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  1. #1
    dhriscerr's Avatar
    dhriscerr is offline Senior Member
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    23YO M Fist Cycle

    23 Y/O
    Lifting since 16yo
    Weighed 135lb 4 years ago at 19
    No cycle experience
    Was 20% BF 3 months ago, diets in check dropped 13lbs in 3 months trying to do it slow not to lose muscle. The reason I was 20%, and I know this isnt an excuse, and dont use this as a reason im not ready, if you think im not, is because I was getting out of the marine corps my wife had a baby and we were living at my wifes parents house so for about 3 months I went from running all the time in the marines to almost no cardio, and going from eating good 5-7 times a day to 3 meals with whatever the motherinlaw made for food. Ive been reading the crap out of this website for 3 months, and lifting and eating as perfect as i can. I have an easy 6 months to devote to this, I gave up alcohol, and havent drank for 4 months dont plan on it. Im taking, creatine, whey, fish oils, and multi vitamins for sups. Also I wont start until my bf is at 10 or 11%

    I have a few questions id like responses too.
    1. Do you think im ready for a cycle? if no why not?
    2. What do you think of a 10week cycle of test e 250mg?
    I was thinking of this to see how my body reacts to the gear.
    Or would it be a waste and should I go with 500mg? also i wasnt going to statck it with anything else, alot of people said deca , what do you think for 1st cycle?
    3. Armidex .50mg ed while on cycle, and 18days after start Nolva at 20mg ed for 5 weeks is that a good PCT? I would like to get HCG but dont know if i can.
    4. Should i have anything else on hand for gyno or will the armidex supress that?
    5. Any other .02 you have for me will be greatly appreciated

  2. #2
    plzr8's Avatar
    plzr8 is offline Senior Member
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    1) only you can make that decision, but taking into account your age, weight lifting experience, presumed dedication & hard work (marine corps), then i would say you would be more prepared then many others who are currently using

    2) 1st cycle = Test E or cyp @ 500mg/week divided into 2 weekly shots of 250mg for 10-12 weeks

    3) yeah .25mg-.5mg ED arimidex during cycle up until 2 weeks after your last test shot
    after that, personally i've enjoyed the results from anthonyrobert's pct which is a sticky in the pct section. it consists of nolva/aromasin /hcg ...if you cant get hcg, run the nolva/aromasin combo

    4) you should defintely be fine with just arimidex this cycle, you could always bump up the arimidex, but doubt it will be needed unless your very prone to estrogen effects (gyno, bloat, etc)

    5) keep asking questions, make sure you have everything ready & on hand before you start. eat right, train haird, good luck!
    Last edited by plzr8; 12-04-2006 at 04:18 PM.

  3. #3
    shrpskn is offline Anabolic Member
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    Den sitta på huk ställ
    What plzr8 said.

  4. #4
    king6's Avatar
    king6 is offline Anabolic Member
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    1. You sound ready.

    2. I would go with a 12 week cycle of test e @ 250mg 2x a week.
    That is a very good beginner cycle. You can even jumpstart it with Dbol .

    3. Armidex is good @ .5-1.0 mg a day. If you are really worried about gyno I would run letro @ .25mg/day.

    4. As said Armidex is fine. If you are prone to baldness I would also run some fina or duta, which you start about 8 weeks before your cycle. Also don't forget your supps while on your cycle.

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