 eggs, bacons sometimes, toast, yogurt and a huge glass of whole milk and a 20 grams protein shake. I have 2 lunches normally, a big one fast food largest size either double burger or chicken. My other lunch is smaller sandwich with a side of whatever and another 20 gram protein shake. I also snack all day on junk food. I will then have a big dinner meat and potatoes, corn or some other veggie with it and a salad (I know but you need greens in your diet). Finally before I go to bed I will have another shake and a tuna sandwich or a pp and j. As for the juice I cant stop until I can more weight, I need it to gain the weight it is the only thing that has worked. So what do you recommend as far as oral steroids, like I said I am thinking about getting to anadrol. Also someone mentioned not to lift 4 to 5 times a week, but im trying to stay cut and look good, I don’t think I can keep that up only lifting 2 times week, also I do bis and tris all the time favorite area to lift do you really think I should give that up? And more advice would be appreciate however this time take it easy on all the jokes, hurting my pride here.
    I eat your entire day before noon, and I am lean 190 lbs.

    listen, eat more, A HOLE GLASS OF MILK ? wow!

    I'm stunned.

    for breakfest I drink atleast 2-3 glasses of regulat fatty milk

    dude, you are dieting.. my girlfriend eats this healthy shit you are eating.

    drop the Fat-attitude you have gotten from to much Oprah, eat Steak and fries man, you need atleast 5.000 cals and 200 gr protein EVERY MOTHERLOVING SHITTYDAY, 20 gr. protein shake!!? suss! that´s nothing

    I have many customers like you, I DONT UNDERSTAND WHY I DONT BULK!

    and they eat crackers with tuna and only drink water!

    Look, it is really simple:

    If you eat 5 lbs of food every single day, 3 lbs wich your body burns, so you only have 2 lbs to go with.

    even though youd eat 100 pills af anadrol , your body STILL HAS ONLY 2 LBS TO GO WITH.

    jeez! why don´t people just get the fact. steroids don´t build muscle, food does

  9. #49
    ron mexico is offline New Member
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    dan brooks thank you, finally someone who was in my situation. If i dont eat a ridiculous amount i lose weight, I do eat a lot but i guess i have to just eat more and more i get it. As for. AS for Robbie G I actually said a glass of whole milk, really I go threw a half gallon of whole milk in a day. I am getting sick with the amount I eat, but I will just have to push myself farther. I’ll get back to you guys on my progress. Thanks for the good advice dan. Ne one else have a good work out let me know too.

  10. #50
    powerliftmike's Avatar
    powerliftmike is offline ~Elite AR-Hall of Famer~
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    Quote Originally Posted by ron mexico
    dan brooks thank you, finally someone who was in my situation. If i dont eat a ridiculous amount i lose weight, I do eat a lot but i guess i have to just eat more and more i get it. As for. AS for Robbie G I actually said a glass of whole milk, really I go threw a half gallon of whole milk in a day. I am getting sick with the amount I eat, but I will just have to push myself farther. I’ll get back to you guys on my progress. Thanks for the good advice dan. Ne one else have a good work out let me know too.
    as i kid i was always pretty skinny. ive been there, i know how it is. and im telling you eat more and train 2 days per week! i know it might seem your eating a lot, but if you step back and count the calories it aint much i assure you. cardio=walking, nothing more.

  11. #51
    one8nine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by powerliftmike
    stop pushing the AAS issue. you arent ready.

    that was me.

    excuse me, since you know how to train and look good already, just disregard my advice. since you already have everything dialed in, why would you even consider alterting anything.

    truth i was thinking the same thing

    bro this man knows what hes talking about obviously a little mroe than you at 145. you came here for advice and you are not getting spoonfed with pills to eat so you dont like it.
    trust this advice being given to you these men know their stuff you can see some of them in the member pictures area, or just ask their stats, theres your proof.

    and im guessing you live at home with your mom and you dont wanna get caught with needles so you are probably also too young to be on this board. but whatever it is until you are ready to use needles and not scared of them or whatever your problem is you are not ready for this game. its a serious thing not to **** aroudn with these are not skittles you are eating they will seriously impact your liver and cholesteron and endocrine system, among other things, and you really dont sound like you know 1/2 of what you need ot to be ready to play with something so powerful.

    if you coem here for advice from these vets in this game take it, god didnt make them 215, 250, 260, 300 or however big these guys are, its not luck, its learning and im sure taking advice from people when they were 145-200 pounds getting started, along with years of experience

  12. #52
    doctadank's Avatar
    doctadank is offline Junior Member
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    powerlifter mike what do you get at arbys?

  13. #53
    El Kelio's Avatar
    El Kelio is offline New Member
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    Forget about AAS and learn how to bulk diet.

  14. #54
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  15. #55
    doctadank's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by doctadank
    powerlifter mike what do you get at arbys?
    bump that shit. WHAT DO YOu GET AT ARBYS!

  16. #56
    briancb1 is offline Member
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    Your bulking diet is about the same as my cutting diet, so yea up the cals bro.

    Too much sodium in the Arby's for me, but then again I'm sure the water retension would make him look "fuller" so I would say add salt

  17. #57
    pumpd4lif's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bigmax
    Why??? want to meet her???..LOL
    bro if i wasnt married i woukld hunt her down i mean if power didnt mind of course

  18. #58
    minihulkwestcoast is offline Associate Member
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    He does seem to have a pretty fast metabolism. His cal intake has to be atleast 3500 a day, most likly more if he always eats like he says. Still the key is to eat more than the body needs to keep at current weight. If he bumped it to 4500-5000 there would be a 1000-1500 cal surplus. It will take a while for the metabolism to catch up to that.

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