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  1. #1
    davidinvienna is offline Associate Member
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    HELP for a friend PLEASE!

    Hey guys!

    I m writin this here for a mate of mine since his english ability is close to zero!
    Looks like he's in trouble and I was hopin you could help out with some solid advice. Here's what it's about:

    He is running
    500mg Test E for 12weeks
    75mg Tren A ed for 8 weeks (please dont ask me why he chose that combo - the only answer i got out of him was that this was the advice he's been given by his coach!)
    Adex throughout at .5/day

    and this is his first cycle!!! (yeah I can already hear an ear full comin this way)

    Ol matey is on week 6 now of this cycle and has serious libido issues - in short words ... it aint workin!

    1st of all - have any of you ever run Test E & Tren A together? and 2ndly - did you end up with similar issues .... any recommendations what can be done bout that or you guys reckon he s seriously ****ed his hormone household up??

    Please do get back to me with some constructive advice since the poor fella is at the end with his nerves ... cant blame him ey!?

  2. #2
    testosterona's Avatar
    testosterona is offline Anabolic Member
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    he will be fine!! settle him down first, and let him know how to fix it......that woud be dropping the tren dose to 50mgs ed. adctually, just tell him to stop the tren at wk six, that's gonna get the willy back to working quicker


  3. #3
    gorgorothsatanis's Avatar
    gorgorothsatanis is offline Associate Member
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    75 mg of tren everyday?!! I'm pretty crazy myself, but that is hardcore even for me. Lower the tren dose. As far as completely ****ing himself over, don't worry so much. The human body is incredibly resilient otherwise most of us on this forum would be stone dead a long time ago lol. PCT he should do clomid to kickstart his nuts into production. Don't freak out too much, I have personally done WAY more extreme cycles and I'm fine. That being said, he needs to do some more homework for his future cycles and not blindly follow what some douchebag "coach" tells him to do. Be your own man.
    Last edited by gorgorothsatanis; 02-05-2007 at 11:58 AM.

  4. #4
    davidinvienna is offline Associate Member
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    thx mate!
    How come the Tren A has such an impact on his libido though he is running 500mg Test E along? For future ref - should he have used Tren E instead of A and would that solve that the libido issue or can the same probs be expected?

  5. #5
    davidinvienna is offline Associate Member
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    @gorgo - what dose of Tren A should he be running along 500mgs of Test E (that is if he should be usin Tren A along Test E at all?!?) sorry for my many Q's guys but I m new round here and on that specific issue I d like to give my buddy the best advice I can get!
    I m sure you understand given the nature of his problem.

  6. #6
    davidinvienna is offline Associate Member
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    @gorgo - i hear ya mate ... i told him numerous times to join here & do some readin .... hope he ll listen now!

  7. #7
    davidinvienna is offline Associate Member
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    bro just rang me - asked me if it was generally a mistake to run Tren A with Test E as opposed to Tren E/Test E .... ??? all I could tell him from what I ve been readin here is that most would combine Test E/Tren E or Test Prop/Tren A ....

  8. #8
    gorgorothsatanis's Avatar
    gorgorothsatanis is offline Associate Member
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    This is a hard question to answer because everyone reacts differently to gear to some extent. My preferred method is to use 50 mg tren acet and test prop eod. just mix them together and do them in one shot. If he is squeamish about multi weekly injections, use tren e and test enanth once weekly. "Tren dick" is very very common, regardless if it is tren e or tren a, that is why you have to use some form of Test unless you like being a eunuch. If he is having so many problems with this cycle, tell him to CHANGE IT!! Tren and test are not the only drugs out there lol. Tren is a kickass drug, but there is a heavy price to pay for the gains. If his girlfriend is giving him a really hard time (no pun intended), tell him to try some viagra or cialis. No sense losing a good woman for a few extra pounds of muscle. Hope this helped.

  9. #9
    fatrock's Avatar
    fatrock is offline Member
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    Definetly lower the tren and throw in some cialis from AR-R until hes good to go.

  10. #10
    testosterona's Avatar
    testosterona is offline Anabolic Member
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    he should def keep the test dose abve the tren dose by at least 200mgs ewk. that's my opinion, but it has never failed me or any other bb.


  11. #11
    GHO5T's Avatar
    GHO5T is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by gorgorothsatanis
    75 mg of tren everyday?!! I'm pretty crazy myself, but that is hardcore even for me. Lower the tren dose. As far as completely ****ing himself over, don't worry so much. The human body is incredibly resilient otherwise most of us on this forum would be stone dead a long time ago lol. PCT he should do clomid to kickstart his nuts into production. Don't freak out too much, I have personally done WAY more extreme cycles and I'm fine. That being said, he needs to do some more homework for his future cycles and not blindly follow what some douchebag "coach" tells him to do. Be your own man.
    How is 75mgs of Tren everyday so crazy?

    I personally have ran it at 100mg/ed for 8 weeks, and i know bros who have ran it as high as 150-200mg/ed.

    IMO the reason for libido issues is because hes using a longer ester test and it probably hasnt kicked in yet. Once it does, he should be fine.

  12. #12
    mamias20918756 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by GHO5T
    How is 75mgs of Tren everyday so crazy?

    I personally have ran it at 100mg/ed for 8 weeks, and i know bros who have ran it as high as 150-200mg/ed.

    IMO the reason for libido issues is because hes using a longer ester test and it probably hasnt kicked in yet. Once it does, he should be fine.

    Libido will be better once the long ester kicks in

  13. #13
    diezell's Avatar
    diezell is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by GHO5T
    How is 75mgs of Tren everyday so crazy?

