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  1. #1
    beatz85 is offline New Member
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    Red face deciding on my first cycling!

    My name is nicholas I play competitive tennis and iam thinking about starting a cycle of juice as they call it. Iam 21 5"8 140lbs. Believe it or not i was smaller not to long ago and have worked hard to put on the mass i now have.

    I dont want to lose my mobility and quickness, but i do want to gain some size especially in the legs. I have read some things about winstrol , primobolan , and deca , but i just dont know what is actually the best one suited for me. Can anyone point me in a direction to hekp achieve my goal?

  2. #2
    Ufa's Avatar
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    Last edited by Ufa; 12-23-2006 at 03:57 PM.

  3. #3
    ITALIANMAN is offline Junior Member
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    you shouldnt even be thinkin bout juice for now you should just be eating alot very healthy take some creatine and train hard....youll get what you want just takes hard work...get your diet straight and training b

  4. #4
    beatz85 is offline New Member
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    i do consider myself a healthy eater. i consume 130-140 grams of protein per day. I go to the gym 4-5 to five days a week. I read alot about workout regimens and supplements. I have used nitrix and zma in the past. I am extremely dedicated to my craft. I run at least 12 miles a week that is not including the 5 hours on the court i spend six days a week. I compete at the professional level, the equivalent to the minor leagues. Any advice regarding anabolic supplements i would greatly appreciate. I posted my last message in hopes of finding an answer rather than criticism

  5. #5
    MrMe's Avatar
    MrMe is offline Member
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    People are just trying to help you out! What is it that your trying to acomplish with this cycle? Gain weight, strenght?

  6. #6
    DSM4Life's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by beatz85
    i do consider myself a healthy eater. i consume 130-140 grams of protein per day. I go to the gym 4-5 to five days a week. I read alot about workout regimens and supplements. I have used nitrix and zma in the past. I am extremely dedicated to my craft. I run at least 12 miles a week that is not including the 5 hours on the court i spend six days a week. I compete at the professional level, the equivalent to the minor leagues. Any advice regarding anabolic supplements i would greatly appreciate. I posted my last message in hopes of finding an answer rather than criticism
    If you are trying to put on mass its going to be tough with all that cardio. Juice will put some on but you are going to lose it all when you stop.

  7. #7
    beatz85 is offline New Member
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    I understand they are trying to help. My goal is to try to gain strength and a little mass. I preform so much cardio it is diffucult to gain. This is why i was looking for an enhanced performance.

  8. #8
    Foskamink's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by beatz85
    I understand they are trying to help. My goal is to try to gain strength and a little mass. I preform so much cardio it is diffucult to gain. This is why i was looking for an enhanced performance.
    ur cardio should be of only 30-40 mins or so on a empty stomach, im not a pro. but u can do cardio in the AM on a empty stomach and burn fat without cutting into ur muscle energy. meanwhile at the same time u can eat alot of good food and put on mass. first cycle should be atleast oh 175+ lbs i suggest at 5 foot 8. 140 lbs is very lean. u do not have much mass on u. mind me asking what u bench?

  9. #9
    C_Bino's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by beatz85
    I understand they are trying to help. My goal is to try to gain strength and a little mass. I preform so much cardio it is diffucult to gain. This is why i was looking for an enhanced performance.
    You say you are looking for ANSWERS not criticism...well your answer is to stay away from any AAS. You are 140lbs, and gaining mass should be relatively easy for you at that height/weight, your cardio is definitely gonna make it harder but I would say reasonably you can atleast gain another 30lbs without even using AAS at all.

    Just because this is steroid .com doesnt mean we sit around here and give out unwarranted advice to people who know absolutely nothing about steroids . In most parts of the world these are illegal drugs, and you know i would say close to NOTHING about them, and you feel we should just give you an answer like "hey go and start injecting deca ." That's a laugh, we advise people on how to safely and responsibly use AAS once they have personally acquired the knowledge on which AAS are more suited towards their goals and have grasped the concepts of gaining naturally and being dedicated towards nutrition and training alike.

    Now without meaning to sound offensive 5'8" and 140lbs are stats I would associate with someone who has never even stepped into a weight room in their life, yet you feel you should start using are way off. These are not some source of magic that will give you what you want, if you dont know how to gain weight naturally how do you expect to gain weight/muscle using these substances? Gainign weight is all about calories, it is absolutely unreasonable to beleive that by purely injecting AAS into your body you will somehow make muscle and gain weight. Your body requires an adequate amount of calories coming from a correct ratio of macro nutrients in order to successfully put on LBM, it does require injecting oil and suddenly gaining 10lbs.

    You have A LOT to learn and years of training/nutrition before you will be ready to use anabolics. Start researching around the site and check out the other forums for advice on training and diet first.

  10. #10
    beatz85 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Foskamink
    ur cardio should be of only 30-40 mins or so on a empty stomach, im not a pro. but u can do cardio in the AM on a empty stomach and burn fat without cutting into ur muscle energy. meanwhile at the same time u can eat alot of good food and put on mass. first cycle should be atleast oh 175+ lbs i suggest at 5 foot 8. 140 lbs is very lean. u do not have much mass on u. mind me asking what u bench?
    Thanks helpful advice. I started off at 126lbs. I always was quick and talented at tennis, but i was lacking the necessary strength. So I made it my goal to achieve a great physique. I have gained some weight in the upper body , but no completely satisfied. I def need to build more in lower body ,. in tennis this is a must. I currently am benching 165lbs 6-8reps

  11. #11
    beatz85 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by C_Bino
    You say you are looking for ANSWERS not criticism...well your answer is to stay away from any AAS. You are 140lbs, and gaining mass should be relatively easy for you at that height/weight, your cardio is definitely gonna make it harder but I would say reasonably you can atleast gain another 30lbs without even using AAS at all.

    Just because this is steroid .com doesnt mean we sit around here and give out unwarranted advice to people who know absolutely nothing about steroids . In most parts of the world these are illegal drugs, and you know i would say close to NOTHING about them, and you feel we should just give you an answer like "hey go and start injecting deca ." That's a laugh, we advise people on how to safely and responsibly use AAS once they have personally acquired the knowledge on which AAS are more suited towards their goals and have grasped the concepts of gaining naturally and being dedicated towards nutrition and training alike.

    Now without meaning to sound offensive 5'8" and 140lbs are stats I would associate with someone who has never even stepped into a weight room in their life, yet you feel you should start using are way off. These are not some source of magic that will give you what you want, if you dont know how to gain weight naturally how do you expect to gain weight/muscle using these substances? Gainign weight is all about calories, it is absolutely unreasonable to beleive that by purely injecting AAS into your body you will somehow make muscle and gain weight. Your body requires an adequate amount of calories coming from a correct ratio of macro nutrients in order to successfully put on LBM, it does require injecting oil and suddenly gaining 10lbs.

    You have A LOT to learn and years of training/nutrition before you will be ready to use anabolics. Start researching around the site and check out the other forums for advice on training and diet first.

    I will take your word for it. I suppose i do lack the mass to try to attempt those substances. As for never stepping into a gym i consider my slef a gym rat. I go 4-5 times a week. I read alot about nutrition and fitness. My coaches and other more successful professional freinds give me insight as well. My main problem is the vast amounts of cardio I do. i have been in the gym for some time now. The results were good at first, but know i can say there is a plateau of sorts.

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