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  1. #1
    boDAWG's Avatar
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    FBI AND GEAR - check it out let me know

    hey guys, ok so i am currently in college working on getting my bachelors in comouter science, after that i will join las vegas metropolitan police ***artment for approximately 3 years and then go into FBI as a special agent, well here is my question.

    i am 19 now, i will have my bachelors by the time im 21 and i am thinkin about a cycle right around the time im 21, but the policy for FBI states if you have used anabolic steroids after february 1, 1991 you can NOT join, how would they know if i used AAS or if my gains were natural???

    also would it show up in my blood test if i used AAS at 21 and applied for FBI at age of 24?

  2. #2
    ginkobulloba's Avatar
    ginkobulloba is offline Senior Member
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    No. Of course it won't show up in a blood test. But you'll definitely have to undergo some polygraph tests and they will ask you if you used illegal substances.

  3. #3
    *Narkissos*'s Avatar
    *Narkissos* is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ginkobulloba
    No. Of course it won't show up in a blood test. But you'll definitely have to undergo some polygraph tests and they will ask you if you used illegal substances.

    Polygrah.. as well as 500+ questions personality tests.

    The way the latter test is worded it is fairly dificult to lie.

    They ask you variations of the same question at multiple points in the test.

    Good luck.

  4. #4
    boDAWG's Avatar
    boDAWG is offline Member
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    damn so there is no way to go with AAS and get accepted eh?

  5. #5
    Stock's Avatar
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    Unless you can lie well

  6. #6
    testisbest is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by boDAWG
    hey guys, ok so i am currently in college working on getting my bachelors in comouter science, after that i will join las vegas metropolitan police ***artment for approximately 3 years and then go into FBI as a special agent, well here is my question.

    i am 19 now, i will have my bachelors by the time im 21 and i am thinkin about a cycle right around the time im 21, but the policy for FBI states if you have used anabolic steroids after february 1, 1991 you can NOT join, how would they know if i used AAS or if my gains were natural???

    also would it show up in my blood test if i used AAS at 21 and applied for FBI at age of 24?
    Steroids aren't worth blowing a chance at a career like that. Just wait until you get excepted and know how the FBI is before you just try to learn how to lie IMHO. You can always cycle afterwards.

  7. #7
    juice4life's Avatar
    juice4life is offline Associate Member
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    I agree, it's not worth not getting the position over.

    It will give you an excuse to train natural for a few years.

    Just wait till you get accepted and then start around 25-26.

    You will have plenty of time to do gear once you get into the FBI

  8. #8
    Eat Too Much is offline Junior Member
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    My buddy is also looking to get into the Police field.. He has told me that they won't ask you, "have you ever used illegal substances", they will word it more like, "have you used anything in the last 2 years". I think they understand that people can make bad choices when they're young, but they expect you to be clean as of the last few years. Something to that effect.

  9. #9
    mickdiesel is offline Senior Member
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    Your little sister
    questions or not they're still going to tske hair. and if u show up bald as a baby it'll be pretty weird

  10. #10
    scottish is offline Associate Member
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    huh? ^^^^^^

  11. #11
    boDAWG's Avatar
    boDAWG is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eat Too Much
    My buddy is also looking to get into the Police field.. He has told me that they won't ask you, "have you ever used illegal substances", they will word it more like, "have you used anything in the last 2 years". I think they understand that people can make bad choices when they're young, but they expect you to be clean as of the last few years. Something to that effect.

    police yeah, FBI's rules say if you used anabolic steroids after February 1, 1991 you are immediately disqualified

    hell when i used to live in CO i know like three cops that were on AAS when they got accepted into Denver PD, but ive never seen a huge body builder type FBI agent hahahahahaha

  12. #12
    boDAWG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by caban
    questions or not they're still going to tske hair. and if u show up bald as a baby it'll be pretty weird
    are you trying to say questions or not they will still notice the hair loss???

  13. #13
    getpaid's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by boDAWG
    are you trying to say questions or not they will still notice the hair loss???
    I think he means a hair follicle drug test!!!

  14. #14
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    before you take the polygraph load up on beta blockers..

  15. #15
    *Narkissos*'s Avatar
    *Narkissos* is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by boDAWG
    are you trying to say questions or not they will still notice the hair loss???
    Follicle testing.

  16. #16
    BigJames's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eat Too Much
    My buddy is also looking to get into the Police field.. He has told me that they won't ask you, "have you ever used illegal substances", they will word it more like, "have you used anything in the last 2 years". I think they understand that people can make bad choices when they're young, but they expect you to be clean as of the last few years. Something to that effect.
    It is typical for law enforcement agencies to ask if you have used ANY illegal narcotics / drugs (marijauna, cocaine, heroin, etc.). Lately, steroid use has been given its own question in the personality profile questionaire. So, you are left with a choice: You lie on the questionaire to get ahead in the process. Then they polygraph you and ask you the same questions again that were on the questionaire. If you spike on the poly (i.e. you appear to be lying) you are likely done without explaination. Most agencies reserve the right to decline you without explaination. If you are honest on the questionaire and in the poly, then you are not a liar (which is a bigger issue most of the time) and are only a person that made a "bad" choice once.

