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  1. #1
    Titleist's Avatar
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    Dianabol vs Anadrol

    I'm sure this has been posted before, but for my own satisfaction I want to get everyone's opinion.

    I plan on using one of these two orals to kickstart my next cycle. I have never used either one, so i'm not sure which to go with...

    So far this is what I have come up with:

    -Anadrol is inherently estrogenic, meaning estrogenic side-effects are harder to combat. It stimulates the E-R, but doesn't convert to estrogen..
    -Dianabol converts to estrogen via the aromatase enzyme, which can be combatted using an A.I.
    -50mg of Drol = 50mg of Dbol as far as strength gains are concerned.
    -Dbol is mild on the HPTA whereas Drol is much more harsh.
    -Dbol gives you a sense of well-being while Drol makes many feel like shit. Common sides reported from Drol: appetite suppression, major water retention, acne, lethargy, etc...

    With that said, what was your experience? Dosage, duration, etc.. What were your pros/cons?

    My next cycle will focus mainly on strength/lean bulk with minimal water retention. Let me know what you think.
    Last edited by Titleist; 05-28-2007 at 08:50 AM.

  2. #2
    shredzs's Avatar
    shredzs is offline Associate Member
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    are you saying if you use anadrol and you are prone the gyno, AI's or SERM's will not work??

  3. #3
    Titleist's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shredzs
    are you saying if you use anadrol and you are prone the gyno, AI's or SERM's will not work??
    I have never used either, so I can't speak from experience. The information that I have gathered, could be wrong, that's why i'm asking for other's input.

    To answer your question, I believe that letro has been found to combat Anadrol 's sides well. Ie bloating, etc..

  4. #4
    Brazil's Avatar
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    I used drols about a year ago and hated it sick alot. lost appetite . Im on dbols now 30 mg day and sust 750 week. Its probably the best ive ever felt. For the first two weeks thoguht it was fake but it really did something on week three. Im starting week four up 12 pounds. some fat too of course but strength is nice. got 220 for six today week one was 200 for six. side effects red skin and itchy scalp occasional zit im using 10 mg day of nolva.

  5. #5
    Titleist's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brazil
    I used drols about a year ago and hated it sick alot. lost appetite . Im on dbols now 30 mg day and sust 750 week. Its probably the best ive ever felt. For the first two weeks thoguht it was fake but it really did something on week three. Im starting week four up 12 pounds. some fat too of course but strength is nice. got 220 for six today week one was 200 for six. side effects red skin and itchy scalp occasional zit im using 10 mg day of nolva.
    Thanks for your input bro. The sides you got from Drol is what most people have told me.

    Glad to see your cycle is going well. Good luck with everything.

  6. #6
    1buffsob's Avatar
    1buffsob is offline Mr.Modesty
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    Drol is great for just massive weight gain. Even though drol is a DHT-derivitave, you blow up like a sea cow. Abs go away, striations, appetite, jaw line, etc. But the scale says it all. 10lbs in a matter of days. And I think that's what guys like about it.

    Dbol is good all around. Strength, weight, well being. It has a good amount of bloat, but nothing too outrageous.

    If it's your first time, go with dbol. Next time, use em both.

    Personally, I love injectable anadrol . LOL

  7. #7
    jdsogge's Avatar
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    drol all the way.i went up 30lbs on military press.not to much bloat with letro, headaches combated by 2.5 gallons of water.i feel okay.strong as phuck. ilove moe then dbol .taking clen with and my wait is only up 2-5lbs.weird


  8. #8
    vitor is offline Anabolic Member
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    D-bol is stronger than Drol per mg, much stronger...
    In effect, I would say you will atleat double the drol dose to get the same results as the dianabol ...

    They give rather similar results imo, massive weight/strenght gain.

    If youre prone to gyno you might want to use d-bol, drol-gyno is still a bit of a mysteri.

  9. #9
    Decoder's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brazil
    I used drols about a year ago and hated it sick alot. lost appetite . Im on dbols now 30 mg day and sust 750 week. Its probably the best ive ever felt. For the first two weeks thoguht it was fake but it really did something on week three. Im starting week four up 12 pounds. some fat too of course but strength is nice. got 220 for six today week one was 200 for six. side effects red skin and itchy scalp occasional zit im using 10 mg day of nolva.
    I feel teh same way man The first 2 weeks on dbol , i felt like they were fake, today is the first day of week 3 im up 4lbs. Hopefuly week 3 is the magic week dbol kicks in, in the past i have taken anadrol , i got amazing strength, maxining out latpulldown cable at 325lbs 8 reps, maxing out the low row maching 4 plates of 45lbs on either side 10 reps, squating 500lbs easy 10 reps. So the strength was through the roof, but when i took it i got major headaches, i asume due to my heavy work outs on it. I didnt gain much weight off it though. a few pounds.
    Last edited by Decoder; 05-28-2007 at 01:51 PM.

