Thread: 6'2 145, starting second cycle
09-21-2006, 11:32 PM #1New Member
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6'2 145, starting second cycle
I am now just starting my second cycle of 20 to 30 mgs of dbol a day with liquid winstrol about 50 mgs a day. This is what I used in my first cycle, I started then at 130 and put on 20 lbs. in 6 weeks then lost 5 after my cycle. Like I said i am 6'2 145, I eat like a horse, 5 to 6 big meals a days and whey shakes all day, lift 4 to 5 times a week but I seem to be stuck at 145 150. Any advice? I know everyone is gonna say I need to inject but this is not an option I cant do that. I was thinking about getting some anadrol , if I do what should I stack with? I know stacking 2 orals are not good but its my only choice. Any helpful advice would be appreciated.
09-21-2006, 11:34 PM #2
What a wreckless approach..Why can't you inject anything? Hw many times you eaing a day? How many Cals? How much Protien ect
09-21-2006, 11:37 PM #3
agreeed.. we need ur stats..also the only way your gonna take test is via injection (well there are patches and cream but its not the same) so if ur 6'2 and 145.. ur a string bean and u obviously wanna bulk.. so bump up the cals... bump up the protein.. and man up and start shooting!!!
09-21-2006, 11:59 PM #4
Drop the anabolics and get your shit straight.. 6'2 145lbs is a human giraffe. Post up an example of what you eat everyday, is it consistant each day or do you eat more some days than others etc? At your weight you simply need to eat the right foods in the proper amounts and throw in a bit of training and you should grow like a weed, no need for drugs.
09-22-2006, 12:05 AM #5
If You Can't Inject Don't Use F**king Gear!
09-22-2006, 12:06 AM #6
Eat mass gainer. 145 6'2'' is paper thin. I am natty at 11% and 195 at 6.
Please post your diet!
09-22-2006, 12:09 AM #7Originally Posted by I**mfkr
09-22-2006, 12:24 AM #8Junior Member
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Originally Posted by I**mfkr
09-22-2006, 12:31 AM #9
This has to be a joke. No one would be starting a cycle at only 145lbs, and definately not be on second cycle.
09-22-2006, 12:32 AM #10
If I was your size, I'd use foodadrol. That always packs on major mass!
09-22-2006, 12:33 AM #11
actually.. if i was his size id use a 45mm
09-22-2006, 12:44 AM #12
Ahhh Be easy on the guy..He need advice more than flaming
09-22-2006, 12:49 AM #13
Frankie..... F U ! ! ! Btw, how's the diet coming bro?
09-22-2006, 03:15 AM #14
I started off your size bro, eat big and lift hard, youll grow, no need for juice.
09-22-2006, 03:20 AM #15
I Dont Believe It. 6'2- 145lbs Are You Dieing Of Cancer Or Some Other Wasting Disease.
You Are Medically Considerded Emaciated, And To Think You Were 130 Wooow!
09-22-2006, 04:29 AM #16
sorry man but 145 with already one cycle under your belt is considered crap!
try better some N large and then after some pounds of weight and werious training u may think of using some AAS
09-22-2006, 05:20 AM #17
Potatoes, brown rice, chicken should be your best friend.
09-22-2006, 06:21 AM #18
Now noramally I wouldnt go out on a limb to respond to somebody who is using gear and is only 145 lbs @6'2", but I feel the need to here as your in desperate need of some advice. Drop the anabolics, and in your case, BK, McDonalds, and pizza is your best freind. W/ a metabolism like you have this shit isnt going to hurt ya, its all about calories at this point. I'd eat my chicken and steak and all that good shit, but I'd definitely be eating double whoppers and shit everyday
09-22-2006, 07:32 AM #19Originally Posted by stayinstacked
09-22-2006, 08:19 AM #20
6'2 and 145lbs. You shouldnt be using aas, at that weight you are probably nothing but skin and bones. Just train naturally until you put on some more weight.
09-22-2006, 08:22 AM #21Associate Member
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I just want to know why you cant inject? but i agree with everybody else you should just stick to a real good diet and wait. I wish i could eat mcdonalds all day...
