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  1. #1
    Dobie-BOY's Avatar
    Dobie-BOY is offline Senior Member
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    lethargic, ***ressed, angry, nightmares, VERY EMOTIONAL! what the F?

    ok, im in the seventh week of this cycle.
    Week 1-4 -AD- 100 mgs ED
    week 1-7- deca - 600 mgs EW
    week 1-5 - 250 mgs sustanon EOD
    week 6-7 - 500 mgs test enanthate 2x/week
    next weeks plan WAS
    week 8-14 -175 mgs NPP EOD
    week 8-14- 500 mgs test E 2x/week
    week 8-15- winny 100 mgs ED
    week 3-14 - HCG 500 iu EOD
    week 15 - HCG 500 iu ED
    week 1-14- adex .25 mgs 2x/day
    week 15-20 - adex .50 mgs 2x/day
    week 1-15 - nolvadex 20 mgs ED
    week 16 -18 - nolva 40 mgs ED

    i have also been varying the doses of letro between .125-.25 ED in an attempt to control estrogen and water retention. Like I said im in the seventh week of this cycle and experiencing all sorts of negative sides all of the sudden. my best guess is either that the deca is becoming active a** causing my RBC count to elevate or my estrogen is out of whack. All these sides began to start shortly after I began the test E at 500 mgs 2x/week. Im thinkin about going to donate blood tuesday, maybe this will help with th lethagy. also my BP has been high throughout this cycle. I wont be awake long to respond much to this thread (lethargy kickin in). Im gonna take a nap and check back in a couple hours. any help or ideas would be greatly appreciated. Dobie

  2. #2
    G-1000's Avatar
    G-1000 is offline Cycle King/AR-Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    Bro your blood levels are all over the place.

  3. #3
    Random is offline RETIRED VET
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    looks like calculus homework lol

  4. #4
    Dobie-BOY's Avatar
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    thinkin about dropin the test to 250 mgs 2x/week.

  5. #5
    gigem's Avatar
    gigem is offline Banned
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    hell id raise it to a g

  6. #6
    Dobie-BOY's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gigem
    hell id raise it to a g
    thats what im doin now. 500 mgs 2x/week

  7. #7
    ironaddict69's Avatar
    ironaddict69 is offline Senior Member
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    dude...WEIRD ****ing cycle. u might be someone who should stay away from progestic and estrogenic stuff im the same way i get all emotional. dht's test, and halo are the ways to go for me. maybe you too.

  8. #8
    Dobie-BOY's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ironaddict69
    dude...WEIRD ****ing cycle. u might be someone who should stay away from progestic and estrogenic stuff im the same way i get all emotional. dht's test, and halo are the ways to go for me. maybe you too.
    ya, i know just kinda made it out of what was available ata the time. so you think maybe its the deca and NPP thats affecting me this way?

  9. #9
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dobie-BOY
    ya, i know just kinda made it out of what was available ata the time. so you think maybe its the deca and NPP thats affecting me this way?
    I dont think its any 1 thing. Your hormones are all over the place. With the different esters in sust switching to enanthate .. Hell you even varying the letro. Just pick something and run it at a steady dose.

  10. #10
    ironaddict69's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1
    I dont think its any 1 thing. Your hormones are all over the place. With the different esters in sust switching to enanthate.. Hell you even varying the letro. Just pick something and run it at a steady dose.
    smart man right there.

  11. #11
    Serotonin's Avatar
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    Dude, do NOT donate blood while on a cycle and injecting needles into your body on a regular basis.

    I'm hoping that was a joke...

  12. #12
    gooer is offline Associate Member
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    that's a weird cycle. don't donate blood haha. to help? that would be the worst thing you could do

  13. #13
    InsaneInTheMembrane's Avatar
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    the other bros are have way too many compounds and too many switch ups...your body cannot find any equilibrium in that sort of environment...

    is this a cutter...dont think so cuz you are using test E/sus and not prop...and if it is a bulker, why add winny, whose qualities shine in a cutting cycle..

    Why switch between test E and Sustanon ? Stick to one or the other

    7 weeks deca ??? it kicks in during the 3rd week and you are cutting it at the 7th? that's only 4 measly weeks of good blood levels and discontinuing is counter-intuitive

    Lastly, AD is known for making one very estrogenic and moody..why would u kick start with that if u already have the prop and phenyl-prop from the sustanon (90mg x 3.5 time/wk = 315 mg/wk)...

    Oh, and AD + Deca + Aromatized Test (1g/wk is high by any count IMO) = moodswings, ***ression, emotional sensitivity

    Bro, like u can see..way too many issues...streamline ur cycle

    Last edited by InsaneInTheMembrane; 05-11-2007 at 11:56 PM.

