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  1. #41
    RBD85's Avatar
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    The first sign of halo kicking in is increased endurance, can you lift the same weight more reps and it feels lighter?

  2. #42
    Calyptus is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by R**85
    The first sign of halo kicking in is increased endurance, can you lift the same weight more reps and it feels lighter?

    I was on a pure strength routine, with mostly singles, triples and 5 reppers, so a preset amount of reps. my HIIt-endurance has increased a bit, but nothing out of the ordinairy. In fact,the only signs I'm having this far is better vascularity, bigger pumps and a distinct hardness even my test/tren /masteron cycle failed to produce(in fact that cycle was absolutely shit for me).

    Weights didn't feel any lighter, but I messed up my scedule because I was expecting a 10-15lbs raise of muscle memory/added strength on my bench the first week. I utterly failed my lifts this morning, so I'll switch my routine up to smolov Jr for bench/Doggcrapp for assistance/phillipi coan deadlift-style training, and just keep a log of how much reps I've done. I think I'll feel the halo kick in sooner that way.
    Last edited by Calyptus; 08-06-2007 at 01:11 PM.

  3. #43
    Serotonin's Avatar
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    Personally, I'm starting to seriously doubt the effectiveness of halotestin at all? I'm halfway through week 3 of 40mg ED of the shit and its not doing anything fantastic for strength. It is giving my muscles a fuller more defined look but I'm also running test/deca with it and the gains haven't really been any more amazing since adding the halo. I'm almost positive there wouldn't be much difference if I weren't running it at all.

    So, unless my body isn't responding to it as others do this stuff has been a gigantic disappointment and I really wish I never blew two hundred bones on it. I'm sure its legit because I had almost no acne at all during this cycle until I added the halo and its from Balkan Pharma. whose products are all slightly overdosed based off all the lab testing I've seen. The libido sky rockets too shortly after taking a few tabs.

    Again, for my money I will never EVER buy halotestin. Unless I see some people posting factual results lauding this shit as a serious strength enhancer these profiles need to be rewritten and the parroting on its effectiveness needs to stop.

  4. #44
    testisbest is offline Senior Member
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    damn, I was fixin to stock up on some halo this week but after reading this I'll save my money. How do ya'll compare the strength gains of halo against var?

  5. #45
    Calyptus is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Serotonin
    Personally, I'm starting to seriously doubt the effectiveness of halotestin at all? I'm halfway through week 3 of 40mg ED of the shit and its not doing anything fantastic for strength. It is giving my muscles a fuller more defined look but I'm also running test/deca with it and the gains haven't really been any more amazing since adding the halo. I'm almost positive there wouldn't be much difference if I weren't running it at all.

    So, unless my body isn't responding to it as others do this stuff has been a gigantic disappointment and I really wish I never blew two hundred bones on it. I'm sure its legit because I had almost no acne at all during this cycle until I added the halo and its from Balkan Pharma. whose products are all slightly overdosed based off all the lab testing I've seen. The libido sky rockets too shortly after taking a few tabs.

    Again, for my money I will never EVER buy halotestin. Unless I see some people posting factual results lauding this shit as a serious strength enhancer these profiles need to be rewritten and the parroting on its effectiveness needs to stop.
    crap, got BP-stuff as well... That's gonna be a waste of money... Kind of wierd considering it's an actual Human grade source and not an UG lab...
    Last edited by Calyptus; 08-06-2007 at 03:40 PM.

  6. #46
    RBD85's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by testisbest
    damn, I was fixin to stock up on some halo this week but after reading this I'll save my money. How do ya'll compare the strength gains of halo against var?
    I have ran them both once and I want to run them once more but FOR ME I responded better to the anavar as i didnt respond to the halo at all (or very little) The anavar was nothing huge and it was expensive, I can get it way cheaper than what I paid for it 2 years ago so im gonna give it another go.

  7. #47
    ironaddict69's Avatar
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    uh no halo DOES work. i nopticed it even more when i crushed them up and let them disolve under my tongue, i wa so damn irritable it was insane. Halo works much better than var for strength gains, end of story.

  8. #48
    RBD85's Avatar
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    again assuming the halo was legit I did not notice a damn thing. my lifts went up slightly due to the test but felt nothing like what I read I should feel. I did not crush them up and i believe I was taking around 30mg pre workout.

