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  1. #1
    shifty_git's Avatar
    shifty_git is offline Anabolically Aware
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    UK - A Backward Part

    Gutted... Anyone else experienced this?

    Was getting into week 3 of a Test E and NPP cycle and got ill.

    Picked up a nasty virus which was going around work and it hit me bad.

    Usual viral symptoms (sickness, mega tired, upset stomach etc etc) but came out in a meseals type rash all over my face, upper body, arms n slightly on ma legs...

    Doctor said it it was run down immune system (also had a hell of a lot of stress the last 3 months) and the combination of illness, roids n stress brought it on.

    Gutted... now starting a PCT till all is better :-(

  2. #2
    spywizard's Avatar
    spywizard is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer~
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    Dec 2003
    In the Gym, if i could
    steroids , and working out like that will make you more likely to come down with an illness..

    rest, and best of luck to ya
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