    Personally, if I were you I would wait on the gear and do it AFTER being hired, etc. I think they would likely never test for or take issue with it once you were hired unless you were dealing to others.

    The polygraph is a fickle test. It is more likely to show an innocent person guilty than a guilty person innocent because of the way it measures a person's responses. As such, it is VERY hard to beat without practice. It measures a lot of different physiological variables at once to catch a lie.

    They can be beat, but I would recommend having lots of time to practice beating the machine before you try it in a real examination.

  17. #17
    BigJames's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by therecanonlybe1
    before you take the polygraph load up on beta blockers..
    That might help, but it would not help with breating response and galvonic skin response.

    The trick to beating a polygraph is in understanding how it works. Perhaps someone with first hand experience can ellaborate, but essentially, they hook you up and measure various responses: heart rate, breathing rate and ***th, and galvonic skin response (GSR). All these factors are affected when you lie. To make the test work they have to establish your baseline and your spikes. So, they hook you up and confirm your name and address with YES or NO questions only. This confirms your baseline to allow them to set the machine. Then they ask some "shocker" questions to see what your spiked response looks like. Questions might be: have you ever been caught masterbating, etc. Something that would not disqualify you from service, but would likely raise bring up your physiological responses.

    To beat the machine, you have to go into the test from the START with raised responses. If you can conciously and continuously think about something that gets your body going then when they set your baseline the levels will be high enough to mask responses to questions you lie or lied about.

    Make sense?

    I actually took a course on this and we got to polygraph people in the class. The way to beat it was explained, but no one could do it on the first try.

  18. #18
    Decoder's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Narkissos

    Polygrah.. as well as 500+ questions personality tests.

    The way the latter test is worded it is fairly dificult to lie.

    They ask you variations of the same question at multiple points in the test.

    Good luck.
    polygraph is based off heart rate, so it doesnt really matter.. I have freinds who compete in all natural contests, where you take a blood test and poygraph where they ask if you did steriods , they all pop valium to slow there heart rate down to a constant beat that will not change even if you lie, and past the test, and were in the Texas shredder contest last weekend.

  19. #19
    *Narkissos*'s Avatar
    *Narkissos* is offline Anabolic Member
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    ^^True... but i'm sure the fbi doesn't do one test... but rather a number of different tets in tandem.

  20. #20
    boDAWG's Avatar
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    i think i will just hold off, blowing my career and something id love to do because of twelve shots of test isnt really worth it

  21. #21
    odix's Avatar
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    just tell the you did a cycle..i don't think the FBI will care as long as you answer no to "Do you smoke crack?" and pass the test.

  22. #22
    boDAWG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by odix
    just tell the you did a cycle..i don't think the FBI will care as long as you answer no to "Do you smoke crack?" and pass the test.
    their rules is as follows

    got it off of their web site


    Under the FBI's current Employment Drug Policy, an applicant will be found unsuitable for employment if they:

    Have used any illegal drug (including anabolic steroids after February 27, 1991), other than *********, within the past ten years, or engaged in more than minimal experimentation in their lifetime. In making the determination about an applicant’s suitability for FBI employment, all relevant facts, including the frequency of use, will be evaluated.
    Have used *********/cannabis within the past three years, or have extensively used *********/cannabis or over a substantial period of time. In making the determination about an applicant’s suitability for FBI employment, all relevant facts, including the recency and frequency of use, will be evaluated.
    You can easily determine whether you meet the FBI's illegal drug policy by answering the following questions:

    Have you used ********* at all within the last three years?
    Have you used any other illegal drug (including anabolic steroids after February 27, 1991) at all in the past 10 years?
    Have you ever sold any illegal drug for profit?
    Have you ever used an illegal drug (no matter how many times or how long ago) while in a law enforcement or prosecutorial position, or in a position which carries with it a high level of responsibility or public trust?

    If you answered Yes to any of these questions, you are not eligible for employment with the FBI.

  23. #23
    Maldorf's Avatar
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    What I wonder is why anyone would want to work for the FBI. Those guys get transferred around all of the time. A friend of ours joined and had to move to the washington DC area, where housing is real expesive. He took a pay cut to take the job, they dont pay well, and then they couldnt afford a house and have to live in a condo.

  24. #24
    gigem's Avatar
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    well there are ways to beat a poly i think theres info out there on how to do it.but like someone else said your taking a chance . guess you have to make that decision but you could always train natty until after you get in the fbi

  25. #25
    GrimmReaper's Avatar
    GrimmReaper is offline Senior Member
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    It's not a lie if YOU believe it, haha.

  26. #26
    gigem's Avatar
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    yeah theres actually a good technique to it so get the info and start practicing lol

  27. #27
    SVTMuscle* is offline Banned
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    they should allow cops to juice, not fair!

  28. #28
    odix's Avatar
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    yes yes i read this, but isn't up to them in the end? If you answer yes to ya i have done a cycle when i was 18 and i regret it blah blah blah...I know plenty of cops that have taken this test and failed the steroid part or illegal drug part, they still got there job, don't know about the fbi though. Were all humans here ;p

  29. #29
    gigem's Avatar
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    heck that douche clinton smoked but didnt inhale why not a little juice?

