hello all!my buddy just got his bloodwork results back yesterday it says his test is 248 down from 317 a month ago.now approximately 4 months ago he finished up a 16 week 600 mg deca cycle,he was running test with it but i'm not sure how much.it shut him down real bad,eventually he started recovering.i suggewsted myogenx which he was onbetween his two tests.the doc wants to put him on trt at a dose of 100 mg depot a week but he is only 25 yo.the doc says he messed up his gland not sure which one.the thing i don't get is he says his weights are goin up,no prob with libido,no lethargy etc ,basically no signs of low test except for the results.doc says if he doesn't jump on trt right away things will just get worse.what do u guys think?thanks!!!!!