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  1. #41
    Snrf's Avatar
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    And you still haven't shown any evidence of hospitals using colloidal silver as eyedrops for newborns.....made it up did you?

  2. #42
    Snrf's Avatar
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    Come on seriously, you have contradicted yourself, resorted to insulting others, spouted daft global conspiracy theories, made stuff up to suit your argument and called yourself a "total moron"

    Time to give up maybe?

  3. #43
    Snrf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ss01
    . Study all this and then come back. Hey any REAL MAN can say "I was wrong, you were right, and thank you for educating me."

    Anytime you wanna follow your own advice feel free to buddy.

    For now I'm going to bed since it is late here.

    So now I'm gone I'm sure you will hasten to respond as soon as I am offline, since that's pretty much the only time you have responded so far. I wonder why that is?

  4. #44
    shrpskn is offline Anabolic Member
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    He's still walking, he's still stalking...

  5. #45
    ss01 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Snrfmaster
    Yeah, since all that could be made up. I don't have a book to check your references from.

    And they're not really medical texts, they're mostly books on alternative medicine, admittedly written by doctors, but still unproven.

    To be honest I can't believe I'm still having this debate with you.

    If colloidal silver can prevent all bacteria/virus-borne diseases why are people dying from them all over the world by the tens of thousands every day?

    Explain that to me please, and without mentioning any lizard men or massive pharmaceutical conspiracies or flying saucers or similar rubbish
    There is no MONEY in it.

    Now *YOU* explain to me how things happen in this world, WITHOUT MONEY.

  6. #46
    jdavis2007's Avatar
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    I think there's a difference between using silver spoons to cook your pourage with and actually ingesting silver...I'm not sold on ingesting any heavy metals...zinc is as close as I get...vitamin C/E will have to do for now...

  7. #47
    fLgAtOr is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ss01
    There is no MONEY in it.
    Now *YOU* explain to me how things happen in this world, WITHOUT MONEY.
    Now thats just bullshit. You can sell ANYTHING to ANYONE.

    Look, in all fairness, I respect your viewpoints, and I don't want to look like a complete asshole in my previous posts. I don't doubt your claims, for the most part. However, my problem lies with a couple of things. You really do make it sound likes it the greatest thing in the world...And its not. Can it be good? Sure, I think thats plausible. But your initial post looked like it was cut and pasted from the side of a colloidal silver bottle. The little comment about Jesus and such (I know it was in jest, but still)... The conspiracy theory...

    This doesn't mean that your points don't hold water, but do you really have to make it sound like you have stock options in the worlds silver supply?

  8. #48
    fLgAtOr is offline Anabolic Member
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    In addition, the very point of this discussion, which was preventing injection related infections, really hasn't been focused on... Ahem?

    Any data on this? Personal experience? Etc?

  9. #49
    Tock's Avatar
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    I almost bought a washing machine sanitizing system ( for my business based on silver ion's properties. I looked into the thing, and decided against it.
    "According to the Korea Consumer Protection Board, Samsung’s Silver Wash technology has no superior sterilization effect, as the company claims in advertisements"
    "The EPA said Wednesday its decision will require manufacturers that use bacteria-killing particles of silver to provide scientific evidence that they won't harm waterways or public health."

    Silver seems to have long-recognized (recognized by doctors) properties of sanitizing things, yes. But too much of a good thing is not always a good thing. It turns out that the residue of this silver stuff damages the outside ecosystem that most of the european countries have banned using microscopic bits of silver to wash stuff with. I'm thinking, if it's so bad on aquatic waterlife over time, then how good can it really be for me?

    Na, there's too many risks associated with this stuff for me to want to use it.
    But, if you want to avoid unsanitary injections, then learn the ins and outs of sterilization. If you don't know the diference between sanitation and sterilization, then there's no way you should be making home brew or screwing with needles.

    Selling snake oil, though on AR? . . . I dunno about that . . .
    Last edited by Tock; 12-19-2006 at 08:05 PM.

  10. #50
    kynetguy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ss01
    Total hogwash. You wouldn't attempt this if you had a pound of EVERY antibiotic on hand. So that post is totally worthless.

