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Thread: question: letro

  1. #1
    S431M7 is offline Banned
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    question: letro

    I have heard here that letro is capable of messing up one's sex drive if it is overdosed. (Check C-Bino gyno signature for example and u will see what I mean).

    But so I have read somewhere here that letro does increases the secretion of LH and FSH which are responsible for testical growth and sperm cell production.
    (Read the profile on letro on this site for a proof)

    If both claims are true, then I'm thinking there is a paradox between these two claims and I was wondering which is more right over the other.

    For example if letro could kill your sex drive, then I'm thinking, its other functions to secrete LH and FSH are dyfunct, or vice-versa.

    What are your thoughts on this confusions?
    Last edited by S431M7; 08-17-2007 at 09:32 AM.

  2. #2
    Merc.. is offline Steroidpedia
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    Quote Originally Posted by S431M7
    I have heard here that letro is capable of messing up one's sex drive if it is overdosed. Check C-Bino gyno signature for example.

    But so I have read some where here that letro increase the secretion of LH and FSH which are responsible for testical growth and sperm cell production.
    check the profile on letro on this site for a proof.

    If that's true, then I'm thinking there is a paradox between these claims and I was wondering which is more right over the other.

    In other word is it possible for letro to kill your sex drive if one of its main function is to secrete LH and FSH/

    What are your thoughts on this confusion.
    Letro destroys esterogen and thats why it kills sex drive ..................

    Last edited by Merc..; 08-16-2007 at 10:57 PM.

  3. #3
    Kratos's Avatar
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    Testosterone will go up, but sex drive will go down. You need both testosterone and estrogen in a ballpark of balance to pop wood.

  4. #4
    S431M7 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kratos
    Testosterone will go up, but sex drive will go down. You need both testosterone and estrogen in a ballpark of balance to pop wood.
    I agree one needs some balance level of both test and estrogen to stay active, but to say sex drive will go down if test is up is contradicting, don't u think so? At least from my one experience when I was on test only cycle my sex drive was way high than average.

  5. #5
    S431M7 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Merc.
    Letro destroys esterogen and thats why it kills sex drive ..................

    I was thinking if letro could stimulate testicular growth and sperm cell production thru secretion of LH and FSH, then one's sex drive will be up so to speak.

  6. #6
    Merc.. is offline Steroidpedia
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    Quote Originally Posted by S431M7
    I was thinking if letro could stimulate testicular growth and sperm cell production thru secretion of LH and FSH, then one's sex drive will be up so to speak.
    Nope !!!!

    Estrogen is a factor , and as I said letro can destroy estrogen..

    Progest , prolactin levels are also a factor in sex drive.


  7. #7
    Merc.. is offline Steroidpedia
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    Quote Originally Posted by S431M7
    I agree one needs some balance level of both test and estrogen to stay active, but to say sex drive will go down if test is up is contradicting, don't u think so? At least from my one experience when I was on test only cycle my sex drive was way high than average.

    Keep in mind steroids lower t-3 and in turn raise prolactin causing diminished sex drive....

  8. #8
    kfrost06's Avatar
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    The letro will increase secretion of LH and FSH when off cycle by disrupting the negative feedback loop, this will not occur when on a cycle because of other negative feedback like DHT, testosterone , etc. Now as Merc said the way it destroys your sex drive when on letro is it lowers your estrogen, in some cases eliminates it and that is an important part of your sex drive. The higher the dose the more it inhibits estrogen and the greater effect on your sex drive. Small amounts in a PCT will help bring your own test back as you mentioned by increasing secretion of LH and FSH. That was a good find by you and I have read your post and see a clear increase in your knowledge in AAS and applaud your curiosity. Keep up the good work and you will be answering our questions soon enough.

  9. #9
    S431M7 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by kfrost06
    The letro will increase secretion of LH and FSH when off cycle by disrupting the negative feedback loop, this will not occur when on a cycle because of other negative feedback like DHT, testosterone, etc. Now as Merc said the way it destroys your sex drive when on letro is it lowers your estrogen, in some cases eliminates it and that is an important part of your sex drive. The higher the dose the more it inhibits estrogen and the greater effect on your sex drive. Small amounts in a PCT will help bring your own test back as you mentioned by increasing secretion of LH and FSH. That was a good find by you and I have read your post and see a clear increase in your knowledge in AAS and applaud your curiosity. Keep up the good work and you will be answering our questions soon enough.
    Thanks for the response. so in general, what do u think is the right timimg to load letro, before or after a cycle? it appears, though, from your first two lines above, it is much better to take letro at the end of the cycle than to frontload at the beginning of the cycle because of other disruption u mention, is that correct?

  10. #10
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    I will only take letro if I show signs of gyno. Letro is the strongest AI out there but with that comes side effects. I prefer to use an AI for the PCT, after the cycle but if I am showing signs of gyno I will jump right on it. So in summation, keep letro on stand by at all times and use if necessary during a cycle and use it(or another AI) in small amounts after cycle to disrupt the negative feedback and get your HPTA back up and running. I hope that helps.

  11. #11
    S431M7 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by kfrost06
    I will only take letro if I show signs of gyno.
    So u implying it may be unnecessary if no signs of gyno appears, right?

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by S431M7
    So u implying it may be unnecessary if no signs of gyno appears, right?
    correct and if your just concerned about water weight I would use a weaker AI like adex or aromasin (still strong just not as strong as letro) or if not using deca /tren then I would try proviron . I only use letro to battle gyno so I rarely use it, just keep it on stand by.

  13. #13
    S431M7 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by kfrost06
    I only use letro to battle gyno so I rarely use it, just keep it on stand by.
    Your response are constructive. thanks. but what do u do in the event letro reduce your sex drive? what do u use to counter that effect?anyone thoughts.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by S431M7
    Your response are constructive. thanks. but what do u do in the event letro reduce your sex drive? what do u use to counter that effect?anyone thoughts.

    I would only use letro if I had a pretty severe gyno issue. To combat the sex drive loss maybe cialis?

  15. #15
    Merc.. is offline Steroidpedia
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    Quote Originally Posted by S431M7
    Your response are constructive. thanks. but what do u do in the event letro reduce your sex drive? what do u use to counter that effect?anyone thoughts.
    Keep in mind . Some people dont experience such extreme reductions in sex drive on letro ( it is pretty common though)..

    You could go with some sort of otc supplement to help with sex drive issues while using letro ( I suppose..)

    But like Kfrost said its probably better to just use a weaker AI if letro works to well for you....

    Hope this helps ya.

    Team player

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by S431M7
    Your response are constructive. thanks. but what do u do in the event letro reduce your sex drive? what do u use to counter that effect?anyone thoughts.
    If you experience a loss in sex drive from letro it's because you lowered your estrogen to almost nothing so to combat that you need to titrate down the letro dose and when your estrogen starts to come back(to healthy levels) your sex drive and erections will come back. I experienced the loss of sex drive from letro but I was on the 2 week gyno reversal so I just dealt with it. IMO it's another reason not to use letro unless necessary, i.e. to battle gyno. So use a weaker AI(aromasin , adex, etc.) unless you have started to develop gyno. GL and thanks for the compliment

  17. #17
    S431M7 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by kfrost06
    I experienced the loss of sex drive from letro but I was on the 2 week gyno reversal so I just dealt with it. IMO it's another reason not to use letro unless necessary, i.e. to battle gyno. So use a weaker AI(aromasin , adex, etc.) unless you have started to develop gyno. GL and thanks for the compliment
    it always good to hear from experience than from someone who relys on theories and presumptions. thanlks.

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