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  1. #1
    ComeFlyWithMe is offline New Member
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    May 2007

    Talking Winny + T3 cutting cycle

    Hello everyone! I just joined this evening, and wanted your opinions on my upcoming cutting cycle.

    I am 5'9" 210 lbs, and approximately 16% bodyfat. I hit the gym hard, and my cardio is decent (about 40 minutes 3-4X a week) and my diet is pretty solid. My girlfriend is a dietician, so I am letting her plan all my meals. I think my body is most accurately described as a mezo-endomorph. Anyways, my question for you all is:

    I plan on doing a 4-5 week cycle (haven't made up my mind yet) of 25mg Winny ED and T3. I want to see how I tolerate the T3, but was planning to pyramid from 25mcg up to 75mcg over the course of the cycle. I didn't really want to do the winny, but I am of the understanding that T3 will kill my muscles if I don't have something with it. That is why I am planning the lower 25mg winny instead of the 50mg+ that I most commonly read. Would these be sufficient to produce results worth the money and wear on my body? Obviously results are individually different, but could you all offer a guestimate of the results I can expect? What other recommendations would you all suggest? Thanks!

  2. #2
    ComeFlyWithMe is offline New Member
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    May 2007

    I just had a bf analysis done at my gym, and I am actually at 14% bodyfat.

  3. #3
    magic32's Avatar
    magic32 is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    Both your strategy and reasoning look sound.
    However, the Winny should be run higher 50-100mgs ED (broken into two daily doses), and run longer (6-8wks).


  4. #4
    ComeFlyWithMe is offline New Member
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    May 2007
    So you don't think that 25mg ED winny is sufficient to prevent the t3 from cleaning my skeleton? I am rather weary of running it for 6 weeks, as it is very liver toxic. All the other "benefits" of winny are really the least of my concern, I am just trying to minimize muscle loss from T3.

  5. #5
    longhorn814's Avatar
    longhorn814 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ComeFlyWithMe
    So you don't think that 25mg ED winny is sufficient to prevent the t3 from cleaning my skeleton? I am rather weary of running it for 6 weeks, as it is very liver toxic. All the other "benefits" of winny are really the least of my concern, I am just trying to minimize muscle loss from T3.
    winny is commonly run 6-8 weeks with a minimum of 50mg/day. The muscle loss on T3 isnt as bad as people think either. You should be more concerned with what winstrol will do to your cholesterol than to your liver.

  6. #6
    ComeFlyWithMe is offline New Member
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    Well, that is reassuring. From all the reading I have done, the muscle loss part of T3 sounds horrific. I have worked way too hard to have that taken away from me.

    I am aware that winny is more commonly run at 50mg ED for 6-8 weeks, but I am worried about liver toxicity and also cholesterol. I don't think I would consider running it at a typical level as most commonly recommend. So I suppose my question is: If I am only running it 25mg ED for 5-6 weeks with my T3, is it even worth doing the winny at all? Keep in mind, I'll either do that, or none. I can't convince myself to do the full 6-8 weeks at 50.

  7. #7
    Kimo27's Avatar
    Kimo27 is offline Associate Member
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    winny toxicity usually comes more from taking the oral form, if your not afraid of needles then i advise you go with it.

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