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  1. #1
    dirxx is offline New Member
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    4wk cutting cycle

    I`m thinking about going on a 4 week cutting cycle, 250mg test enthanate/week.
    I`m 18( i know.. i know .. too young, but please ignore the age) 190lbs, 1.75cm, and about 20-22% BF. Natural endomorph ... been lifting weights for more than 2 years, and practicing (other) sports for more than 5-6 yrs. No signifficant body fat reduction, although only in the last years I got my diet right (I KNOW i got it right, I eat the right foods, but when I cut calories to much I get sick for about 2-3 weeks.. and gain fat).
    so here it goes.

    250mg test enthanate/wk (4 weeks)
    25mg proviron /day (6 weeks)
    16mg salbutamol/day
    250ui HCG 2 times/week during the cycle and 2 weeks after the cycle - this is to prevent the testes from excessive shrinkage
    Clomid 50mg/day 4 weeks after the cycle
    Tamoxifen 10mg/day 6 weeks after the cycle

    Is the 25mg proviron be enough or should I take Clomid or novaldex during the cycle too?
    I figure this is a short, safe and effective cycle. Is the test enough? Should I do 375mg/week? Or should I increase the length of the cycle to six weeks?
    Any help would be greatly apreciated.

  2. #2
    brjrj0000's Avatar
    brjrj0000 is offline Member
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    1. Test e doesnt even kick in until at least week 4 or 5 so running it for 4 weeks will be useless. i like 12 weeks
    2.wait until you are older
    3. do some more research

  3. #3
    MartyMcFly's Avatar
    MartyMcFly is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by brjrj0000
    1. Test e doesnt even kick in until at least week 4 or 5 so running it for 4 weeks will be useless. i like 12 weeks
    2.wait until you are older
    3. do some more research
    4. Post diet
    5. Steroids do not cut you diet, cardio does.

  4. #4
    kfrost06's Avatar
    kfrost06 is offline Banned
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    18 years old? your body is producing it's own test at record levels I would definitely hold off. You start a cycle at your age and you could screw your body up big time. Take advantage of your youth and wait till you plateu and no way are you there at 18, IMO.

  5. #5
    josh8416's Avatar
    josh8416 is offline Associate Member
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    man there is no way you have research Shiit on this board. no way would i do test for 4 weeks haha it just starts to kick in, plus your young where you dont need it. and man fix your damn diet, 22 percent bodyfat. thats nothing steroids will fix, thats your diet bro..

  6. #6
    Random is offline RETIRED VET
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    (I KNOW i got it right, I eat the right foods, but when I cut calories to much I get sick for about 2-3 weeks.. and gain fat).
    LOL theres nothing Right about that...cutting cals and gaining fat? something is very wrong...


  7. #7
    philippi333 is offline New Member
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    its possible. underactive thyroid possibly. people are all diffrent. but 4 weeks is wayyyyyyy to short. test wnt even be kickin in.

  8. #8
    dirxx is offline New Member
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    If these are my "record" test levels.. I don`t wanna know how my weak lvls will be. I DID hit a plateau, that`s why I resorted tot this extreme measure.

    Diet`s fine, 1800kcals, carbs only from fruits/veggies. Protein from egg whites,whey, meats, cheeses. Fats from fish oil, flaxseeds, flaxseed oil, 1-2 yolks/day, + those from the meats and cheese.

    I have to say that this BF is kinda the lowest BF I`ve been all my life, I have my parents to blame .
    I train with weights 3 times/week, intensive cardio ( I do mma) 3 times/week.

    If the cycle is too short, not a problem . I can extend it or use another AAS.
    Besides the kinda low lvls of test, I think I have kinda high levels of estrogen.

  9. #9
    dirxx is offline New Member
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    Oh .. and I read that a dose as low as 250mg/week of test would (in a greater or lesser degree) an endomorph lose fat, unlinke **** or ectomorphs... who will probably won't benefit this much in terms of fat loss, who could only use it for weight gain (250mg is too low.. dose needs to be >500mg)

  10. #10
    MartyMcFly's Avatar
    MartyMcFly is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by dirxx
    If these are my "record" test levels.. I don`t wanna know how my weak lvls will be. I DID hit a plateau, that`s why I resorted tot this extreme measure.

