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  1. #1
    MakinItHappen is offline Junior Member
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    Longer Cutting/Recomp

    I am considering running a longer cycle geared toward loosing fat and maintaining/gaining a little muscle. Lets keep in mind I am going to have my diet, training, cardio, and PCT all in check, but for now I just want to brainstorm potential options for my cycle.

    Weeks 1-4 Prop 100mg eod
    Weeks 1-16 Test Cyp 500mg split into 2 shots twice a week (considering running 750mg but not sure).
    Clen 100mcg-120mcg 2 weeks on 2 weeks off
    T3: day 1 25mcg (1 pill)
    day 2 25 mcg
    day 3 25mcg
    day 4 50mcg (2 pills)
    day 5 50mcg
    day 6 50mcg
    day 7 75mcg (3pills)
    bumping the dose by 25mcg every 4 days. Going up to 100mcg, then tapering down in the same way (drop 25mcg every 3-4 days).
    Proviron 50mg ED

    My biggest question for this whole cycle is what to add with the test. I know I don’t need another compound but I want another one in there. I really want to use Tren Ace but I am very afraid of the harsh sides(i.e. Erectile issues, b/c I had that problem with my last Test E only cycle. Hopefully the Proviron will help drastically).

    If anyone has any recommendations of another compound to add in I would love to hear it! I was thinking I using EQ at a high dose of 750mg- 1g but I don’t know if that would help all that much and I hear its suppose to increase appetite which I def. don’t need on a cutting cycle. I will keep a couple weeks of Tren on had to add in if I want but I want at least 2 solid compounds to aid in the recomp for this cycle(Test base being one of them).

    Please, all help, opinions, thoughts, and suggestions are encouraged! Thanks in advance!

  2. #2
    MakinItHappen is offline Junior Member
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  3. #3
    MakinItHappen is offline Junior Member
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    Not one thought or opinion

  4. #4
    JMC is offline Associate Member
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    You had erectile issues on a test e only cycle?? That sounds like a problem to me...but anavar is a good cutting agent with low sides.

  5. #5
    JMC is offline Associate Member
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    There is no need for the proviron until pct....maybe what you thought was test e in your last cycle, really wasnt test, was it a reliable source?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    i would say tren ace but you say you had erectile disfunction with test that weird. you cant even put me in a room with the ladies on test e. i lost alot of fat on tren e.

  7. #7
    MakinItHappen is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks for the replies! It was def. legit Test E and I believe that Proviron during cycle helps to free up Test in your system and also lower E2 levels which may have been the cause of the ED issue(def a horrible situation). I would love to run Tren Ace but what about 750mg-1g of EQ per week for a cut?

  8. #8
    JMC is offline Associate Member
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    when I was on eq, I had a huge appetite increase ( some say differently) so I dont believe if you are trying to cut that it would be a good idea..but again everyone is different and you never know until you try.

  9. #9
    peteroy01 is offline Senior Member
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    were u running anything for estro?

  10. #10
    MakinItHappen is offline Junior Member
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    I ran a low dose of arimidex and the only concern I have is the appetite increase with the EQ. Are there are other compounds besides the EQ and Tren that are less harsh then Tren and can be used for what I am trying to do?

  11. #11
    GHO5T's Avatar
    GHO5T is offline Senior Member
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    IMO you should keep cutting cycle like bulking cycles rather short, 8-10 weeks max.

    On a bulking cycle, most users report gains slowing down by week 7-8, this of course is due to the body getting used to the calorie consumption, so in order to keep gaining, one must eat more calories. However the body can only take in so many, and the rest is converted into fat ***osits. So the user increases his calorie intakes, he gains, but puts on unwanted bf as well.

    IMO this is the same as with a cutting cycle, i believe that with a strict diet and a spot on cardio regime your body is capable of losing alot of bf in the first 8 weeks of a cutting cycle. However after this the first 8 weeks or so the fat loss is slowed down, again the body gets used to the calorie defiect. So in order to keep losing bf, the user will cut calories even lower, and keep cardio the same or even increase that. This will result in more bf loss, however you will lose muscle, strength, and your workouts will suffer. Due to insufficient calorie intake and and overwhelming calorie expenditure. This will be counter-productive since you will be losing muscle.

    IMO one will be better off with short cutting and bulking cycle bursts, 8 weeks of cutting followed by 8 weeks of a bulk or lean.

    This way your cycle is shorter, the body will not get used to things (calorie intake and defiect), your PCT time is shorter, thus meaning you dont have to stay off as long, and IMO you will recover better since you wont be on cycle as long.

    Last edited by GHO5T; 05-28-2007 at 02:53 PM.

  12. #12
    MakinItHappen is offline Junior Member
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    Nov 2006
    That was alot of help! Thanks! I think I will only run the cycle for an 8 weeks max now. What other compound(preferably not Tren Ace) could I run with the prop in order to help me achieve my goals? Thanks again for all the help!

  13. #13
    GHO5T's Avatar
    GHO5T is offline Senior Member
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    IMO the best cutter to date is a prop, tren , masteron combo. Because you have a test (prop), a 19-nor (tren a), and a DHT (masteron), you get attributes from all the 3 familys.

    However if you dont like running tren, thats understandable. I would run prop and masteron combo, as the masteron will help get your muscles hard and add some definition to them, alongside your t-3 and clen it should be a great cutter and bf should drop.


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