  14. #14
    jackman22 is offline Associate Member
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    what the heck...... kind of cycle is that

  15. #15
    Gungnir is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dobie-BOY
    ya, i know just kinda made it out of what was available ata the time. so you think maybe its the deca and NPP thats affecting me this way?
    I just commented on another thread and am experiencing the EXACT same side-effects from my current cycle (Deca 400mg/week).

    If you don't mind my asking a few personal questions to get this issue sorted out, PM me and we can talk.

  16. #16
    Dobie-BOY's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by InsaneInTheMembrane
    the other bros are have way too many compounds and too many switch ups...your body cannot find any equilibrium in that sort of environment...

    is this a cutter...dont think so cuz you are using test E/sus and not prop...and if it is a bulker, why add winny, whose qualities shine in a cutting cycle..

    Why switch between test E and Sustanon ? Stick to one or the other

    7 weeks deca ??? it kicks in during the 3rd week and you are cutting it at the 7th? that's only 4 measly weeks of good blood levels and discontinuing is counter-intuitive

    Lastly, AD is known for making one very estrogenic and moody..why would u kick start with that if u already have the prop and phenyl-prop from the sustanon (90mg x 3.5 time/wk = 315 mg/wk)...

    Oh, and AD + Deca + Aromatized Test (1g/wk is high by any count IMO) = moodswings, ***ression, emotional sensitivity

    Bro, like u can see..way too many issues...streamline ur cycle

    here was my theory;
    bulk for the first half of the cycle and cut for the second with a break from the alpha 17s in the middle.
    the test switch was because thats what i had. I can control the water retention from the test E, but i cant control the water completely from the deca, so i switch to NPP which is basically the same thing but faster acting and less water retention. i wanted to utilize all the bases; test, DHT, and 19 nor. seemed like it made sense?

  17. #17
    Dobie-BOY's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gungnir
    I just commented on another thread and am experiencing the EXACT same side-effects from my current cycle (Deca 400mg/week).

    If you don't mind my asking a few personal questions to get this issue sorted out, PM me and we can talk.
    I tried to send you a PM. It would not let me PM you.

  18. #18
    Dobie-BOY's Avatar
    Dobie-BOY is offline Senior Member
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    I wonder if my prolactin and progesterone levels are high from the deca ? Would cabergoline be an Idea? I have experienced these sides before in some of my previous cycles, I cant remember if maybe they were the cycles that contained Deca? Im thinkin about droppin the deca. And by the way I appreciate all the help minus the flames.!!
    Last edited by Dobie-BOY; 05-12-2007 at 05:41 AM.

  19. #19
    Erwin's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=Dobie-BOY]here was my theory;
    bulk for the first half of the cycle and cut for the second with a break from the alpha 17s in the middle.

    You do realize that injectable winny is just as liver toxic in injectable form right? Good luck getting it straightened out bro.-Erwin

  20. #20
    Dobie-BOY's Avatar
    Dobie-BOY is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dobie-BOY
    here was my theory;
    bulk for the first half of the cycle and cut for the second with a break from the alpha 17s in the middle.

    You do realize that injectable winny is just as liver toxic in injectable form right? Good luck getting it straightened out bro.-Erwin
    Ya, Im got winny tabs, what I meant was some time off A 17's between the AD and the winny tabs.

  21. #21
    bpm1's Avatar
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    lost in translation
    gixxer said it, find the compound, find the dose and stick with it.and letro absolutely desimates estrogen levels which can affect alot of things, do u have any a-dex or nolva to run in its place, they are milder and will do the same thing unless u r super gyno prone and just have to have the letro. GL brother i hope u get back to norm real soon!peace!

  22. #22
    Gungnir is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dobie-BOY
    I wonder if my prolactin and progesterone levels are high from the deca? Would cabergoline be an Idea? I have experienced these sides before in some of my previous cycles, I cant remember if maybe they were the cycles that contained Deca? Im thinkin about droppin the deca. And by the way I appreciate all the help minus the flames.!!
    I suppose this could be useful to others then. Does your family suffer from clinical ***ression? Bi-polar disorder? Are there ANY mental disorders in your parents' or grandparents' history you can think of?

  23. #23
    TheSentinal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Serotonin
    Dude, do NOT donate blood while on a cycle and injecting needles into your body on a regular basis.

    I'm hoping that was a joke...
    Why would that be a joke? This is a common and safe practice to reduce RBC's and BP. The blood center will screen for any potential issues before it is released into the system. I am assuming that he is only injecting steroids in a safe manner and is NOT sharing pins.

  24. #24
    Serotonin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheSentinal
    Why would that be a joke? This is a common and safe practice to reduce RBC's and BP. The blood center will screen for any potential issues before it is released into the system. I am assuming that he is only injecting steroids in a safe manner and is NOT sharing pins.
    Because in the US (where I live) you are specifically asked to look at a list of activities that would preclude you from donating.

