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  1. #1
    razerone49 is offline New Member
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    Unhappy Beginner needs help!

    What's up all. Well, I'm a 5'-9' 125lb. guy who is in dire straits of a plan to help me bulk up. Ever since I was a teenager, I've always been skinny and small. Since I'm asking you all for help, I might as well be skinnines has created ***ression and is preventing me from wanting to go out and do things. Basically, because of my self-consciousness, it's holding me back from going out and doing things as well as not letting me be myself. When I'm standing and talking with someone(another male), I tune out of what they are saying and imediately feel small and begin to feel uncomfortable standing there. Unlike the "normal" people out there who wanna just look better with some gear, I need it to bring my self confidence back to normal. I'm just extremely tired of having to explain myself for being so skinny. Alls I get is-"Dude, you need to eat more" or "are u losing weight?" or "damn man, your leg is as big as my arm". As you can see, it's created a complex in me...a serious complex which holds me back from being a go getter.

    For the past 8 months, I have been on an intense work out routine working 5 times a week and eating like a mad man including weight gainers and protien shakes. I'm up to 132 and that is where I've leveled out. It's still not enough to prevent me from looking skinny. I'm as defined as defined gets because I have little to no body fat whatsoever. I've worked out since I've been a teenager so i'm not a tpical newbie who saw a commercial one day and decided to do roids for a fast fix eventhough I've never had a good work-out schedule and am too #@ssy to get results from working hard and a proper diet. The thing with me is that it's extremely hard to gain weight. The ONLY way I've gained was if I was eating like a cow and worked out along side. I can eat like a cow but not work out and I won't gain a pound!

    So I am here asking for brotherly help. I've been doing extensive research on some gear for months now. I'm leaning towards doing a 12-14 week cycle of Equipoise with maybe some Test-E. with all the research I've done, I've learned that more and more BB's are hearing good things about doing a longer cycle of Eq only...eventhough it was always used in the past as a kick-start or cutting tool. The rcommended running for Eq is 400-800/wk. Since I am so small, I figured I would schedule a little less than the recommended since most average numbers on based on average size guys.

    Please help me. Not only will you be helping someone feel better about themselves but you will be contributing to their success and confidence thereafter.

    Thanks in advance for the consideration and patients in reading.


  2. #2
    dupa95's Avatar
    dupa95 is offline Banned
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    If you did read you would have learned the a single test for 10 to 12 weeks. and if you not 21 or older for get it.

  3. #3
    jdm95lude's Avatar
    jdm95lude is offline Associate Member
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    you weigh 125lbs... you dont need steroids you need food.

  4. #4
    dupa95's Avatar
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  5. #5
    scaramouche's Avatar
    scaramouche is offline Senior Member
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    7lbs in 8 months isnt bad at all for a 125lb guy,post up ur diet and workout routine

  6. #6
    Amorphic's Avatar
    Amorphic is offline Veritas, Aequitas ~
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    Although we can feel sorry for your situation, natural is the way to go. You are too light for steroid use , your potential can be much higher with a proper diet and intense training, you have to keep your motivation up no matter what. Genetics can be unfortunate, but I don't believe steroids are the answer for you yet, sorry to disappoint you. Good luck bro, train hard.

  7. #7
    J0k3R's Avatar
    J0k3R is offline Associate Member
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    125 lbs... is like holy crap skinny... idk if ur ready for a cycle yet,

  8. #8
    razerone49 is offline New Member
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    Ok, I knew I would get the replies stating that I should forget about it...and I am 26 dupa. BUT, put it this way....I am eventually going to do it and go with a cycle I've done research on and based on my own judgement and research. So, I appreciate the comfort and convinsing but I need you guys to throw some ideas on what I should run with my stats and awkward situation. Like I said, I really do appreciate your opinions on me not doing one but since I'm eventually going to take some shmo's advise if I don't get some good input from you guys, I'd much rather get some expreienced quality advise from you. It's not whether I should run a cycle or not, it's more of what I should run if you knew I would run one if you were me.


