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  1. #1
    BGIZZLE8629's Avatar
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    What to Incorpoate In My Cycle???

    Ok, I have an issue that I need some advice/suggestions/information on.

    I am 6' 215 with high b/f% under 20. I have been doing about 20-30 minutes of cardio E D for a while and have my diet under wraps.... I want to get down to about 12-16% B/F. I will let you know of everything that I have purchased up to this point. I have CLENBUTEROL (probably enough to do (2) 8wk cycles) from ARR (if that matters). I also have LETROZOLE . I have FINASTERIDE.
    I also have TESTOSTERONE CYPIONATE {(3) 10ml @200mg/ml}. I also have PROVIRON [(40) 50mg tabs] and NOLVADEX and enough tools/accessories to start a d*mn pharmacy.

    My 1st question is... should I do a 6-8 week cycle of CLEN . before I start my AAS cycle??? I dont know whether to cut as much fat as I can first and then gain the muscle mass/strength or to do the opposite (build mass, then, cut fat) can I do both in one AAS cycle (like by adding winstrol or anavar ect...)???

    My 2nd question is..... I would really like to add the lean mass rather than all out sheer mass. So, Basically, What would be the best AAS to add to my CYP cycle???

    As it stands, It is definate that my the cycle will include

    TEST CYP= 400mg/wk for 10wks
    PROVIRON=25mg/ed throughout
    NOLVADEX=10mg/ed throughout

    Again, What would be the best AAS to also incorporate into my cycle???

    D-BOL (20mg/ed first 5wks) (for "KICKSTART")
    WINSTROL-Inj. (25-50mg/ed for ? wks),Oral Tbs (15-25mg/ed for ?? wks)
    ANAVAR (6-10tabs/ed for ?? wks)
    BOLDENONE - a.k.a. EQUIPOISE (200-300mg/wk for ?? wks)
    MASTERON (100-200mg/wk for ?? wks)
    PRIMOBOLAN DEPOT (100-200mg/wk for ?? wks)

    If you guys could let me know WHAT THE BEST SUBSTANCE to incorporate is and maybe WHEN to incorporate it into my cycle I would be very grateful. Any advice/suggestions/info/opinions on this matter will be greatly appreciated. Thanks

  2. #2
    getbig32's Avatar
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    i would just diet before you start your cycle and get down to 12 or 14% bodyfat at most and then cycle....jmo

  3. #3
    BGIZZLE8629's Avatar
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    Thanks for the opinion.

  4. #4
    briansauras's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BGIZZLE8629

    TEST CYP= 400mg/wk for 10wks
    PROVIRON =25mg/ed throughout
    NOLVADEX =10mg/ed throughout

    Again, What would be the best AAS to also incorporate into my cycle???

    D-BOL (20mg/ed first 5wks) (for "KICKSTART")
    WINSTROL -Inj. (25-50mg/ed for ? wks),Oral Tbs (15-25mg/ed for ?? wks)
    ANAVAR (6-10tabs/ed for ?? wks)
    BOLDENONE - a.k.a. EQUIPOISE (200-300mg/wk for ?? wks)
    MASTERON (100-200mg/wk for ?? wks)
    PRIMOBOLAN DEPOT (100-200mg/wk for ?? wks)
    I dont like using clen for weightloss. IMO normal thermo's/ECA stack work way more effectively with way less sides. But if you want to use it. It can be ran 2wks on, 2wks off with a ephedrine free thermo used in off wks. Or it can be used 6wks straight with 50-100mg benadryl every 3rd wk.

    I suggest you diet first try out your clen, a thermo whatever and drop some bf. I would diet for about 2-3months to make sure you keep the weight off.

    Ok now on to your cycle. I think you need more then 10wks of cyp maybe something around 12-14.

    wk1-4 75mg prop ED or 150mg EOD
    wk1-14 600mg cyp EW
    wk1-13 500mg eq EW

    wk9-16(pct) 50-75mg var ED
    wk11-16(pct) 50-75mg winny EW

  5. #5
    BGIZZLE8629's Avatar
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    Thanks briansauras. I really appreciate that info. That helps a lot.

  6. #6
    BGIZZLE8629's Avatar
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    I was probably going to use the clen for around 6-8 wks and just use the benedryl for a week in weeks 3 and 6(if cycle for 8wks).

    hey, this might be a big deal though. I forgot to mention.... This is going to be MY FIRST REAL CYCLE - i did a cycle before that was a complete waste. it was like 150-200mg/wk of tren and winstrol for around 6 wks. I discontinued because I thought it was really (and I mean really) underdosed. So, i didnt know if that would make a difference in your opinion or not, but I just now thought about that and figured I would throw it out there. Thanks though.