    Diet`s fine, 1800kcals, carbs only from fruits/veggies. Protein from egg whites,whey, meats, cheeses. Fats from fish oil, flaxseeds, flaxseed oil, 1-2 yolks/day, + those from the meats and cheese.

    I have to say that this BF is kinda the lowest BF I`ve been all my life, I have my parents to blame .
    I train with weights 3 times/week, intensive cardio ( I do mma) 3 times/week.

    If the cycle is too short, not a problem . I can extend it or use another AAS.
    Besides the kinda low lvls of test, I think I have kinda high levels of estrogen.
    That is not posting your diet. That is naming foods you eat.

  11. #11
    dirxx is offline New Member
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    1# omlet: 7 whites, 2 yolks, 50g cheddar cheese, 1 tbsp flaxseed oil
    2# 1 sandwhich: 50g whole bread, 2 oz chicken breast(broiled), 1 orange
    3# 1 serving of brocolli, 4 oz chicken breast
    4# 4oz chicken breast,1 orange, 50g cheddar cheese
    5# PWO shake: 1 cup whey isolate, 50g dextrose, 5g creatine
    6# 1 serving of brocolli, 4 oz chicken breast, 1 orange

    That`s the usual everyday diet.

  12. #12
    lilslim37 is offline New Member
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    are you kidding? dude 20-22% body fat? what is with you kids thinking steroids are miracle drugs? go read a book ( LITERALLY ).. u need DIET AND CARDIO. NOT STEROIDS. also. i eat more than u do all day before lunch. give me a break. not flaming you but stop giving law makers reasons to make steroids illegal. and you're 18? lol ... lol... lol..

  13. #13
    dirxx is offline New Member
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    You`re speaking without knowing the case, and my background. Give me a break, I puked my ass out with cardio (except I was eating so little food I didnt have anything to puke), I was doing cardio, weigths, and mma EVERY DAY AND NOT A SINGLE POUND LOST (oh and I ate kinda like what I wrote in my previous post, but in most days.. less). This was last summer. I calculated my calorie intake and calorie expenditure, some days it was negative, without taking in account the RMR.

    So.. what gives? I`m not thinking steroids are miracle drugs, but I do think they can help.

  14. #14
    Bigmax's Avatar
    Bigmax is offline Retired VET~ If you dont know... ask me
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    yeah thats me in avvy
    Bro,i wont say anything about the AAS caus eyouve been toasted on that one...but that diet you have there is to say the least not good...I'd literally starve to death on that...

  15. #15
    topnotch is offline Member
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    At that high of a body fat percentage, steroids are useless...there is no way you are at a true plateau in 2 years of training..go to the diet forum and get a good diet for your goals. they can help you over there. Also, sometimes if you cut your calories too low, you can cause your body to hit starvation mode where it stores all fat possible, and burns muscle for energy..maybe a possibility with your diet. Definately work on the diet, and train a few more years before even considering AS. Don't screw your body up by doing it too young. Also, look at the training section. Your training may not be great either.

  16. #16
    dirxx is offline New Member
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    Ignore my age for a sec.

    Lets say I`m 28 with 10 yrs of training.
    Okay.. help me now with my cycle!

  17. #17
    helium3's Avatar
    helium3 is offline Senior Member
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    test e is definitley not the answer for you,not taking into account your age.

    the increased test will aromatise to estrogen to a given extent and could cause further fat gain,along with significant water gain.

  18. #18
    helium3's Avatar
    helium3 is offline Senior Member
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    im sorry but you wont get anyone hear advocating the use of steroids in your need to keep up the diet along with the cardio youve been doing.

    its not what you want to hear,but its the truth,we are here to help,and aas aint gonna do it for you.

    you should be gaining naturally.maybe you are overtraining.

  19. #19
    MartyMcFly's Avatar
    MartyMcFly is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by dirxx
    Ignore my age for a sec.

    Lets say I`m 28 with 10 yrs of training.
    Okay.. help me now with my cycle!
    I still stick with what I said and I'm sure everyone else will too. Your age doesn't make a difference your diet and bf do.

  20. #20
    kfrost06's Avatar
    kfrost06 is offline Banned
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    you can't ignore your age and your inexperience and lack of training or your body fat. We are not trying to be mean, being mean would be telling you to use AS and eat what you want. You need to get things in order before you go taking gear. Gear can be very dangerous and should not be taken lightly get your self in shape and when you can not achieve any more but want to go to the next level than you think about AS. You have 20-22% BF, that's what couch potatoes have not someone training seriously.