  10. #10
    Decoder's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1buffsob
    Drol is great for just massive weight gain. Even though drol is a DHT-derivitave, you blow up like a sea cow. Abs go away, striations, appetite, jaw line, etc. But the scale says it all. 10lbs in a matter of days. And I think that's what guys like about it.

    Dbol is good all around. Strength, weight, well being. It has a good amount of bloat, but nothing too outrageous.

    If it's your first time, go with dbol. Next time, use em both.

    Personally, I love injectable anadrol. LOL
    Ive had liquid anadrol the stuff tasted like acid, im sure i would have died if i shot it.

  11. #11
    GHO5T's Avatar
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    I think your thinking about things too much bro, choosing one over the other wont impact gains to an extreme.

    Both bring about weight gain, strength increases and fuller pumps in the gym. And both bring about side effects as well, what kinds and how harsh are really ***endent on the user taking them. As every person will react differently to different compounds.

    Water retention and bloat can be avoided by tweaking your diet, limiting your sodium and sugar intakes and also running an AI such as Letro. If you appetite gets suppressed, you can incorporate some b-12 which will help.

    IMO you cant just go by what is written about different AAS compounds or by what others say, as everyone reacts differently, you must run the compound(s) yourself and experience how they effect you.


  12. #12
    kal300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vitor
    D-bol is stronger than Drol per mg, much stronger...
    In effect, I would say you will atleat double the drol dose to get the same results as the dianabol ...

    They give rather similar results imo, massive weight/strenght gain.

    If youre prone to gyno you might want to use d-bol, drol-gyno is still a bit of a mysteri.

    can you get Gyno from Drol

  13. #13
    GHO5T's Avatar
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    One can get gyno from any AAS compound that suppress your natural testosterone to a degree and increases estrogen activity in your body.


  14. #14
    darr's Avatar
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    Drol all the way! i just ran it as a kick start to my cycle 100mgs4wks i took provion that helped a lot with bloat i got head aches 4 the first 2wks dats all the sides i get from Drol.ive used it as a kick in most my bulkers!

  15. #15
    taiboxa's Avatar
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    lol im not telling :D
    drol gives better str gains and is more fun.. dbol is good but my fav is drol by far.

  16. #16
    Schmidty's Avatar
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    drol is AMAZING 4 strenth. coulnt tell u first hand bout dbol . But ill let u know after my first go around with it

  17. #17
    1buffsob's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Decoder
    Ive had liquid anadrol the stuff tasted like acid, im sure i would have died if i shot it.
    You're talking about oral anadrol suspended in a peg or everclear solution. I'm referring to anadrol made into an injectable form.

  18. #18
    Titleist's Avatar
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    Thanks for the input everybody.

    I think I'm gonna go with Dbol for this cycle and give Drol a try on the next one.

  19. #19
    Dobie-BOY's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Titleist
    Thanks for the input everybody.

    I think I'm gonna go with Dbol for this cycle and give Drol a try on the next one.
    I like dbol better by far. I got more strength, probably because it didnt suppress my appetite like AD did. I got similar weight gain results. About 30 mgs a day and I gained like 10 lbs in two weeks. AD made me feel like SHIT ALL THE TIME!!!!! If I ever do AD again it will be a small dose with Dbol together. You will love DBOL if you have never done it. I cant wait to do it again. Your avy's lookin good bro. In a non-gay kinda way!!
    Last edited by Dobie-BOY; 05-29-2007 at 06:48 AM.

  20. #20
    mickdiesel is offline Senior Member
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    drol is poison. if theres an alternative, which there is, I don't see why anyone would use it. its hepatoxocitiy rating is stupid high. being big is not worth waiting in line next to flex wheeler for a new liver. oh wait...he already got his.

  21. #21
    mickdiesel is offline Senior Member
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    he got actually got a value meal, 2 kidneys and a liver for the price of 1 kidney and 1 liver

  22. #22
    taiboxa's Avatar
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by caban
    drol is poison. if theres an alternative, which there is, I don't see why anyone would use it. its hepatoxocitiy rating is stupid high. being big is not worth waiting in line next to flex wheeler for a new liver. oh wait...he already got his.
    you really are ignorant to aas arent you..
    i know people who have ran drol at 200mg ED for 10wks +
    guess wat they got blood work done tri weekly and everything WAS A'oK!
    please enlighten me.. oh wise one of great wisdome...
    there are case studies of tiny people using drol ed for many many years at a dose that is equivalent to a 200+lb person using 50mg ED.. guess wat, they only acquired minor lesions in their liver.. NOTHING REALLY DETRIMENTAL but .. if its as hepatoxic as u claim then there shud be people killin over left and right from abusing drol...

  23. #23
    mickdiesel is offline Senior Member
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    well to be honest didn't read a study for this one. an ifbb pro told me this one. said flex attributed his renal and liver failure to tren and drol. guy says he would never personally use it and urged me not to use it. oh and ill take my liver with no lesions please.
    Last edited by mickdiesel; 05-30-2007 at 05:55 AM.