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  8. #8
    BGIZZLE8629's Avatar
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    Come on? There has to be some more suggestions.......

  9. #9
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    ur doses suggested for win/dbol absolutly ineffective as is the EQ dose sounds to me w/ those figures u threw up you need way more research to begin with.. relying on clen .. not good clen is for precomp imo and thats bout it.. its rather pointless as t4 and eca stacks are far more effective but i wouldnt mess w/ T4 yet in the least.

  10. #10
    BGIZZLE8629's Avatar
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    ok tai. Trust me i have done plenty of research (probably around 6 months worth). You must be forgetting.... this is my 2nd cycle (first REAL cycle). Do you think I should have like 600-700mg/wk of equipoise or 100mg/day of D-Bol or something? Come on now.?

    How about you throw me some advice and/or suggestions instead of implying that I dont know what I am doing. Either way, Thanks for the criticism.

  11. #11
    taiboxa's Avatar
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by BGIZZLE8629
    ok tai. Trust me i have done plenty of research (probably around 6 months worth). You must be forgetting.... this is my 2nd cycle (first REAL cycle). Do you think I should have like 600-700mg/wk of equipoise or 100mg/day of D-Bol or something? Come on now.?

    How about you throw me some advice and/or suggestions instead of implying that I dont know what I am doing. Either way, Thanks for the criticism.
    no i suggest 40-50mg of dbol ran at a min of 4 wks up to 6
    i suggest 600mg of EQ anything less is just throwing ur $ away, ask anyone who has the slightest bit of experience they will tell u the same either A) DAMIT i shoulda ran EQ at 600 or B)600 was more effective than 400!
    advice? run test at 300-500mg/wk regardless of ester as long as it is deceantly long, no blends. run an oral if u want personally i would run test/eq if u want mild dry gains w/ high blood pressure. get blood work done prior and post cycle. you could also utilize var @~50mg ED after 2-3 weeks change dose accordingly since some people do not respond so well to it. u could run var up to 10 wks if u wish unless you have pre'existing liver/kidney problems.

    u could even do a low dose of deca to accompany your test for all i care just keep the doses realitively low... there is no strict RULE other than Everyone is different and for the best advice learn Your Body.

  12. #12
    BGIZZLE8629's Avatar
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    Isn't 40-50mg of D-BOL/day gonna be pretty harsh on my liver??
    If I were to add EQ, @ what point should I incorporate it into the cycle?
    I did have a problem with i guess my kidneys, a while after I used some TREN .
    I had blood in my urine.... I dont think I was drinking enough water, but, somebody else on here said that they had blood in their urine after TREN and was drinking over 1 gal./day. So I dont know the exact reason for me.....

    What's the shortest yet most effective treatment of VAR? Thanks

  13. #13
    taiboxa's Avatar
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    lol im not telling :D
    in bold..
    Quote Originally Posted by BGIZZLE8629
    Isn't 40-50mg of D-BOL/day gonna be pretty harsh on my liver?? it will only be harmful if u have pre'existing liver problems or are a heavy drinker where u never give ur liver time to regenerate it is one of the most resiliant organs in the body.
    If I were to add EQ, @ what point should I incorporate it into the cycle? FIRST THING if not before everything else since it takes time to really be effective
    I did have a problem with i guess my kidneys, a while after I used some TREN .
    I had blood in my urine.... I dont think I was drinking enough water, but, somebody else on here said that they had blood in their urine after TREN and was drinking over 1 gal./day. So I dont know the exact reason for me.....

    What's the shortest yet most effective treatment of VAR? Thanks why u wanna use var?
    overall kidneys vary from each individual but i and many others have ran enough tren to kill 3 cows two triceratops, 8pteradons, and one brochiasaurus.. so all in all its based on the individual and they SHOULD NOT F'n DRINk many say they dont but LOL POSERS, they should get blood work pre and post cycle and show a LIL RESPONSIBILITY..

  14. #14
    OldUncle is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by BGIZZLE8629
    As it stands, It is definate that my the cycle will include

    TEST CYP= 400mg/wk for 10wks
    PROVIRON =25mg/ed throughout
    NOLVADEX =10mg/ed throughout

    Again, What would be the best AAS to also incorporate into my cycle???