    I personally have ran it at 100mg/ed for 8 weeks, and i know bros who have ran it as high as 150-200mg/ed.

    IMO the reason for libido issues is because hes using a longer ester test and it probably hasnt kicked in yet. Once it does, he should be fine.
    i agree, i usually run it at 100mg ed for 8-10 weeks... tell youre buddy to a.)up the test or b.)drop the tren to 50mgs ed or 100mg eod... i prefer option b in his case since its his first run with it

  14. #14
    stacked566's Avatar
    stacked566 is offline Associate Member
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    Exactly what these guys said. 75mg of tren ed is fine, the test just hasn't kicked in yet. If fina dick is the only side he's seeing right now then keep running it @ 75mg ed (switching to eod could cause sides to come) and tell him to get some cialis or viagra for the time being. He's fine, no need to worry.

  15. #15
    davidinvienna is offline Associate Member
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    hey guys - a big THANKS to all of ya for your swift responses and solid advice! I ve already forwarded all the info to matey and will defo keep you posted on his progress!

  16. #16
    spywizard's Avatar
    spywizard is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer~
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    yep, he would be a perfect person to run the Myogenx.. stimulation of the LH made me feel like night and day..

    There could be a prolactin build up issues as well, but do what has been suggested, the MyogenX takes about 3 days to really kick in libedo wise, and since i ran it for my only pct, it worked great..

    good luck
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  17. #17
    davidinvienna is offline Associate Member
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    guess he ll have to order it from the US - I haven't seen it anywhere round Europe yet. should he stick to running .5/day of Adex throughout? what would be the best for PCT?? ... bearin in mind that I haven't been able to chase up clomid anywhere round here...

  18. #18
    gorgorothsatanis's Avatar
    gorgorothsatanis is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by GHO5T
    How is 75mgs of Tren everyday so crazy?

    I personally have ran it at 100mg/ed for 8 weeks, and i know bros who have ran it as high as 150-200mg/ed.

    IMO the reason for libido issues is because hes using a longer ester test and it probably hasnt kicked in yet. Once it does, he should be fine.
    Your dick must have been as limp as that scumbag Bill Clinton's cock around that hag wife of his Hilary. That's what I meant. I couldnt' make anything happen with the tubesteak when I was on 75mg of tren a.

  19. #19
    davidinvienna is offline Associate Member
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    spoke to my buddy today - he said he decided to drop to 50mg/ed ... will keep u posted how it works out for him. told him I ll order him some cialis from lion meanwhile. lets hope this will do the job!

  20. #20
    GHO5T's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gorgorothsatanis
    Your dick must have been as limp as that scumbag Bill Clinton's cock around that hag wife of his Hilary. That's what I meant. I couldnt' make anything happen with the tubesteak when I was on 75mg of tren a.
    Nah bro, ive ran it at 100mg/ed no problem. Last time i had i was fine, i was banging my gf quite a few times a day. No libido problems for me.

    bros will react differently to different compounds, so a 75mg dose of tren a shuts you down hard, it doesnt necessarily mean it will shut down another bro as hard or it might not at all.

  21. #21
    testosterona's Avatar
    testosterona is offline Anabolic Member
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    what do you guys mean the "test hasn't kicked in yet?!?!" i don't know about yall, but i notcie the libido benefits about 2kws into the cycle, 1wk if i frontload. at wk 6 he is well into the cycle and his levels should be peaked. this "kick in" that you speak of, what is it? when you start to SEE gains, right? that doesn't have anything to do w/ his current libido issue, IMO


  22. #22
    GHO5T's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by testosterona
    what do you guys mean the "test hasn't kicked in yet?!?!" i don't know about yall, but i notcie the libido benefits about 2kws into the cycle, 1wk if i frontload. at wk 6 he is well into the cycle and his levels should be peaked. this "kick in" that you speak of, what is it? when you start to SEE gains, right? that doesn't have anything to do w/ his current libido issue, IMO

    Again, to rephrase, for you bro you notice the effects 2 weeks in your levels peak, and libido rises, it doesnt mean another bro will too. For another bro, it could take longer say 6-8 weeks to see the full effects of the compound.

    Just because it takes 2 weeks for your levels to peak, doesnt mean it will for everyone else as well.

  23. #23
    testosterona's Avatar
    testosterona is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by GHO5T
    Again, to rephrase, for you bro you notice the effects 2 weeks in your levels peak, and libido rises, it doesnt mean another bro will too. For another bro, it could take longer say 6-8 weeks to see the full effects of the compound.

    Just because it takes 2 weeks for your levels to peak, doesnt mean it will for everyone else as well.
    uhh, yes, actually, everyone "peaks" at the same time. what i mean by PEAK is when the hormone actually PEAKS in the blood stream.....wich, depending on doses and esters only, happens to everyone at the same rate. so 6wks into the cycle, his testosterone blood levels are PEAKED.....unless he has been shooting once every two wks or something unorthodox.


  24. #24
    gorgorothsatanis's Avatar
    gorgorothsatanis is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by GHO5T
    Nah bro, ive ran it at 100mg/ed no problem. Last time i had i was fine, i was banging my gf quite a few times a day. No libido problems for me.

    bros will react differently to different compounds, so a 75mg dose of tren a shuts you down hard, it doesnt necessarily mean it will shut down another bro as hard or it might not at all.
    Good point, man. I was just sharing my experience with tren and my tubesteak firmness. Then again maybe it was stress that caused the limp noodle, but i am sure the tren didn't help.

  25. #25
    davidinvienna is offline Associate Member
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    huh - looks like i ve kicked loose a whole libido/test discussion here LOL but thanks for your help guys

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