  30. #30
    boDAWG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maldorf
    What I wonder is why anyone would want to work for the FBI. Those guys get transferred around all of the time. A friend of ours joined and had to move to the washington DC area, where housing is real expesive. He took a pay cut to take the job, they dont pay well, and then they couldnt afford a house and have to live in a condo.

    please do your research before you speak, once you get accepted into FBI and if you are relocated you receive $22,000 in relocation fees, and base pay is $55,000 a year with no experience because you are a GS10 step 1, after 5 years of service you could move up to GS15 step 1 where you would be making $91507

    as for why you would join? its something my family has done and i want to do it, my dad is was an agent, my grandfather worked for CIA my uncle worked for the pentagon, so thats why i want to join

  31. #31
    boDAWG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GrimmReaper
    It's not a lie if YOU believe it, haha.

    I SOOOOO ****in agree, i dunno if it has worked for anyone else but ive done this before, when i ****ed up with cops to talk my way out of something in court i would keep telling myself the opposite of what happened and the next day i would think that that really happened and then id be like oh shit i just lied to myself and didnt even notice it hahahahaha

  32. #32
    boDAWG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SVTMuscle
    they should allow cops to juice, not fair!
    they should put a bf% limit on cops, some of them are wayyyy too overweight, i dont see how they can catch anyone ever on foot that is???

  33. #33
    Coop77's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by caban
    questions or not they're still going to tske hair. and if u show up bald as a baby it'll be pretty weird
    hair tests don't test for steroid use .

    Also, why are you getting a CS degree if you're going into the FBI?

  34. #34
    jackman22 is offline Associate Member
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    Heres the deal. Tell a friend about all this(the situation). Then give him a lets say (for sake of numbers) 2 bottles of test e and 2 bottles filled with oil (maybe b12) not steroids . peel off the labels of course. Then tell him to shoot you up with what he thinks is best but hint towards the juice. When he loads up walk out of the room so you dont know wich one he gave you. that way your not lieing because you dont know! lol

    I like to call this the barry bounds approuch! "my friend gave me a substance and never told me what it was, i would never dream of him giving me steroids"
    Last edited by jackman22; 05-08-2007 at 11:33 PM.

  35. #35
    Lion King is offline Junior Member
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    Lie detectors are easy to beat if you know how. There are serveral books written on it. I only know a couple of ways to beat them but they have worked for me as I have undergone both computer aided lie detector tests and psycological profiles.
    Everyone is nervous when taking a lie detector. Everyone!!! The person conducting the test must get a baseline on your heart rate, breathing and sweating. This is done by asking baseline questions that are true. "Is your shirt blue?", when you are obviously wearing a blue shirt. You will answer yes truthfully for the tech and he will get a baseline after several questions. The trick is to get your baseline up fictitiously. An easy way to do this is to bite your tongue during the truthful baseline questions. The pain response will elevate your hr and breathing. Do not bite you tongue when lying. This is an easy technique that can be applied in serveral ways. Tack in your shoe under a toe, push down for baseline questions.
    Psycological profiles look for norms and consistancy. Don't answer yes to wanting to be a rockstar and then in a later question answer yes to wanting to be a florist. They contradict each other and will raise flags. Also, you should be careful about answering yes to questions that have words like "always" and "never". "I never get mad". This would be false. Everyone gets mad. "A always get mad." This should obviously be no. I am always in a good mood. False, no one is always in a good mood.
    These things seem obvious after reading them but remember. Consistancy. My pysch test was 1800 questions and you are not remembering question number 2 when you get to number 800.
    IMO - if you do some homework, you can easily pass a lie detector and pysch test. I know I could and have.

  36. #36
    Maldorf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by boDAWG
    please do your research before you speak, once you get accepted into FBI and if you are relocated you receive $22,000 in relocation fees, and base pay is $55,000 a year with no experience because you are a GS10 step 1, after 5 years of service you could move up to GS15 step 1 where you would be making $91507

    as for why you would join? its something my family has done and i want to do it, my dad is was an agent, my grandfather worked for CIA my uncle worked for the pentagon, so thats why i want to join
    Well, I wish you luck and that you enjoy it. As for the pay, the pay that first year was a big cut for him. Moving to DC was rough too because the cost of housing is so high. After 3 years they are still living in that little townhouse. I also wouldnt look to do something as a career just because my father and grandfather did it.

  37. #37
    kynetguy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gigem
    heck that douche clinton smoked but didnt inhale why not a little juice?
    "I did juice, but I didn't get swole?"

  38. #38
    Valac's Avatar
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    lol kynet,

    trick to lying is in if you believe it yourself then its not a lie. mate from work has it down pat.

  39. #39
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    IN your walls
    dont even wast your time man you got alot going for you. just do you FBI shit and once you got your foot in the door and see how things are run, than make your desition. IF you realy want to grow Learn how to eat and people wil think you do roids.

  40. #40
    shrpskn is offline Anabolic Member
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    Den sitta på huk ställ
    Quote Originally Posted by kynetguy
    "I did juice, but I didn't get swole?"

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