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  1. #1
    lazaro17's Avatar
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    got my gear, ready to start, need AR's help

    (hopefully I posted this in the right place)

    this is what I got,

    2 bottles 10ml 300mg DECA

    1 bottle 10 ml 250mg Deca

    1 bottle of Test Cyp 10ml 250mg

    1 bottle Stanozolol 10ml 100 mg

    200 D-bol 10mg

    clomid 50mg(48)

    mesterolone 50mg (only 10)

    and I got the the Combo form lion (clomid/tamox)...

    my stats im in my 30's 5'9 180lbs and right about 18% bf (could be less)..

    not my first cycle, but it has been a little while since I have done one and would like your guys help in, in your guys opinion what should I stack and when to stack it ..

    should I use all 4 compounds or just 2 or maybe 3 .. do I have enough of them or do I need to get something more ..what products should I take besides the aas, stuff for the liver etc...

    I had surgery a while back and im looking to regain strength, and shape... size and cut would be good also but I know that its hard to get all this in one cycle, so for cuts Ill keep my diet tight and I already do cardio 5-7 days a week, 30-40 minutes at at least 3.5mph and a 7-10 incline so that should help ... and right now I workout 5-6 days a week also

    my diet consists of Turkey,chicken, lean red meats,Tuna, pasta, brown rice, red potatos, wheat/grain breads, oatmeals, veggies, salads etc.. I do not drink soda or any other beverage except water, and Tea Without sugar.. Protein shake from procomplex 55grams of protein per shake, some creatine, beverly internationals multi pak etc...

    I figured some d-bol,test and deca and finish it with the stan..
    should I take the pct during or after or both(I should Have plenty)

    I have done some research and will continue to do so, its just reading can take you in circles sometimes and figured I would, make a thread so all the experienced guys/gals here could put the info in front of me ...

    thanx in advance for any of your help, if there is something I left out please let me know, if I need to buy something else let me know that also ..

    again thanks for your time and for stopping by my thread

  2. #2
    MrMe's Avatar
    MrMe is offline Member
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    Looks like you have some good stuff. Only thing i have a concern with is you dont have allot of test, 1 bottle of 10ml @ 250mg. Allot of people run deca and test like this

    1-10 deca 300mg to 400mg week
    1-12 test 500mg to 600mg week

    The amount you have you would only be able to run it at 250mg a week for 10 weeks. From the research i've done, that might not be enough and you will get shut down.

    Hope this info can help out!

  3. #3
    cfiler's Avatar
    cfiler is offline Anabolic Member
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    You don't have enough test for a prop cycle. Buy another bottle of test, and then run:

    1-4 30 mgs dbol ed
    1-10 Test 500mgs weekly

    I wouldn't run another more. You don't need anything higher with your stats. Infact I'd say that you could gain more naturally.

  4. #4
    lazaro17's Avatar
    lazaro17 is offline Banned
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    SO for sure I need to buy more test .. I need the deca for my joints it always helps me ..

    so lets say

    30 mg d-bol ed for 4-weeks

    and A shot of deca 300 a week and a shot of test 250 twice a week ..

    for pct do you guys recommend taking the combo or mesterolone/proviron during or after

    im in no rush so I will make sure to get the test before I start, but I need to know if I need to by more proviron because if I need to use it ed I def dont have enough

  5. #5
    stuball's Avatar
    stuball is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by lazaro17
    SO for sure I need to buy more test .. I need the deca for my joints it always helps me ..

    so lets say

    30 mg d-bol ed for 4-weeks

    and A shot of deca 300 a week and a shot of test 250 twice a week ..

    for pct do you guys recommend taking the combo or mesterolone/proviron during or after

    im in no rush so I will make sure to get the test before I start, but I need to know if I need to by more proviron because if I need to use it ed I def dont have enough
    More like test twice a week 250 deca twice a week 200 or a little lower with the deca..

  6. #6
    lazaro17's Avatar
    lazaro17 is offline Banned
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    THanks for the replies,


  7. #7
    lazaro17's Avatar
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  8. #8
    HighandWide's Avatar
    HighandWide is offline Associate Member
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    Looks like a fun little cycle...wish I had the money

    If I had that I would run

    1-12 Deca 400/week (200 twice a week)
    1-10 Test 500/week (250 twice a week)
    1-5 Dbol 30-60 ed
    8-12 Stan....but not really needed

    of course expect gyno and treat when it begins
    standard clomid PCT...but i never used "lion"

  9. #9
    lazaro17's Avatar
    lazaro17 is offline Banned
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    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by HighandWide
    Looks like a fun little cycle...wish I had the money

    If I had that I would run

    1-12 Deca 400/week (200 twice a week)
    1-10 Test 500/week (250 twice a week)
    1-5 Dbol 30-60 ed
    8-12 Stan....but not really needed

    of course expect gyno and treat when it begins
    standard clomid PCT...but i never used "lion"
    thanx for your reply..

    I was thinking

    D-bol 30mg ed 1-4

    deca 300 week 1-8 or 1- 10

    test 450 a week 1-10

    and I ll put away the stan for future use ..

    I dont want to go too high with dosages, I would like to do a few cycles and put the size on over time...

    I figure the deca and test are long acting esters and could get away with one shot a week, but the test will be in 2 shots at a total of 450mg a week anyways..

    I have some proviron /mesterolone also, In your guys opinion should I take this thru out the cycle

    I have standard Clomid also, ill use that about 17 days after my last shot of test(and/ or deca)

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