  9. #49
    Schmidty's Avatar
    Schmidty is offline Test Is Best!
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    from what i understand halo isnt as good as ad50 for strength. it seems to be a better pre comp chemical

  10. #50
    BG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Calyptus
    mines not bunk, lab test are all ok and I checked the batch number and it's real...
    Lets see the lab test.

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

    Everything was impossible until somebody did it!

    I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!

    It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.

    Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

    Great place to start researching !

  11. #51
    Big Roy is offline Associate Member
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    Stack Halo w/ Test E & Tren & set all kinds of PR. I just kept getting stronger & stronger. The only thing that stop me was my deployment. Halo is VERY exspensive.

  12. #52
    RBD85's Avatar
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    different strokes for different folks...

  13. #53
    ironaddict69's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by R**85
    again assuming the halo was legit I did not notice a damn thing. my lifts went up slightly due to the test but felt nothing like what I read I should feel. I did not crush them up and i believe I was taking around 30mg pre workout.
    then they were fake.

    Quote Originally Posted by Schmidty
    from what i understand halo isnt as good as ad50 for strength. it seems to be a better pre comp chemical
    actually no, halotestin is better for strength. theres a reason its called the strength/aggression drug. Why? becuase they kind of go hand in hand.

    And I agree with Bigguns101, post the lab results then.

  14. #54
    RBD85's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=ironaddict69]then they were fake. QUOTE]

    not disagreeing with you but you dont know that. people respond different to different drugs. Some painkillers work great on my brother when they do absolutely nothing to me. My halo was B....Dragon halo 10mg/tabs (let me know if i need to edit) Looked legit w/ hologram and everything.

  15. #55
    Calyptus is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigGuns101
    Lets see the lab test.

    lab test on other gear sadly, all those seem to be overdosed.

    But something fishy is going on, my provider deliberatly seems to "forget" some labtest, which leads me to the conclusion he's trying to manipulate lab results to get more costumers. He post labtests under a number( blahblah1, blahblah2,...), yet sometimes he "skips" a number which leads me to think he didn't want people to see the bad test.

    Serotonin knows who I'm talking about, and my post stating I got poor results got deleted immediatly. Another thread about BP dbol got deleted as well, with quite a lot of people stating it was horrible and they wanted an answer.

    So my advice, DON'T buy any BP until this clears up...

    Quote Originally Posted by ironaddict69
    uh no halo DOES work. i nopticed it even more when i crushed them up and let them disolve under my tongue, i wa so damn irritable it was insane. Halo works much better than var for strength gains, end of story.
    I might try that one tomorrow...
    Last edited by Calyptus; 08-07-2007 at 02:31 AM.

  16. #56
    ironaddict69's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ironaddict69
    then they were fake. QUOTE]

    not disagreeing with you but you dont know that. people respond different to different drugs. Some painkillers work great on my brother when they do absolutely nothing to me. My halo was B....Dragon halo 10mg/tabs (let me know if i need to edit) Looked legit w/ hologram and everything.

    ok true, good point. I never even really got "aggressive" from them except the first couple days. and thatsd how you really know your ON. the strength proved otherwise however. although ill admit its misleading, because i thought id add at least 80 lbs to each of my big 3, but thats only with some rare people, usually weak to start out with. hell i added close to 80 i guess, 50-60 with most.

  17. #57
    RBD85's Avatar
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    If I remember correctly I put about 15lbs on my bench in 4 weeks which I attribute all to the test. I still want to run another brand again and up he dosage if I can find it for a good deal.

  18. #58
    Calyptus is offline New Member
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    A buddy of mine tried my halo, he ran it before(when it was less scarce), and has serious agression sides at 20mg/day, very quickly. I told him it might be bunk, so he did 20mg/day again, and now, 5 days later, he still doesn't feel a thing.

    In short, BP halo is just expensive sugar. I'm extremely disappointed.

  19. #59
    RBD85's Avatar
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    halo....... more like gaylo!!

  20. #60
    ecivon is offline Member
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    This is an old thread, but I'm going to throw in here. What's the big deal about going from 500-750 on leg presses? That can be done naturally. My 16 y.o. kid can leg press over 500 lbs. I see nothing unrealistic in gaining that much while using halo.

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