09-22-2006, 08:30 AM #22
Do you guys seriously not know why he cant inject? Do you know how skinny 140 lbs is at 6'2???!?!?!?! A 1.5 in needle would hit the bone!
09-22-2006, 08:39 AM #23Associate Member
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lol ......thats screwed up bro.......
09-22-2006, 09:03 AM #24Originally Posted by SuperLift
ron mexico, im not trying to flame you but you seriously need to get things worked out before AAS.
without doubt you are an extreme ectomorph. that being so, 4-5 days training per week is probably counterproductive. if i were you i would increase calories and food frequency. when im bulking i often run by arbys in the evening and afternoon just for an extra 1600 calories (eat each arbys sandwhich i get is 800 cal and like 50g protein). if you know what to order at arbys its actually pretty healthy. no curly fries or sodas tho.
i would also cut training back to 2 sessions per week. one day would be squat and the other would be bench press. maybe a little ab work, but nothing else. yes, thats right, no fvcking bicep curls or other crap. you HAVE to get a base.
good luck. and dont be afraid to eat a crapload of carbs, you need to pack on some fat to gain.
09-22-2006, 09:14 AM #25
I dont think he's coming back guys
09-22-2006, 09:16 AM #26
Stop making fun. I'm 6' 9" tall and weigh only 115lbs. Of course I'm a runway model and not a bodybuilder.
09-22-2006, 10:26 AM #27New Member
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haha very funny everyone
Damn I didn’t know post that thread would kill my confidence so much. Human giraffe, dying of cancer very funny, but no im not joking im 6’2 145 , a year ago I was still 6’2 but 120 so im gaining. And im not all skin and bones im pretty cut up obviously because I have almost 0% body fat, and yes I do have the worlds record for fastest metabolism. As for my diet I eat a shit load, I shove calories in my body all day. Breakfast I eat 3 eggs, bacons sometimes, toast, yogurt and a huge glass of whole milk and a 20 grams protein shake. I have 2 lunches normally, a big one fast food largest size either double burger or chicken. My other lunch is smaller sandwich with a side of whatever and another 20 gram protein shake. I also snack all day on junk food. I will then have a big dinner meat and potatoes, corn or some other veggie with it and a salad (I know but you need greens in your diet). Finally before I go to bed I will have another shake and a tuna sandwich or a pp and j. As for the juice I cant stop until I can more weight, I need it to gain the weight it is the only thing that has worked. So what do you recommend as far as oral steroids , like I said I am thinking about getting to anadrol . Also someone mentioned not to lift 4 to 5 times a week, but im trying to stay cut and look good, I don’t think I can keep that up only lifting 2 times week, also I do bis and tris all the time favorite area to lift do you really think I should give that up? And more advice would be appreciate however this time take it easy on all the jokes, hurting my pride here.
09-22-2006, 10:35 AM #28
Im sorry but you dont seem to have any understanding of diet or training. If you want to get bigger you will have to sacrifice some of your definition. You need to train less, 3-4 times a week and get your diet sorted properly. Snacking on junk all day aint gonna cut it. "I do Bis and Tris all the time" that statement just shows how much you know about training. Dont do any gear mate, do some reading.
09-22-2006, 10:38 AM #29Originally Posted by ron mexico
Stop eating fast food,you need weight gainers,got to diet section,ton of good info for you status.Go with test only cycle,you can go to newbies cycles,ton of info have to stop and put you stuff together....IMO.
09-22-2006, 10:51 AM #30
You need to eat more. You eat like someone that weighs 145lbs. Eat like someone who weighs 245lbs and I'm sure you'll grow. Don't try to lie and act like you eat right for gaining weight , because OBVIOUSLY you don't. And you might want to see a docter about that. Might have an enormous tape worm inside you eating all the food for you lol
09-22-2006, 11:07 AM #31New Member
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no i really do eat that much im not lying, haha no tape worm, i really just do have and EXTREMLY EXTREMLY fast matabolism
09-22-2006, 11:16 AM #32
Hey bro,welcome to AR!..I'm going to apologize for some of the comments made to you bro...There was no need for that...Evryone of us started somewhere...First and foremost you need to get checked by a doc...Thats extremely thin for that height....and lets get you to gain weight naturally me it can be done!!!Oh and there is a better way of using AAS...what you're doing is NOT healthy.