  21. #21
    testisbest is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by dirxx
    Ignore my age for a sec.

    Lets say I`m 28 with 10 yrs of training.
    Okay.. help me now with my cycle!
    here's a good cycle that'll help bust through that plateau. 3,500 CLEAN cals every day for 5 years with 45 min of cardio every morning and weight training at night. Hit the diet forum on how to clean up those cals. I wish I was 18 again.

  22. #22
    Snrf's Avatar
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    he's trying to lose weight test

  23. #23
    testisbest is offline Senior Member
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    at that weight if he continues to starve himself, he'll be skin and bones. Put some muscle on first then cut.

  24. #24
    lilslim37 is offline New Member
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    i know i've already flamed but. let me be nice for a second.. you're 18 years old. so probably you want the chicks to dig you? you see guys walking around shirtless and think hey maybe i can be like that. steroids .. NOT the answer. most guys you see walking around like that have earned it. but if you INSIST on taking gear, then i guess i'll tell you what you should do , well atl east what i would do if i was you.

    prop, eq, winny. maybe some clen . if you want me to make you a detailed dosage list and PROPER diet to lean out. PM me. because lets face it. you're mind is already made up

  25. #25
    testisbest is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by lilslim37
    i know i've already flamed but. let me be nice for a second.. you're 18 years old. so probably you want the chicks to dig you? you see guys walking around shirtless and think hey maybe i can be like that. steroids .. NOT the answer. most guys you see walking around like that have earned it. but if you INSIST on taking gear, then i guess i'll tell you what you should do , well atl east what i would do if i was you.

    prop, eq, winny. maybe some clen . if you want me to make you a detailed dosage list and PROPER diet to lean out. PM me. because lets face it. you're mind is already made up
    hey bro, please don't tell this kid to take any of those compounds. How do you think he'll feel when he goes on hrt for the rest of his life because he was a lazy 18 year old.

  26. #26
    kfrost06's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by testisbest
    hey bro, please don't tell this kid to take any of those compounds. How do you think he'll feel when he goes on hrt for the rest of his life because he was a lazy 18 year old.
    DITTO! You would be hurting him not helping him

  27. #27
    MartyMcFly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lilslim37
    i know i've already flamed but. let me be nice for a second.. you're 18 years old. so probably you want the chicks to dig you? you see guys walking around shirtless and think hey maybe i can be like that. steroids .. NOT the answer. most guys you see walking around like that have earned it. but if you INSIST on taking gear, then i guess i'll tell you what you should do , well atl east what i would do if i was you.

    prop, eq, winny. maybe some clen . if you want me to make you a detailed dosage list and PROPER diet to lean out. PM me. because lets face it. you're mind is already made up
    Great another person who thinks these "cutting drugs" make you cut fat.

  28. #28
    lilslim37 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MartyMcFly
    Great another person who thinks these "cutting drugs" make you cut fat.
    are we serious? no one said cutting drugs make you cut fat.. also, i use winstrol when i BULK and prop sometimes too. and EQ isn't a cutting drug at all, it increases red blood cell which would give him more endurance to help his cardio.

    that being said, those " DRUGS " would be better off for him then enanthate . am i wrong? so great indeed.

  29. #29
    testisbest is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by lilslim37
    are we serious? no one said cutting drugs make you cut fat.. also, i use winstrol when i BULK and prop sometimes too. and EQ isn't a cutting drug at all, it increases red blood cell which would give him more endurance to help his cardio.

    that being said, those " DRUGS " would be better off for him then enanthate. am i wrong? so great indeed.
    ya, eq would have to be run for 12 weeks to get decent results so you'd have to run test for 14 weeks, winny or prop would need every day injects (i know you can drink winny) not to mention all of the compounds are AAS and will shut him down. He is a kid, believe it or not. I know you're trying to help, but if he's too lazy to give a 100% effort now what makes you think he'll give 100% during and after his cycle?

  30. #30
    Snrf's Avatar
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    jesus christ, what are you guys sources planning to try and sell him gear or what?

    this kid doesnt need steroids guys, he'll probably end up fatter, bloated, with possible gyno because of increased aromatase in all his fat cells...and maybe stunt his growth/damage his hpta.