  9. #9
    kaberle_15's Avatar
    kaberle_15 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Amorphic
    Although we can feel sorry for your situation, natural is the way to go. You are too light for steroid use, your potential can be much higher with a proper diet and intense training, you have to keep your motivation up no matter what. Genetics can be unfortunate, but I don't believe steroids are the answer for you yet, sorry to disappoint you. Good luck bro, train hard.
    x2 stay motivated and keep pumping

  10. #10
    scaramouche's Avatar
    scaramouche is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by razerone49
    Ok, I knew I would get the replies stating that I should forget about it...and I am 26 dupa. BUT, put it this way....I am eventually going to do it and go with a cycle I've done research on and based on my own judgement and research. So, I appreciate the comfort and convinsing but I need you guys to throw some ideas on what I should run with my stats and awkward situation. Like I said, I really do appreciate your opinions on me not doing one but since I'm eventually going to take some shmo's advise if I don't get some good input from you guys, I'd much rather get some expreienced quality advise from you. It's not whether I should run a cycle or not, it's more of what I should run if you knew I would run one if you were me.

    since u put it like that then a good first cycle is test cyp or e only 400-500mg/pw for 12 weeks + pct of course, wait till future cycles to add other things so ull know what results to attribute to what gear,but post up ur diet and routine anyway

  11. #11
    razerone49 is offline New Member
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    thanks scar...thats the type of help i was looking for. i will def. consider that. also, pct-wise...will clom and nolv be enough or should i be running HCG during or after? if clom and nolv is enough..should i be running nolv during and clom post?

  12. #12
    scaramouche's Avatar
    scaramouche is offline Senior Member
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    if it were me on that cycle id do nolva during and nolva & clo post

  13. #13
    king6's Avatar
    king6 is offline Anabolic Member
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    At 125, not sure if you could even get the needle all the way in.

  14. #14
    BOOST's Avatar
    BOOST is offline Member
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    125LB you need to read the diet area for bulking up

  15. #15
    legobricks's Avatar
    legobricks is offline Retired AR Monitor
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    I agree with everyone here. what does your diet look like? Some people say they eat like a cow but when they post their diet it aint shit....not being rude to you. We all would like to know what ur diet looks like first. Also using juice isnt the answer, Just say that you jump on a cycle and gain...i dunno, 30 keepable pounds. at 125 where your at your tendons are NOT going to handle the new weight you are throwing up in the gym therefore causing you serious injuiries and BAM, your down to 125 again. its easy bro, you need to keep pumping and intake more calories than you are now. even tho genetics are a b*tch you can still make good progress.

  16. #16
    razerone49 is offline New Member
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    thank you all for the honest criticism...with all respect for your opinions...I've decided to increase my 8000 calories/day to 10,000/day for a couple months THEN decided on:

    Test E or C - 400-500mg x 10
    Equipoise 300-400mg x 12(front loading first 2 weeks 600-800mg)
    Nolva/Clom PCT (20-30mg/day Nova During)

    Does that sound about right?

  17. #17
    razerone49 is offline New Member
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    Also, this is a post of roughly where I've decided on my cycle.

    For something that is generally injected into cows, horses and dogs boldenone is quite a popular and well-liked drug by most bodybuilders because of its unique make-up. It possesses several characteristics that aren't found in any other substance and its use is so varied its much desired year-round. Boldenone is a decent anabolic coupled with both a mild androgenic and a mild estrogenic effect. Sort of like a weak testosterone . In structure it doesn't differ all that much from testosterone, the main anomaly being a double bond in the one position as well as the 4 position. Its nonetheless quite good at promoting gains, but mostly through a combination of androgenic potential and other media than the androgen and estrogen receptors.

    The strange thing about its androgenic component is that it is mostly not mediated by a 5-alpha-reduced form, as is the case for most steroids . While it does indeed form a very potent 5AR form (dihydroboldenone, roughly 7 times as anabolic as testosterone1) its shows a very low affinity for the 5-alpha-reducatase enzyme2. This leads to the conclusion that a large part of the anabolic effect boldenone exerts is formed by the hormone itself binding to the androgen receptor. This could also be the reason its had such a successful run as a veterinary drug, because despite differences in the metabolism of species it has always produced extraordinary results.

    Like most anabolic steroids it increases muscle mass over time by increasing nitrogen retention and positively influencing protein synthesis or re-synthesis. An action that is not necessarily supported by an androgenic mediator as was shown with nandrolone . What boldenone has that other steroids don't is that it indirectly supplies the necessary means for that protein synthesis because it drastically increases the appetite. Thereby facilitating the high nutritional intake (especially protein wise) needed to book the best results when using anabolic androgenic steroids. Its more of a benefit than you think as a lot of people have theorized that it is this increase that is responsible for the great results booked when using boldenone. This theory may hold its own as there is indeed not much proof of the kind of anabolic activity with boldenone that would be responsible for the elicited effect.

    ts estrogenic activities are slight, but present. This has more of a positive than negative influence. The aromatisation of boldenone is too small to cause real problems and in normal doses (300-400 mg/week) problems such as gynocomastia and too much fat retention are unheard of. However small aromatisation is desirable as estrogen too mediates anabolic activity. It can be responsible for better glucose utilization3,4 (repleting lost glycogen stores after exercise) and stimulating increased growth hormone release5. But most notably estrogen is responsible for an upgrading of the androgen receptor6 allowing hormones that act on the androgen receptor to exert a larger anabolic effect. This is why hormones that are strong androgens but also aromatize heavily, like anadrol and testosterone, can put the most mass on your frame. In that aspect boldenone is perhaps the most suitable steroid because of its moderate estrogen levels that allow for the benefits, but not the side-effects of aromatization. And no doubt the perfect balance is partially responsible for stimulation of the appetite.