    Two of them are as follows:

    1) Most medications are ok, but you may be deferred if you are taking certain antibiotics, steroids , and other medications.

    2) You cannot donate if you have ever injected drugs not prescribed by a doctor or had sex with someone who has.

    So, it is not safe by any stretch of the imagination since you could be introducing any sort of pathogen into your blood stream each time you inject your gear.

    As for number 2, I don't care what way you slice it, you're injecting drugs not prescribed by a doctor if you're using gear. Mentally you may think steroid use is OK, as do I, but others may not. Would you want blood from someone that was injecting heroin for 2 months? They may think heroin use is OK, used a good technique, and always used sterile needles. Even if I knew all of that, I'd pass. So even if you want to donate or lower RBC count and BP, you're being deceptive to donate blood by not being honest on screening questions. Just do some good old phlebotomy! (kidding)

  25. #25
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    maybe it's that time of the month..LOL..

  26. #26
    Dobie-BOY's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gungnir
    I suppose this could be useful to others then. Does your family suffer from clinical ***ression? Bi-polar disorder? Are there ANY mental disorders in your parents' or grandparents' history you can think of?
    Ya, ***ression runs in my moms side really heavily. I suffer sometimes, but usually I can keep a pretty good grip on myself. I feel much better today. I tried to Pm you GUNGNIR, but it would not let me.

  27. #27
    Gungnir is offline Banned
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    Yeah, I'm not sure what's going on with the PMs, but they're not working for me.

    Anyhow, I'm willing to bet that there may be a connection between the fluctuation in natural testosterone and inducing bouts of ***ression. I've heard of enough cases (including your own) to warrant labelling AAS as having that side-effect (much like DHT is known to induce male-pattern baldness if it runs in your genes).

    I would also like to note that it runs in my family, on both sides.

  28. #28
    InsaneInTheMembrane's Avatar
    InsaneInTheMembrane is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dobie-BOY
    here was my theory;
    bulk for the first half of the cycle and cut for the second with a break from the alpha 17s in the middle.
    the test switch was because thats what i had. I can control the water retention from the test E, but i cant control the water completely from the deca, so i switch to NPP which is basically the same thing but faster acting and less water retention. i wanted to utilize all the bases; test, DHT, and 19 nor. seemed like it made sense?
    with all due respect, I dont think switching nandrolone or test esters is going to have an effect on your emotional fluctuations. I think with the dosages you are taking, your ancillaries cannot cope with the aromatizing test AND the progesteronic sides are not being effectively handled by the adex/nolva. Two things I can think of would be to add some priviron into your cycle ASAP which would prevent aromatization in the first place (thereby alleviating progesteronic AND estrogenic sides) and go ahead and add winny as it is inherently anti-progesteronic...keep your deca and sus can worry about water later in the cycle..

  29. #29
    Getinbgr's Avatar
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    Nothing like good old fashioned blood letting to cure what ails ya. Heck, it worked in 1300s..?

  30. #30
    testisbest is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Serotonin
    Because in the US (where I live) you are specifically asked to look at a list of activities that would preclude you from donating.

    Two of them are as follows:

    1) Most medications are ok, but you may be deferred if you are taking certain antibiotics, steroids , and other medications.

    2) You cannot donate if you have ever injected drugs not prescribed by a doctor or had sex with someone who has.

    So, it is not safe by any stretch of the imagination since you could be introducing any sort of pathogen into your blood stream each time you inject your gear.

    As for number 2, I don't care what way you slice it, you're injecting drugs not prescribed by a doctor if you're using gear. Mentally you may think steroid use is OK, as do I, but others may not. Would you want blood from someone that was injecting heroin for 2 months? They may think heroin use is OK, used a good technique, and always used sterile needles. Even if I knew all of that, I'd pass. So even if you want to donate or lower RBC count and BP, you're being deceptive to donate blood by not being honest on screening questions. Just do some good old phlebotomy! (kidding)
    Bro, as stated before the blood lab will screen the blood from the donator before they just give it to someone else. There isn't anything wrong with giving blood while on cycle to reduce rbc or blood pressure. Don't think that the lab will just take blood from you and turn around and give it to me believing everything that you answered was true. Get off your soap box bro. Have you ever cycled with eq and got to the point that you didn't want to do anything? You would be paying somebody to take blood from you.

  31. #31
    jackman22 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Serotonin
    Because in the US (where I live) you are specifically asked to look at a list of activities that would preclude you from donating.

    Two of them are as follows:

    1) Most medications are ok, but you may be deferred if you are taking certain antibiotics, steroids , and other medications.

    2) You cannot donate if you have ever injected drugs not prescribed by a doctor or had sex with someone who has.

    So, it is not safe by any stretch of the imagination since you could be introducing any sort of pathogen into your blood stream each time you inject your gear.