    D-BOL (20mg/ed first 5wks) (for "KICKSTART")
    WINSTROL -Inj. (25-50mg/ed for ? wks),Oral Tbs (15-25mg/ed for ?? wks)
    ANAVAR (6-10tabs/ed for ?? wks)
    BOLDENONE - a.k.a. EQUIPOISE (200-300mg/wk for ?? wks)
    MASTERON (100-200mg/wk for ?? wks)
    PRIMOBOLAN DEPOT (100-200mg/wk for ?? wks)
    If you want to burn adipose and gain/retain meat, go with 500mg of whatever test you like per week minimum, use the Anavar for 4-6 weeks at 80 mg / day, and skip all the other stuff. Train a lot harder and more frequently than usual, eat reasonably close to 'clean' and the Testosterone Miracle will happen to you. I also like 16 week cycles, but that's just me. I personally get best results with 750 mg of T or better per week. I've also heard more than a few folks say that 'var doesn't strip off fat, but I figure they either got burned or are non-responders. 2 weeks into any Anavar cycle I can see a major difference in BF levels, every time.

  15. #15
    BGIZZLE8629's Avatar
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    you could also utilize var @~50mg ED after 2-3 weeks change dose accordingly since some people do not respond so well to it. u could run var up to 10 wks if u wish unless you have pre'existing liver/kidney problems.
    you threw Anavar out there for an option... so I am aksing about it WTF?

  16. #16
    taiboxa's Avatar
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by BGIZZLE8629
    you could also utilize var @~50mg ED after 2-3 weeks change dose accordingly since some people do not respond so well to it. u could run var up to 10 wks if u wish unless you have pre'existing liver/kidney problems.
    you threw Anavar out there for an option... so I am aksing about it WTF?
    i was just asking why lol nothing insulting bout wat i stated

  17. #17
    BGIZZLE8629's Avatar
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    "If you want to burn adipose and gain/retain meat, go with 500mg of whatever test you like per week minimum, use the Anavar for 4-6 weeks at 80 mg / day, and skip all the other stuff. Train a lot harder and more frequently than usual, eat reasonably close to 'clean' and the Testosterone Miracle will happen to you. I also like 16 week cycles, but that's just me. I personally get best results with 750 mg of T or better per week. I've also heard more than a few folks say that 'var doesn't strip off fat, but I figure they either got burned or are non-responders. 2 weeks into any Anavar cycle I can see a major difference in BF levels, every time."

    So your saying that I should use no less than 500mg/wk of TEST?? (absolutely nothing less?) What exactly is the "Testosterone Miracle" I dont think that I want to be shut down for 16 weeks though. That seems pretty long..... When do you think the best time to incorporate VAR into my cycle would be? (Beginning, Middle, Last, ect...?) How much b/f have you lost with Anavar??
    Also, since I am trying to gain lean mass and not just blow up... should I definately stay away from D-BOL??? Thanks everybody. and thanks for your help OldUnc

  18. #18
    BGIZZLE8629's Avatar
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    overall kidneys vary from each individual but i and many others have ran enough tren to kill 3 cows two triceratops, 8pteradons, and one brochiasaurus.. so all in all its based on the individual and they SHOULD NOT F'n DRINk many say they dont but LOL POSERS, they should get blood work pre and post cycle and show a LIL RESPONSIBILITY I can really and truly honestly say that I dont drink. I drink maybe once a month but probably around like 6-8 times a year. And thats the truth

    i was just asking why lol nothing insulting bout wat i statedI would want to use far because I believe it helps one gain lean mass and gives more strength if I remember right. and some people say that it helps shed fat....Basically, I want to gain LEAN mass - what do you suggest is the best thing to put with my CYPIONATE and @what dosages with when to incorporate it into my cycle?(beginning, middle, end?)

    Thanks tai

  19. #19
    taiboxa's Avatar
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    lol im not telling :D
    i gain lean gains on drol/dbol which are usualy big bloaters.. its all individual based.

    personaly for ur first go i would run test 300-500mg/wk and an oral of wat ever you want, win/var/drol/dbol doesnt matter knock ur self out and experiement safely

  20. #20
    BGIZZLE8629's Avatar
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    man I must be stupid, what is D-rol?

  21. #21
    taiboxa's Avatar
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by BGIZZLE8629
    man I must be stupid, what is D-rol?

  22. #22
    BGIZZLE8629's Avatar
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    Well, cmon man help me out some more....... at what dosages and @ what times during my cycle should I incorporate some of this stuff??? I dont know the optimal times to incorporate different things. I think I could probably figure out the dosages I guess but if you could help me with when to throw them in that would be sweet.

    Much appreciated

  23. #23
    BGIZZLE8629's Avatar
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    Oh yea Anadrol .........DUH!