    And as I posted above, there are SOME forms of silver that CAN give you argyria and some others that CANNOT. That's all.

    How is it hogwash. I am not the one claiming that some unscientifically proven voodoo medicine is going to make you infection proof.

    You are the one saying we can drink colloidal silver and become infection proof. Sounds like to me you don't have total faith in your product.

    I wasn't questioning argyria. I know for a fact that silver colloid will cause argyria, if infact what you are drinking actualy has any silver in it at all.

    If you are drinking TRUE coilloidal silver, all it is is fine pieces of silver. A colloid are finely divided particals 10-10000 angstrons in size. An angstrom is one hundred millions of a centimeter. (10^-8) (quoted from So if you are TRULY drinking colloidal silver, and it is infact silver. . . .do you think this can cause argyria?

  11. #51
    kynetguy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ss01
    There is no MONEY in it.

    Now *YOU* explain to me how things happen in this world, WITHOUT MONEY.

    There is lots of money in it. . . .YOu are paying for it arent you!

  12. #52
    ss01 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by kynetguy
    How is it hogwash. I am not the one claiming that some unscientifically proven voodoo medicine is going to make you infection proof.

    You are the one saying we can drink colloidal silver and become infection proof. Sounds like to me you don't have total faith in your product.

    I wasn't questioning argyria. I know for a fact that silver colloid will cause argyria, if infact what you are drinking actualy has any silver in it at all.

    If you are drinking TRUE coilloidal silver, all it is is fine pieces of silver. A colloid are finely divided particals 10-10000 angstrons in size. An angstrom is one hundred millions of a centimeter. (10^-8) (quoted from So if you are TRULY drinking colloidal silver, and it is infact silver. . . .do you think this can cause argyria?
    No, it cannot cause argyria. Argyria is caused by silver SALTS, not small, electricall-charged particles of silver. HUGE difference. What you are doing is comparing table salt, which contains chlorine, and pure chlorine. One whiff of chlorine and your lungs are cooked. A teaspoon of salt and you will do a face. That is the difference.

  13. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by ss01
    No, it cannot cause argyria. Argyria is caused by silver SALTS, not small, electricall-charged particles of silver. HUGE difference. What you are doing is comparing table salt, which contains chlorine, and pure chlorine. One whiff of chlorine and your lungs are cooked. A teaspoon of salt and you will do a face. That is the difference.

    No, we are not comparing table salt with chlorine.

    You are.

    And it's completely beside the point.

    Besides table salt will still kill you if you eat too much of it....what is your point exactly?

    Seriously....At which point do you begin to question exactly what foundation your belief in this stuff is based on? because unless its cured you of cancer or aids I really don't see where this blind unshakeable faith is coming from.

    Still waiting for you to run an entire cycle with one syringe.....

  14. #54
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    Oh yeah, still waiting for evidence of colloidal silver being used as eyedrops for newborns......

  15. #55
    shrpskn is offline Anabolic Member
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    Thumbs down

    HEY!!!'s a cureall for this discussion...

    Swab your vial and injection site with some alcohol prior to injection, shoot your gear, and toss the used syringe and needle. Repeat this method with next injection...Problem solved.

    I don't know about all of you guys, but my method has never brought an infection or illness in the 3 years that I've been injecting AAS into my body.

    As interesting as the subject matter is here...this thread is getting old. I see no conclusion being agreed upon here, therefore I will now unsubscribe from this B.S.


  16. #56
    ss01 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by shrpskn
    HEY!!!'s a cureall for this discussion...

    Swab your vial and injection site with some alcohol prior to injection, shoot your gear, and toss the used syringe and needle. Repeat this method with next injection...Problem solved.

    I don't know about all of you guys, but my method has never brought an infection or illness in the 3 years that I've been injecting AAS into my body.

    As interesting as the subject matter is here...this thread is getting old. I see no conclusion being agreed upon here, therefore I will now unsubscribe from this B.S.

    Good idea, I will do the same, since the bashers bash without any research at all, and question *MY* knowledge that it works and is side-effect free.

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