    n that aspect boldenone combined with a non-aromatizing steroid like Winstrol or Primobolan may be perfect to help you get cut and ripped while improving vascularity. The downside to that is that you really need to try hard to suppress the increased appetite. Which is why its probably a better idea to stack a somewhat larger dose of boldenone with a mass building drug like testosterone or anadrol to elicit major gains.

    The negative effects of boldenone are quite limited. In the normal doses of 300-400 mg a week estrogenic side-effects are almost never noted except in those who are very succeptible to estrogen. In terms of androgenic side-effects long-term use or very intense use of boldenone can cause slight virilizing effects such as acne and increased body-hair growth. Never really a problem for men, but women considering its use on account of its moderate androgenic qualities should be aware of this.

    Stacking and Use:

    As an undecylenate ester, boldenone needs only be injected every week (staying active well over 4 weeks), but because the preparations come in 25 mg/ml, users most often opt for 25-50 mg every day to every other day. A use of 300-400 mg per week seems to be the normal recommendation. Its not hepatoxic to any serious degree and can therefore be used for longer cycles. The appearance of underground forms of boldenone in higher concentrations (200 mg/ml) has made it easier to inject only once a week, which is to be preffered over the multiple dosings because it has a more even release and the cumulative effect shows much sooner. Speaking of cumulative effect, the best results with boldenone are seen when a user front-loads. Usually that means he will use a high doses of 600-800 mg/week for 2 weeks and then lower that dose to the normal 300-400 mg/week for the remaining 8-10 weeks.

    Boldenone is most often used for cutting. Its stacking partners for this purpose in particular are trenbolone , stanazolol and testosterone propionate . I'm no big fan of testosterone for cutting, although propionate is commonly used with great success by many users. Nonetheless I don't recommend test for cutting for beginners. Stanazolol is particularly useful in improving muscle hardness and strength while boldenone offers increased vascularity without overly aromatizing. The use of 50 mg of stanazolol every day, stacked with 300-400 mg per week of boldenone should serve the purpose of retaining gains and gaining increased definition and vascularity while shedding fat very well. Trenbolone would be a better match for those looking for moderate but very lean gains. Parabolan at 76 mg every other day for example will provide a decent increase in lean mass in combination with boldenone, without having to sacrifice shape or definition. Of course any combination of the above is an option as well. For example 300 mg of equipoise per week stacked with 76 mg of parabolan every other day and 50 mg of Winstrol every day, possibly with some test propionate at 50 mg a day.

    But though rarely mentioned, I personally find boldenone the better choice for bulking. Due to its effect on vascularity it is mostly used for cutting, but if you had a drug that increased your appetite like boldenone does, would you really use it to lose weight? It makes more sense to use it in a stack with a testosterone ester like enanthate or cypionate for good gains, instead of nandrolone. Sort of as a base. It aromatizes less than nandrolone and doesn't have that pesky progestagenic effect either, and because it increases appetite it would provide you with the means to an end in terms of gaining weight. 300-400 mg a week of boldenone with 500 mg of sustanon or 500 mg of testosterone enanthate would form an incredible stack. Even for those who prefer deca , adding a small amount of boldenone will go a long way in improving appetite. But boldenone is stronger than Deca, mg for mg, as well as safer and less suppressive.

    Boldenone makes a very poor match for nandrolone and methenolone though, since its very similar in action. The beauty of boldenone is that it can be an alternative for nandrolone when bulking due to its leaner results and more potent anabolic action, as well as an alternative for methenolone because while barely aromatizing its stronger than methenolone (Primobolan), gram for gram.

    The use of secondary drugs is rarely required. It doesn't aromatize at a great rate so the use of anti-aromatases is rarely implemented and the use of Nolva and clomid, during a cycle, is only necessary when stacked with aromatizing steroids like testosterone. Nolvadex or Clomid may have some use in restoring natural test post-cycle, because of the long-acting ester (11 carbons) and the mild estrogenic component. Normally 4 weeks of treatment is required, starting 1.5 to 2 weeks after the last shot.