    As for number 2, I don't care what way you slice it, you're injecting drugs not prescribed by a doctor if you're using gear. Mentally you may think steroid use is OK, as do I, but others may not. Would you want blood from someone that was injecting heroin for 2 months? They may think heroin use is OK, used a good technique, and always used sterile needles. Even if I knew all of that, I'd pass. So even if you want to donate or lower RBC count and BP, you're being deceptive to donate blood by not being honest on screening questions. Just do some good old phlebotomy! (kidding)
    do you think they dont screen the blood for anything dangerous? you think they take your word for it? lol get a clue bro its very common practice people do. do some research on the subject. in fact theres a whole thread on this a few days ago

  32. #32
    jackman22 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gungnir
    Yeah, I'm not sure what's going on with the PMs, but they're not working for me.

    thats because your not allowed to pm yet. This is for safety reasons because your new.

  33. #33
    Dobie-BOY's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by InsaneInTheMembrane
    with all due respect, I dont think switching nandrolone or test esters is going to have an effect on your emotional fluctuations. I think with the dosages you are taking, your ancillaries cannot cope with the aromatizing test AND the progesteronic sides are not being effectively handled by the adex/nolva. Two things I can think of would be to add some priviron into your cycle ASAP which would prevent aromatization in the first place (thereby alleviating progesteronic AND estrogenic sides) and go ahead and add winny as it is inherently anti-progesteronic...keep your deca and sus can worry about water later in the cycle..
    well, I donated blood yesterday and started the winny 2 days ago and I feel much better. I also got some cabergoline on the way. I have never used it. Kinda curious to see what it does for me.

  34. #34
    peteroy01 is offline Senior Member
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    awesome dude, i guess ill have to give blood half way through my next cycle.

  35. #35
    Dobie-BOY's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by peteroy01
    awesome dude, i guess ill have to give blood half way through my next cycle.
    giving blood is also good for your cholesterol levels.

  36. #36
    peteroy01 is offline Senior Member
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    how much blood did u give??

  37. #37
    Dobie-BOY's Avatar
    Dobie-BOY is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by InsaneInTheMembrane
    with all due respect, I dont think switching nandrolone or test esters is going to have an effect on your emotional fluctuations. I think with the dosages you are taking, your ancillaries cannot cope with the aromatizing test AND the progesteronic sides are not being effectively handled by the adex/nolva. Two things I can think of would be to add some priviron into your cycle ASAP which would prevent aromatization in the first place (thereby alleviating progesteronic AND estrogenic sides) and go ahead and add winny as it is inherently anti-progesteronic...keep your deca and sus can worry about water later in the cycle..
    ya thats kinda what i was thinkin. I dont feel like its the changing of esters that was causing this.

  38. #38
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
    perfectbeast2001 is offline "king of free stuff" / Retired
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    varying the letro will affect estro levels, did you know that very low estro levels are linked to lethargy, and mood swings? I would keep letro at a vaer low and constant dose, say .25 EOD, see how you get on after a week or so, i'll bet that will help. As for BP and RBC, go get bloodwork you cant be too careful with these things as they could lead to dangerous problems...

  39. #39
    Dobie-BOY's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by perfectbeast2001
    varying the letro will affect estro levels, did you know that very low estro levels are linked to lethargy, and mood swings? I would keep letro at a vaer low and constant dose, say .25 EOD, see how you get on after a week or so, i'll bet that will help. As for BP and RBC, go get bloodwork you cant be too careful with these things as they could lead to dangerous problems...
    beast, im glad you posted here. I was thinkin about PM,n ya about this. I have been taking .125 mgs day (half in the morn and half at night) along with .5 mgs of adex ED (again half in morn half at night). my blood pressure is still high and I have a constant slight headache. I am retaining a little water. I feel better than I did a few days ago, but still below par. right now im running
    -500 mgs test E 2x/week
    -125 mgs NPP EOD
    -100 mgs winny ED (throughout the day)
    -20 mgs nolvadex ED (10 in morn, 10 at night)
    -HCG - 500 IU 2x/week
    Maybe I need to back off the test a little. whatcha think?

  40. #40
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dobie-BOY
    beast, im glad you posted here. I was thinkin about PM,n ya about this. I have been taking .125 mgs day (half in the morn and half at night) along with .5 mgs of adex ED (again half in morn half at night). my blood pressure is still high and I have a constant slight headache. I am retaining a little water. I feel better than I did a few days ago, but still below par. right now im running
    -500 mgs test E 2x/week
    -125 mgs NPP EOD
    -100 mgs winny ED (throughout the day)
    -20 mgs nolvadex ED (10 in morn, 10 at night)
    -HCG - 500 IU 2x/week
    Maybe I need to back off the test a little. whatcha think?
    Why are you taking nolva, adex and letro?

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