  24. #24
    taiboxa's Avatar
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by caban
    well to be honest didn't read a study for this one. an ifbb pro told me this one. said flex attributed his renal and liver failure to tren and drol. guy says he would never personally use it and urged me not to use it. oh and ill take my liver with no lesions please.
    who is this pro that informed you of this?

  25. #25
    mickdiesel is offline Senior Member
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    is it safe to put names up like that? ill do this. he came in twelfth in the nyc night of champions and trains with dorian yates. yates is still really close with flex and i know from personal experience they are all together a lot. this is what he told me and I believe him. I mean its not a secret that the pros use gear so he's not giving me a "don't do juice speech". he tells me what to use and what not to use and how much to use. he urged me against drol, explained why and I believe him and dorian over 99% of other people.
    Last edited by mickdiesel; 05-30-2007 at 09:41 AM.

  26. #26
    Titleist's Avatar
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    The 2004 Night of Champions?

  27. #27
    SneakyMofo is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    you really are ignorant to aas arent you..
    i know people who have ran drol at 200mg ED for 10wks +
    guess wat they got blood work done tri weekly and everything WAS A'oK!
    please enlighten me.. oh wise one of great wisdome...
    there are case studies of tiny people using drol ed for many many years at a dose that is equivalent to a 200+lb person using 50mg ED.. guess wat, they only acquired minor lesions in their liver.. NOTHING REALLY DETRIMENTAL but .. if its as hepatoxic as u claim then there shud be people killin over left and right from abusing drol...

    Here you go: real world study.

    100mg anadrol EVERY day for 12 weeks resulted in liver enzymes being increased, but not dramatically, and were not accompanied by hepatic enlargement or development of any serious liver condition.

  28. #28
    mickdiesel is offline Senior Member
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    07 night of champions

  29. #29
    taiboxa's Avatar
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by SneakyMofo
    Here you go: real world study.

    100mg anadrol EVERY day for 12 weeks resulted in liver enzymes being increased, but not dramatically, and were not accompanied by hepatic enlargement or development of any serious liver condition.


  30. #30
    mickdiesel is offline Senior Member
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    and I wasn't tryin to flame by the way. I'm just a big advocate of keeping healthy and sacrificing myself for gains. not enough people on here warn of the potential negative side effects. and if they do mention one they describe what it means in the long run. so whenever I see something that I think may be dangerous I try to urge against it. my intentions are good and no I'm not ignorrant to aas. many of the things that these pros tell me contradicts what I've read and what doctors say. but there is something to be said for experience. when phen-phen came out it was fda approved, then 6 months later people started dropping like flies. so to me, reports and studies aren't always best bet. they help, but ill take the word of a guy with a chem in his blood that can interpretate his own body over words on a page. happy juicin

  31. #31
    Maldorf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vitor
    D-bol is stronger than Drol per mg, much stronger...
    In effect, I would say you will atleat double the drol dose to get the same results as the dianabol ...

    They give rather similar results imo, massive weight/strenght gain.

    If youre prone to gyno you might want to use d-bol, drol-gyno is still a bit of a mysteri.
    I totally agree here. I have to take at least 100 mg of anadrol to reach the level of effect that 50 mg dbol would have. To me the dbol is a much better choice, doubt I will ever use drol again. Drol did seem to make me harder than dbol though.

  32. #32
    Titleist's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SneakyMofo
    Here you go: real world study.

    100mg anadrol EVERY day for 12 weeks resulted in liver enzymes being increased, but not dramatically, and were not accompanied by hepatic enlargement or development of any serious liver condition.

    Cool study, but that would hardly stop me from taking drol. I would think that 30 old geezers would be more susceptible to liver damage and other sides, especially over a 12 week period. When I use it I will never exceed 6 weeks. That study is just another thing that leads me to believe that hepatoxicity is overrated. When taken in reasonable doses for a reasonable duration, I believe 90% of the time there will be no health problems.

  33. #33
    SneakyMofo is offline Banned
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    Yeah dude, my whole point was its not liver toxic....i wasn't tryin to put you off running it

  34. #34
    taiboxa's Avatar
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by Titleist
    Cool study, but that would hardly stop me from taking drol. I would think that 30 old geezers would be more susceptible to liver damage and other sides, especially over a 12 week period. When I use it I will never exceed 6 weeks. That study is just another thing that leads me to believe that hepatoxicity is overrated. When taken in reasonable doses for a reasonable duration, I believe 90% of the time there will be no health problems.
    LOL, observation is NOT your strong point is it?
    he was SUPPORTING the use of drol, not condeming it ><

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    LOL, observation is NOT your strong point is it?
    he was SUPPORTING the use of drol, not condeming it ><
    Do not pay me any attention....

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