  24. #24
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  25. #25
    BGIZZLE8629's Avatar
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    How do you guys think this cycle looks??

    TESTOSTERONE CYPIONATE - 400 or 500 mg/wk - 10 or 12 weeks
    WINSTROL ORALS - 25-50mg/ed - wks 1-4
    PROVIRON ORALS - 25mg/ed - wks 1 throughout cycle PCT
    ANAVAR ORALS - 40-80mg/ed - wks 7-10 or 9-12
    (ANAVAR & WINNY could maybe be switched)

    Also ----- Nolva @ 10mg/ed throughout cycle (+ PCT)

    Nolva and Clomid for PCT - Do you think I would need HCG throughout this kind of a cycle??? Any kind of feedback on how this cycle looks or what I should change in it or If I should change it all together. Remember, I AM LOOKING FOR LEAN MASS. Thanks for your comments/suggestions.

  26. #26
    OldUncle is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by BGIZZLE8629
    So your saying that I should use no less than 500mg/wk of TEST?? (absolutely nothing less?) What exactly is the "Testosterone Miracle" I dont think that I want to be shut down for 16 weeks though. That seems pretty long..... When do you think the best time to incorporate VAR into my cycle would be? (Beginning, Middle, Last, ect...?) How much b/f have you lost with Anavar ??
    Also, since I am trying to gain lean mass and not just blow up... should I definately stay away from D-BOL??? Thanks everybody. and thanks for your help OldUnc
    I think that 500 mg / wk of testosterone is a good middle-of-the-road dose. I can't get much out of that little, but I've been doing it for a few decades. I use Anavar at the beginning of some cycles, and use 80 mg/day in 4 doses of 2 mg each when I do it. Many people think this is a near-worthless substance, but it works just fine here (and for most everyone I actually know in real life).

    I also still like Dbol and use it, but am in the minority. Proabably because I'm an old fart - deca -and-dbol was good enough for Arnold and Kaz, so it's probably good enough for the rest of us. However, if you are looking to lean out, stay away from Dbol, IMO.

    So, if I was you, I'd go something like this:

    Week 1 - 4 or 6: 500 mg TE 1x/wk, 80 mg 'var ED
    Week 4 or 6 - end: 500 mg TE
    end+1 for 4 weeks: PCT. I'm also old school here, and still use HGC and Clomid for PCT. Have some Liquidex around in case your nipples start to get sore, but on a moderate dose of T it's not certain that you'll get estrogen problems. If you don't know you need anti-e, don't use it.

    If you like cyp better than TE, use it. If you want to dose the T twice a week, that's cool, too. I don't.

    EDIT: Oh, the 'Testosterone Miracle' is just that you lose fat and gain muscle at the same time. Not possible without drugs, I don't care who says otherwise.

  27. #27
    BGIZZLE8629's Avatar
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    I think that 500 mg / wk of testosterone is a good middle-of-the-road dose. I can't get much out of that little, but I've been doing it for a few decades. I use Anavar at the beginning of some cycles, and use 80 mg/day in 4 doses of 2 mg each when I do it. Many people think this is a near-worthless substance, but it works just fine here (and for most everyone I actually know in real life).

    I also still like Dbol and use it, but am in the minority. Proabably because I'm an old fart - deca -and-dbol was good enough for Arnold and Kaz, so it's probably good enough for the rest of us. However, if you are looking to lean out, stay away from Dbol, IMO.

    So, if I was you, I'd go something like this:

    Week 1 - 4 or 6: 500 mg TE 1x/wk, 80 mg 'var ED
    Week 4 or 6 - end: 500 mg TE
    end+1 for 4 weeks: PCT. I'm also old school here, and still use HGC and Clomid for PCT. Have some Liquidex around in case your nipples start to get sore, but on a moderate dose of T it's not certain that you'll get estrogen problems. If you don't know you need anti-e, don't use it.

    If you like cyp better than TE, use it. If you want to dose the T twice a week, that's cool, too. I don't.

    EDIT: Oh, the 'Testosterone Miracle' is just that you lose fat and gain muscle at the same time. Not possible without drugs, I don't care who says otherwise.

    I dont understand what the stuff in the BOLD is supposed to mean up there. Are you saying that I should only do a 4-6wk cycle of test and anavar??? I shouldn't do like a 10-12 week cycle?? I have never done any kind of TEST. This will be my 2nd cycle overall (my first real cycle) and the first cycle with any kind of TEST. Do you think Test E is better than Test C or something?? Oh, and hopefully the Testosterone Miracle will happen to me. Thanks for the advice.

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