  18. #18
    razerone49 is offline New Member
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    Above post is from Big Cat on

  19. #19
    kaberle_15's Avatar
    kaberle_15 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by razerone49
    thank you all for the honest criticism...with all respect for your opinions...I've decided to increase my 8000 calories/day to 10,000/day for a couple months THEN decided on:

    Test E or C - 400-500mg x 10
    Equipoise 300-400mg x 12(front loading first 2 weeks 600-800mg)
    Nolva/Clom PCT (20-30mg/day Nova During)

    Does that sound about right?
    Whoa what are you going to be eating to get up to 10000 cals a day chocolate cake?!? Tape it ive never seen a 125lb dude eat so much.

  20. #20
    GHO5T's Avatar
    GHO5T is offline Senior Member
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    8000-10000 calories a day. This brings up another aspect of dieting, are these calories coming from whole foods? which im thinking most likely they arent.

    IMO most of your calories are coming from weight gainers and protein shakes, this could be one of the reasons for the sudden plataeu you have.

    Even if you consume 10000 calories, if they are mostly from wieght gainers and protein shakes, the AAS you take wont do much in regard to providing you with solid gains. You will gain, but it will be mostly water.

    You need to consume whole foods, this in conjunction with AAS will provide you will solid muscle gains, the sooner you realize this, the faster your results will come.


  21. #21
    GHO5T's Avatar
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    Also i do realize you have your mind set on using AAS. However please re-think what you are doing, you body isnt just ready for the usage of any AAS compound.

    Your tendons, joints, ligaments arent strong enough to withstand the immense strength gains one can make during a cycle. Which can lead to serious injuries.

    To get bigger, one must lift heavier and heavier weights. Well when you are constantly lifting heavier weights, your putting more and more stress on your tendons, joints, and ligaments.

    The more stress you put on them, the more likely they will tear, break and or fracture, which will lead to even bigger problems ahead of you.

    If this were to happen, you couldnt lift for quite some time, your gains (weight and strength) will eventually drop back to were you were if not even lower.

    I do wish you the best of luck, and i urge you to post your diet in its entirety, there could be tweaks you can make to further optimize your gains without the use of AAS.


  22. #22
    mr.boss is offline New Member
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    what is yor diet like from the time you wake up to the time you go to bed.what kind of workout are you doing sets reps body parts what bodyparts what may want to go to doctor get blood work done.for normal test leval free test leval and total test.aslo have tryroid check out.get this in order then maybe steroids

  23. #23
    razerone49 is offline New Member
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    Thank you all.

  24. #24
    Ryler's Avatar
    Ryler is offline Junior Member
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    IMO Razerone you need a high amount of clean calories(pasta, meats, etc.) and then u need to drop EQ and get on a bulk cycle. EQ is not knowing for bulking up, i think u would be better off with test and deca as a second compound with dbol for wks 1-4 only reason i see eq in ur case is appetite increase....good luck with whatever u choose and be smart about it

  25. #25
    todapower is offline Junior Member
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    Eq is for cutting, thats the last thing your lookin for. IMO, if you happen to do anythin without listening to everyone on here about proper diet and training, you should do 500mg of test c or e a week. 250mg every 3.5 days for 12 weeks. no deca , no dbol , just a long ester test by itself.
    be safe...

  26. #26
    Outta Kontrol is offline Associate Member
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    Ive been gone for months.... same old, same old But lets focus on the issue. what is the issue again?????

  27. #27
    longhorn814's Avatar
    longhorn814 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by GHO5T
    Also i do realize you have your mind set on using AAS. However please re-think what you are doing, you body isnt just ready for the usage of any AAS compound.

    Your tendons, joints, ligaments arent strong enough to withstand the immense strength gains one can make during a cycle. Which can lead to serious injuries.

    To get bigger, one must lift heavier and heavier weights. Well when you are constantly lifting heavier weights, your putting more and more stress on your tendons, joints, and ligaments.

    The more stress you put on them, the more likely they will tear, break and or fracture, which will lead to even bigger problems ahead of you.

    If this were to happen, you couldnt lift for quite some time, your gains (weight and strength) will eventually drop back to were you were if not even lower.

    I do wish you the best of luck, and i urge you to post your diet in its entirety, there could be tweaks you can make to further optimize your gains without the use of AAS.

    I completely agree with GHOST. You are not physically ready for steroids yet. You wouldnt build a house without a foundation would you? No..why not? Because it would come crashing down. That is exactly what you are trying to do at your size. Your body is ready to support the extra size yet and whatever you gain will most likely be lost b/c you dont know how to eat to gain naturally. Im sure you think your diet is good, but I guarantee you its not as good as you think. Hell Ive been doing this for a long time and I learn more about my diet and what my body needs everyday. Chugging a bunch of weight gainers is NOT good for you!!! I suggest you post your diet and let us critique it for you. Here is a good read on how to eat to bulk up

    UNoffical "How to Bulk" thread and sample diet...

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