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  1. #1
    K.Biz's Avatar
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    Best Mass Gaining Cycle.

    Looking for a cycle thats really going to put on some huge amount of mass. Im 173 as of today, currently standing at 5'8. I have 2, SD cycles under my belt... but looking to move onto the dark side eventually

    Wont be for at least 7 or 8 months, since im saving money for my cycle, PCT and i need to do a lot more research

    But, here what I was thinking. let me know what you think

    week 1-12 test E 500mg (250mg x 2 Per week.)
    week 1-2 Dbol 30mgs ED
    week 3-4 Dbol 40mgs ED
    week 5-6Dbol 50mg ED
    week 13-23 PCT
    Last edited by K.Biz; 05-31-2007 at 03:00 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    insane asylum
    From my exp you should run the dbol 35 tops 40 for about 4 weeks this does wonders for me I dont think you would even need to go up to 50mg,why not add deca bro?

  3. #3
    kynetguy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by K.Biz
    Looking for a cycle thats really going to put on some huge amount of mass. Im 173 as of today, currently standing at 5'8. I have 2, SD cycles under my belt... but looking to move onto the dark side eventually

    Wont be for at least 7 or 8 months, since im saving money for my cycle, PCT and i need to do a lot more research

    But, here what I was thinking. let me know what you think

    week 1-12 test E 500mg (250mg x 2 Per week.)
    week 1-2 Dbol 30mgs ED
    week 3-4 Dbol 40mgs ED
    week 5-6Dbol 50mg ED
    week 13-17 PCT
    How old are you? Body Fat? 5'8" and 173 is a little light

    So far looks ok. I would run the dbol at 50 for 4 weeks for the kick start. I am not a big fan of ramping up dosages. Others may have a different insight on that though.

    Do some research on PCT and PCT start times with Test E so you know when to start your PCT to get maximum benefits from the Test E and its active life.

    Over all its a good sensible first cycle. Mass building will ***end mostly on your diet and workout habits.

  4. #4
    K.Biz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kynetguy
    How old are you? Body Fat? 5'8" and 173 is a little light

    So far looks ok. I would run the dbol at 50 for 4 weeks for the kick start. I am not a big fan of ramping up dosages. Others may have a different insight on that though.

    Do some research on PCT and PCT start times with Test E so you know when to start your PCT to get maximum benefits from the Test E and its active life.

    Over all its a good sensible first cycle. Mass building will ***end mostly on your diet and workout habits.
    Im 21, But I'll be 22+ when i even have enough money to do this cycle. my bf is 10% right now. I have been training for almost 7 years now.

    173 is a little light, but i am a hard hard gainer. graduated highschool at 129lb's so, to me 173 is real nice But i could be much heavier.

    As far as PCT, i am a pro, written an article recently on PCT, but i will also look into more PCT options, since i pretty much no them all.

    My diet is real strict. and my dedication is very high, i dont f*ck around when comming to putting somthing into my body, ecspecially somthing i pay for, then not back it up with a good diet. I understand diet is KEY to mass building. since i have been very strict about dieting about a year after highschool.

  5. #5
    K.Biz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by canadian meat
    From my exp you should run the dbol 35 tops 40 for about 4 weeks this does wonders for me I dont think you would even need to go up to 50mg,why not add deca bro?
    yeah i thought mabye 50mg would show a lil more sides, but might be super benficial for those last 2 weeks. but we'll see, its all speculation right now. keeping my options open for sure

    What are the gains like on Deca ? i dont no to much about it, im gonna go open my steroid book and read about it right now as we speak.

  6. #6
    testisbest is offline Senior Member
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    K, I'd save the deca for later down the road. You should see great gains on test and dbol . I'm running 55mg of dbol a day for 6 weeks right now and LOVE it (I'm on test/deca also). I take the full dose 2 hours before workout and I'll never go back to splitting up the dose again. It shouldn't be difficult to keep around 15lbs after pct. Just don't start stacking injectables right away.