  31. #31
    dirxx is offline New Member
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    First.. I aint too lazy, If i were too lazy I was about 50% BF by now. Read my previous posts, did they sound like I was lazy to you?

    2nd IF you actually DID read my 1st post you would have seen that I took care of the estrogen (proviron , tamoxifen & clomid).. so that means no gyno or stunted growth (winstrol and other non-aromatizing gear COULD help me grow taller)

  32. #32
    dirxx is offline New Member
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    Btw, for some reason.. I can`t send PM`s ... I wonder why.

    If someone could PM me with an Y!M ID, to clear out a few things for me.. that would be great.
    Last edited by dirxx; 03-29-2007 at 02:53 PM.

  33. #33
    scribbs12's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dirxx
    1# omlet: 7 whites, 2 yolks, 50g cheddar cheese, 1 tbsp flaxseed oil
    2# 1 sandwhich: 50g whole bread, 2 oz chicken breast(broiled), 1 orange
    3# 1 serving of brocolli, 4 oz chicken breast
    4# 4oz chicken breast,1 orange, 50g cheddar cheese
    5# PWO shake: 1 cup whey isolate, 50g dextrose, 5g creatine
    6# 1 serving of brocolli, 4 oz chicken breast, 1 orange

    That`s the usual everyday diet.
    .. i could be wrong...but your cals to stay at your weight are about 3000..?>.. u said you eat about 1800cals a day???>....

    Diet`s fine, 1800kcals, QUOTE]

    you should be eating at most 500calls less than your maitence.... that way you dont starve your body.. and the it starts to hold on to any fat possible... and if you do lose weight.. you'll just be a smaller fat version of your bigger fat self.. if that makes any sense...
    use the harris forumla.. it does the calculations for you....

    and all this might not apply to you if you thyroid is messed up... i saw someone mention that.... but dont jump into aas yet... maybe some clen /eca stack.. good luck

  34. #34
    Snrf's Avatar
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    you ARE too lazy, or you wouldn't be 22% bodyfat....end of story mate.

    cardio and diet will cut you up, not steroids

  35. #35
    testisbest is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Snrfmaster
    you ARE too lazy, or you wouldn't be 22% bodyfat....end of story mate.

    cardio and diet will cut you up, not steroids
    can I have that pic of my girlfriend back?LOL. Damn, who is that in your avatar?

  36. #36
    scribbs12's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by testisbest
    can I have that pic of my girlfriend back?LOL. Damn, who is that in your avatar?
    oh thats amanda... he met her at one of my swinger parties..

  37. #37
    dirxx is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Snrfmaster
    you ARE too lazy, or you wouldn't be 22% bodyfat....end of story mate.

    cardio and diet will cut you up, not steroids

    Why are you being an ignorant? You have prejudices too ...

  38. #38
    scribbs12's Avatar
    scribbs12 is offline Member
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    well do you have a thyroid disfunction?..... if you dont ... i would say you were lazy too...

    diet+cardio if you thyroid is okay...
    Last edited by scribbs12; 03-29-2007 at 03:06 PM.

  39. #39
    dirxx is offline New Member
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    How should I know?
    I know I have bad genetics (parents& grandparents) and I`ve been fat all my life. DESPITE my best efforts, I still am a bit chubby, although I did lose fat over the years...
    I dont know how you could call a person lazy for training >12 hours/week and starving at the same time.

  40. #40
    scribbs12's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dirxx
    How should I know?
    I know I have bad genetics (parents& grandparents) and I`ve been fat all my life. DESPITE my best efforts, I still am a bit chubby, although I did lose fat over the years...
    I dont know how you could call a person lazy for training >12 hours/week and starving at the same time.

    how would you know.. go see a doctor... have him evaluate you.. and see if your "fatness" is due to a thyroid disfucntin.. or is just you dieting wrong and the wrong training routine...

    dont just assume because your parents are fat.. that its because of they're gentetics.... maybe you guys eat out alot.. or eat too many tv dinners.. .. (im just saying... as an example..not saying they do..)... and sorry im being so harsh... but you keep blaming you weight problems on genetics.... go see a doctor.. because your not qualified to make those kind of statements; at least not as accurate as he will...

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