09-22-2006, 11:22 AM #33Originally Posted by ron mexico
09-22-2006, 11:27 AM #34New Member
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I have seen a doctor there is nothing at all medically wrong with me, my father was the same way until he hit 35 40 and his metabolism slowed down. And if this is not a healthy way to do aas what is, im open to al suggestions
09-22-2006, 11:28 AM #35Originally Posted by ron mexico
Originally Posted by ron mexico
Originally Posted by ron mexico
09-22-2006, 11:31 AM #36
Ok,I'm glad you're open to suggestions!....You need to seriously put an Mass diet together and adjust your training accordingly..Go to the diet section here and get some samps of different nutritional plans and that can your first step to getting results.
09-22-2006, 11:32 AM #37
Hey mike That girl is driving me nuts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!LOL
09-22-2006, 11:34 AM #38
well to back the kid up a little I joined the army at 6 foot 2 137 lbs ( embarrassed )...
and dear god I ate like an animal... weight gainer in the am ( like a 2k cal shake ) and one in the PM... I brought an igloo cooler to lunch every day ( before the army I worked as an electrician ) i filled it with bannanas ( 1 bunch every day ) 2 tuna sandwitches ( 1/2 a can on each sandwitch ) 2 peanut butter and jelly, a big bowl of ground beef and maccaroni, and a big bowl of chicken and rice...
I ate oatmeal and eggs before work, drank the shake on the way to work or the job site, emptied the cooler in my gut during work, got a burger on the way back to the shop, drank six beers before going home, ate dinner which could be steak and taters or if lazy it was a large dominos pizza... and drank a shake before bed usually 1 hour after my workout...
I managed to gain just enough weight to get into the army with that diet.
I left basic training at 142lbs, the drill seargents would literally make me sit in the chow hall and eat... once at the rifle range they made me eat almost an entire yellow sheet cake until I threw up...
during my first year in the army I went through 1 complete bucket of twinlabs gainers fuel 1000 every other day, and ate 3 meals from the chow hall and at least 1 gallon of chocolate milk and 3 cans of tun 12 boiled eggs a few bannanas and still I was under 150lbs at 6 foot 2...
when I got to korea i found methyl test tabs and test cyp ampules in the korean pharmacy... I juiced for about 6 months with no PCT and was still able to box at the 165 weight class... LOL
now I am 35 and over 200lbs and lemme ****ing tell you its been a long hard road... if for just one week I want to eat just like a normal guy I know I will drop 5-10lbs
Now here is my suggestion to ol' johnny lightning skiiny guy...
EAT you skinny mother fvcker EAT... they will say no fast food, I say bullshitz to that... you need at least 2-3k calories a day in weight gainer alone, 3 cans of tuna a day, all the bannaas you can stomach, taco bell, mickey D's, rotisserie chicken, and plenty of steak...
when you get a layer of fat then you can cut back on the junk food, but until you stop looking like your from a 3rd world country you need to eat all day every day, drink a gallon of whole milk, or chocolate milk, oatmeal for breakfast...
hell start swallowing rocks and gravel like multivtamins, alway walk around in wet clothes ( i hear it adds weight )... and when your 35 ( my age ) and all your friends are fatt a$$es you will finally be normal sized and get your revenge... LOL
seriously, I have been in close to 100 adult films, and i promise you if I didnt eat the way I have for years I wouldnt have even got the chance to be in even one! people that used to eye fvck me because I was tall and skinny ( an easy target ) are all fat and cant even make eye contact with me now...
guys that dont have this problem will never understand the pain and suffering of a hard gainer... but I know how it feels bro... jsut keep at it...
and for gawds sake use a needle, dont be a crybaby.... you will never get big taking pills, you will just fvck up your liver and get smaller when they have to put you in the hospital...
09-22-2006, 11:35 AM #39Originally Posted by Bigmax
09-22-2006, 11:37 AM #40Originally Posted by ron mexico
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