  7. #7
    K.Biz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by testisbest
    K, I'd save the deca for later down the road. You should see great gains on test and dbol. I'm running 55mg of dbol a day for 6 weeks right now and LOVE it (I'm on test/deca also). I take the full dose 2 hours before workout and I'll never go back to splitting up the dose again. It shouldn't be difficult to keep around 15lbs after pct. Just don't start stacking injectables right away.
    thanks bro, i apreciate the advise. I wasnt to sure about stackin to injetables, as you said. I like the fact of 1 injectable and 1 oral as i have done orals in the past, and am more in-tune to what i am to expect, like gains and sides.

    Also 1 injectable will be good because, it is my first cycle where i will have to inject. Doing multiple injections all the time could get a little confusing.

  8. #8
    testisbest is offline Senior Member
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    I agree, you'll have plenty of fun with the dbol and when the test starts rockin you won't know what to do with yourself. Just stick with test for now so if you get signs of gyno you'll know its from the test converting to estrogen but if you throw deca in the mix without runing test alone and you get signs of gyno you won't know if is estrogen or prolactin related.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by K.Biz
    yeah i thought mabye 50mg would show a lil more sides, but might be super benficial for those last 2 weeks. but we'll see, its all speculation right now. keeping my options open for sure

    What are the gains like on Deca? i dont no to much about it, im gonna go open my steroid book and read about it right now as we speak.
    I just finished a dbol /sus/deca and my gains were great strength threw the roof.But not sure If you said this was first cycle In wich case your gains off test and dbol will be more than enuff.
    Last edited by canadian meat; 05-31-2007 at 10:35 AM.

  10. #10
    K.Biz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by canadian meat
    I just finished a dbol/sus/deca and my gains were great strength threw the roof.
    If thats you in your avy. you are huge!

    thanks for the tips man. what kind of strength gains did u see, like bench before and after?

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by K.Biz
    If thats you in your avy. you are huge!

    thanks for the tips man. what kind of strength gains did u see, like bench before and after?
    Ya thats me juice monkey
    My bench before cycle was about 315 on cycle about 365 (8reps)after pct about 335for 10 reps
    Last edited by canadian meat; 05-31-2007 at 10:45 AM.

  12. #12
    K.Biz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by canadian meat
    Ya thats me juice monkey
    My bench before cycle was about 315 on cycle about 365 (8reps)after pct about 335for 10 reps
    wow damn thats pretty impressive. so you should be able to put up 400 prob once or twice huh?

    I just joined the 300 club after this cycle of SD. its pretty awsome. only 325 for 2 or 3 reps here though

  13. #13
    kynetguy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by K.Biz
    I just joined the 300 club after this cycle of SD. its pretty awsome. only 325 for 2 or 3 reps here though


    Dude, You are 173? I would not classify almost 2x your body weight as "only." Thats pretty nice for your size.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by kynetguy

    Dude, You are 173? I would not classify almost 2x your body weight as "only." Thats pretty nice for your size.
    haha yup 173, and pushin 325. not every chest day though, somtimes it likes to go up somtimes it doesnt. but 300 goes up everytime

    you would never be able to tell from my chest though. it lacks hardcore. but my arms are real big. mabye there taking all the weight?

    Synthol for my chest i guess

  15. #15
    Random is offline RETIRED VET
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    ***ending on funds....i would do something like this

    wks 1-12 Test 500mg per wk
    wks 1-12 Primo E 600mg per wk
    wks 1-4 Tbol 60mg ED

    just a thought tho


  16. #16
    K.Biz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CaptainDominate

    ***ending on funds....i would do something like this

    wks 1-12 Test 500mg per wk
    wks 1-12 Primo E 600mg per wk
    wks 1-4 Tbol 60mg ED

    just a thought tho

    looks like another good one as well. damn so many options!

    I no for sure my next cycle will be var for 6-8 weeks, im 100% on that, but any other suggestions for the most MASS building cycle after my var cycle would help a lot. since i have already run 2 bulking cycles with SD i need to cut down, doin it natty for a good couple months, prob until the end of this year actully, then im going to run var and really cut down to 6-7% if possible.

    Great responses, thank you to everyone who has responded so far. Learning a lot just from this little thread.

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