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Thread: cruising?

  1. #1
    reppedout1 is offline Member
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    hello all!just wondering if say u did like 250mg of test enth for example between cycles what could the long term effects be?is the worst case scenario be u would have to be on hrt for life?just curious.i'm 27 yo btw.not sayin i'm gonna do it by any means just wondein what everyone think.thank you!!

  2. #2
    testosterona's Avatar
    testosterona is offline Anabolic Member
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    yes HRT......for life.....not fun

  3. #3
    2.minutes's Avatar
    2.minutes is offline Member
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  4. #4
    jdavis2007's Avatar
    jdavis2007 is offline Associate Member
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    If you are done/don't want to have any kids...go for it...

  5. #5
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Quote Originally Posted by reppedout1
    hello all!just wondering if say u did like 250mg of test enth for example between cycles what could the long term effects be?is the worst case scenario be u would have to be on hrt for life?just curious.i'm 27 yo btw.not sayin i'm gonna do it by any means just wondein what everyone think.thank you!!
    Yes, and I am. But I only need to cruise on 100mg a week. Also I am pretty old so that makes a big difference to the decision

  6. #6
    Halfcenturian's Avatar
    Halfcenturian is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kale
    Yes, and I am. But I only need to cruise on 100mg a week. Also I am pretty old so that makes a big difference to the decision

    Ditto. ^^^^

  7. #7
    bigwillystyle's Avatar
    bigwillystyle is offline Associate Member
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    if your going to "cruise" or bridge from cycle to cylce you can take 25-35mgs of var a day which is expenisive but safer. IMO cruising is a bad idea. give your body a long rest see if you can make any gains natrually.. then when all else fails take a step back into the dark side.


  8. #8
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Why do you feel you need to cruise?

  9. #9
    Bigmax's Avatar
    Bigmax is offline Retired VET~ If you dont know... ask me
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    yeah thats me in avvy
    OFF means OFF bro...the body has to recover...Doing things like that will you doing it for the rest of your life...

  10. #10
    ascendant's Avatar
    ascendant is offline Senior Member
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    Right behind you...
    i know many people advise against cruising (aka HRT) between cycles, but i have been doing a lot of research on it lately, and contrary to popular belief, when doing it right, it can not only not be harmful, but can actually be beneficial.

    for example, at high doses of test, we all know it increases your bad cholesterol and decreases your good. however, at a lower dose, it actually does the opposite. if you don't think so (which i didn't believe it either at first), go to pubmed and look up "testosterone " and "cholesterol". it also increases collagen synthesis when taken at HRT doses as well (this i have yet to confirm but have heard from several sources and believe it to be true). not to mention HRT helps improve libido, increase energy, improve mood (better mood = better health), among several other positive benefits including even helping prevent heart attack and stroke (this again confirmed by pubmed).

    now, the main concern when on HRT is making sure not to shut your own body down in the process. this needs to be done with occasional use of HCG . additionally, an anti-estrogen, such as arimidex is advised to prevent elevated estrogen levels. on that note, i had heard one recommendation for .25mg EOD and one for 1mg EOD. i think how much you need all depends on your estrogen levels while on HRT.

    lets not forget that having low test levels can do far more harm than HRT ever could. if you'd like, i can do a bit of research and make a list of all the negative health effects of low testosterone levels in men.

    the reason i'm so convinced of the health benefits of HRT is a colleague of mine at work does it with test at 120mg/week and 2iu/day of HGH. this guy gets his bloodwork done regularly and he's as healthy as on ox at age 32 and has been doing HRT for about 4 years now. the most important thing is to get your bloodwork checked regularly and make sure all your bloodwork is in order.

  11. #11
    reppedout1 is offline Member
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    i don't believe at this point in my life i'm gonna do it i know maybe down the road i will reconsider just wanted to get peoples opinion on this

  12. #12
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Quote Originally Posted by reppedout1
    i don't believe at this point in my life i'm gonna do it i know maybe down the road i will reconsider just wanted to get peoples opinion on this
    Good decision !!!

  13. #13
    Halfcenturian's Avatar
    Halfcenturian is offline Associate Member
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    Don't cruise if you don't have to!

    You will get MUCH BETTER results if you do PCT. clean out your receptors, pick up more size, strength, blah blah blah then if you stay on, and cruise.

    HRT at 25-30 would be a drag. unless your natty test is way low, <300.
    At 45-55 It makes sense. My natty test is 600 and dropping. Plus I feel so much better when it's triple that. Only worry really is prostate. Which is a concern ANYWAY after 50. So fukc it I'm staying on and doing HRT.
    I'm as big as I want to get. OK.... maybe a little bigger.... But size comes harder when you are on HRT. I want to keep muscle mass as long as possible. And stay strong.

  14. #14
    reppedout1 is offline Member
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    i appreciate everyones responses!! i'll consider hrt when i'm older like halfcenturian stated,plus at that point i'm sure my joints will be fried so i'll add a lil gh in there

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