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  1. #1
    ibuypower is offline New Member
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    HELP Me decide First cycle

    I'm considering starting a cycle

    Whats the most easiest, safest ("least risk") steroid to use for the first time. I really dont care about gains... More cutting tho.

    cycle too with pct

    5' 7'' 215

    Please just answer the questions, not whether or not I should do roids.

  2. #2
    sonnygll's Avatar
    sonnygll is offline Member
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    Do you want someone to come over and inject them for you too? hehe lol

    Sorry man, but I think you're probably going to get flamed.....

    I just looked through the profiles and paid special attention to the side effects myself. Then keep in mind that some sides are avoided by taking another drug. You should probably read up on it more. I'm going to do just plain old test by itself for my first real cycle. Well.... not really by itself.... but not with any other steroids .

  3. #3
    ibuypower is offline New Member
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    Ugh... I prolly will, I just want an answer

  4. #4
    Amorphic's Avatar
    Amorphic is offline Veritas, Aequitas ~
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    I'm considering starting a cycle

    Whats the most easiest, safest ("least risk") steroid to use for the first time. I really dont care about gains... More cutting tho.

    cycle too with pct

    5' 7'' 215

    Please just answer the questions, not whether or not I should do roids.
    You should list your stats, goals, diet and bf percentage. The question of whether or not you should do steroids is just as important as the cycle itself.

    A beginners cycle would be something like Test E at 500mg a week for 10 weeks. The educational threads outline beginner cycles and pct, do some research.

  5. #5
    hillshooter is offline Associate Member
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    test E 250 mg a week stacked with anavar 40MG a day. for 8 weeks.

  6. #6
    Amorphic's Avatar
    Amorphic is offline Veritas, Aequitas ~
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    test E 250 mg a week stacked with anavar 40MG a day. for 8 weeks.
    I can't say I agree with that cycle. 8 weeks is too short a cycle to reap the benefits of a longer esthered test. I dont really see the point of anavar , if its your first cycle, you should just see how well your body responds to straight test.

  7. #7
    hillshooter is offline Associate Member
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    all the bald guys at my gym say its too short of a cycle as well.

  8. #8
    SMAN12b's Avatar
    SMAN12b is offline Educate B4 U Medicate
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    Quote Originally Posted by ibuypower
    I'm considering starting a cycle

    Whats the most easiest, safest ("least risk") steroid to use for the first time. I really dont care about gains... More cutting tho.

    cycle too with pct

    5' 7'' 215

    Please just answer the questions, not whether or not I should do roids.
    Its seems always the ones that have to state that they just want answers are the same ones that need more research and really don't want True advice, but just someone to say SURE go ahead and take steroids .

    If you want advice and want to do this with the "least risk" then you need to give us your complete stats. answer all the green questions below

  9. #9
    C_Bino's Avatar
    C_Bino is offline $BAM-7246~AR-Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by SMAN12B
    Its seems always the ones that have to state that they just want answers are the same ones that need more research and really don't want True advice, but just someone to say SURE go ahead and take steroids .

    If you want advice and want to do this with the "least risk" then you need to give us your complete stats. answer all the green questions below
    You are a super hero. Thats a good post for newbers.

  10. #10
    spywizard's Avatar
    spywizard is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer~
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    In the Gym, if i could
    or you could pay someone $1200-$3000 to teach and train you, building a diet program for you, and creating a cycle that will work just for you.. then they will supervise and assist in adjusting that cycle..

    heck there are guys here that do consulting.. let me know, i'll point ya in the right direction..
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  11. #11
    lastrep1 is offline Banned
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    Hey Bro I feel your pain, I think your best bet is T-bol for 5 weeks, and test-E at the least 200mg every 3.5 days, works well for a clean bulk if your looking to lean out a little, anavar is for babies when you grow up you need beer???

  12. #12
    ibuypower is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Amorphic
    You should list your stats, goals, diet and bf percentage. The question of whether or not you should do steroids is just as important as the cycle itself.

    A beginners cycle would be something like Test E at 500mg a week for 10 weeks. The educational threads outline beginner cycles and pct, do some research.

    K... thanks for the help so far.... some of my buddies are tellin me to go test too...

    My stats:

    I wanna bulk up AND get get cut... but more cut. I don't have any goals but to see "some" gains... I'm not planning on competing in bbuildling completions.

    My diet is poor. I've been watching what I've been eating. No pop, no fast food, no eating at night, and drinking water before every meal, complete vitamins, and eating three times a day (sometimes twice, yea i know its bad but I'm a student and have work). I really think I only eat like 2500 calories +- 250 a day. I know a lot of people overestimate, but I'm pretty sure about this.

    As for bf%. I'm not sure... I think 17. Ill ask my wrestler friend

  13. #13
    longhorn814's Avatar
    longhorn814 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ibuypower
    K... thanks for the help so far.... some of my buddies are tellin me to go test too...

    My stats:

    I wanna bulk up AND get get cut... but more cut. I don't have any goals but to see "some" gains... I'm not planning on competing in bbuildling completions.

    My diet is poor. I've been watching what I've been eating. No pop, no fast food, no eating at night, and drinking water before every meal, complete vitamins, and eating three times a day (sometimes twice, yea i know its bad but I'm a student and have work). I really think I only eat like 2500 calories +- 250 a day. I know a lot of people overestimate, but I'm pretty sure about this.

    As for bf%. I'm not sure... I think 17. Ill ask my wrestler friend
    honestly bud, you need to work on your diet and have it down pretty well before starting a cycle. Spend some time in the diet forum. Diet is everything, not steroids . You cant bulk and cut at the same time, you need to pick one or the other, but it still comes down to diet. The diet forum has good examples of a cutting and a bulking diet. You should read them and work on trying to eat like it is suggested ***ending on your goals. Oh you should be eating at least 6 times a day too. If youre not, dont even bother with steroids cause you wont get crap from them.

  14. #14
    rocksta's Avatar
    rocksta is offline New Member
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    Mate.....IMO you need to go back and start educating urself on training, diet and steroid profiles.

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