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Thread: First Cycle

  1. #1
    DrHoliday is offline New Member
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    First Cycle

    I'm not positive on the doses I'm running yet, so could use some help in that.
    But just ordered 20 ml sachets of Test E and EQ

    Gonna look something like this

    300-400 mg Test E week 1-11(or 12)
    400 mg EQ week 1-10

    Nolvadex 20 mg week 1-18
    Clomid 200 mg first 2 days week 14
    Clomid 100 mg next 12 days
    Clomid 50 mg through end

    i'm 6'0", 165. 21 yrs. old. And have been lifting for around 6 or 7 years. Have began a cycle before very un-researched and was going to do a deca -only cycle, but got very sick in the middle and couldn't lift for 2 weeks and just discontinued the cycle. But I gained around 10 lbs. in the 3 weeks before getting sick so I'd say my body takes well to steroids . I'm not trying to get too big and would like to keep the cut appearance, that's why I'm going with the EQ and taking the Nolvadex to keep the water down. Maybe 15 or 20 lbs. of some solid muscle gains would be great. Just looking for some opinions here, also any recommendations on how to go about using the sachets would be great, thanks.

    Diet looks something like this:

    Breakfast : 5 or 6 Eggs (with lots of cheese)
    mid-way 2 lunch: can of soup or sandwich (protein shake)
    Lunch: Grilled Chicken and a salad
    Dinner: Most likely Steak or Fish with Rice, Vegetables. Sometimes pasta
    Hour After Dinner protein shake
    Before bed: Salad
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails First Cycle-pic.jpg   First Cycle-pic-2.jpg  

  2. #2
    DrHoliday is offline New Member
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    i meant week 13 (or 14) for clomid
    and through week 16 for nolvadex

  3. #3
    jAcKeD!!!!'s Avatar
    jAcKeD!!!! is offline chemically engineered
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    500/500 is good for you ( 500mgs test/week 500mgs/week eq)

    u look pretty lean and its ur first cycle.. u need little if not none nolvadex or clomid for your cycle. ud do fine with none. save your money

  4. #4
    sonnygll's Avatar
    sonnygll is offline Member
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    First, you are just a little too young. Second, you are not quite big enough, although you are totally ripped. Looking good. You should really train natural for a couple more years. That way you can get more muscle.

    Just to give you an example, I am just starting my first cycle. I am not as lean as you, I probably have 5 or 6 more pounds of fat, but I am also an inch shorter and I am 35 pounds heavier.

    WHAT you are eating is mostly ok, but you are going to need to eat a fair amount more to gain muscle mass. 3300 calories and 200 to 250 grams of protein or so roughly. IN addition to that, you should add some oatmeal to your breakfast and make sure you get some simple carbs post workout. I also would not eat the salad before bed. Have a casein protein shake and/or some cheese.

    Then with training you need to stick with the basic compound free-weight lifts. Those are the best mass builders.

    Now, in a couple years when you do your cycle, make these changes.
    1, drop the EQ, all you need is test E for your first (successful) cycle. 250MG twice a week, frontload the first week with 500MG both days.
    2, change nolva to arimidex .
    But like I said, you're not ready yet.

    There ya go, bodybuilding in a nutshell.

  5. #5
    jon77 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by jAcKeD!!!!
    500/500 is good for you ( 500mgs test/week 500mgs/week eq)

    u look pretty lean and its ur first cycle..u need little if not none nolvadex for your cycle. ud do fine with none. save your money
    .................................................. ............................

  6. #6
    DrHoliday is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by sonnygll
    First, you are just a little too young. Second, you are not quite big enough, although you are totally ripped. Looking good. You should really train natural for a couple more years. That way you can get more muscle.

    Just to give you an example, I am just starting my first cycle. I am not as lean as you, I probably have 5 or 6 more pounds of fat, but I am also an inch shorter and I am 35 pounds heavier.

    WHAT you are eating is mostly ok, but you are going to need to eat a fair amount more to gain muscle mass. 3300 calories and 200 to 250 grams of protein or so roughly. IN addition to that, you should add some oatmeal to your breakfast and make sure you get some simple carbs post workout. I also would not eat the salad before bed. Have a casein protein shake and/or some cheese.

    Then with training you need to stick with the basic compound free-weight lifts. Those are the best mass builders.

    Now, in a couple years when you do your cycle, make these changes.
    1, drop the EQ, all you need is test E for your first (successful) cycle. 250MG twice a week, frontload the first week with 500MG both days.
    2, change nolva to arimidex .
    But like I said, you're not ready yet.

    There ya go, bodybuilding in a nutshell.
    I know, I know. I was expecting a response about my diet, that I could use more calories. And I guess I should have said this in my first post, but the thing is I do like my body alot the way it is and I'm not exactly trying to GAIN weight. Like I would like to stay as cut and lean as I am, and I feel like I've sort of reached a peak at this and just wanted ta use the gear for that extra boost. Like I know I could change my diet and put on the 10-15 lbs. naturally, but I'd rather use the gear and get as much muscle as possible out of that 10-15 lbs. ya know? But if in order for me to get that out of it I do have to change my diet as well, I'll happily do that. I just thought that protein was what's important and that caloric intake depended on what you were trying to acheive. I guess I could have worded my first post differently, but thanks for the feedback.

  7. #7
    DrHoliday is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jon77
    .................................................. ............................
    yea, thanks but my order already went through, and whatever though, it's probably worth it to have it just incase. Plus I'm trying to keep things looking cut so I was wanting to use the nolvadex for the water retention. And I dont wanna risk losing everything when my test levels are way low after I stop.

  8. #8
    jon77 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrHoliday
    yea, thanks but my order already went through, and whatever though, it's probably worth it to have it just incase. Plus I'm trying to keep things looking cut so I was wanting to use the nolvadex for the water retention. And I dont wanna risk losing everything when my test levels are way low after I stop.
    Keep nolva onhand in case you need it during cycle. Up your test dose to 500mgs E5D. EQ 200-300mgs EW.....but IMO you should be doing test only.
    You mentioned in your first post that you thought your body took well to steroids ?? How can you possibly know this if you've never completed a cycle, or done pct. You need to read more and know exactly what your getting into. not run clomid and nolva for pct. Pick 1....I choose nolva personally.
    You need to research pct by: Anthony Roberts for more info. Your diet plan sucks. Sorry to be blunt, but it does.....I suggest this for a diet...........
    Beginner's first diet, feedback appreciated If your not adhering to a strict diet such as this, and not incorporating some form of pct, you can forget about keeping any gain.........................J

  9. #9
    testisbest is offline Senior Member
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    Run the test at 400mg a week for this cycle. Save the eq for your next cycle and don't run it less than 600mg a week for a minimum of 12 weeks. You won't get $hit out of 400mg a week for 10 weeks, trust me you'll be wasting your money. And for the love of god, eat more quality food.

  10. #10
    sonnygll's Avatar
    sonnygll is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrHoliday
    I know, I know. I was expecting a response about my diet, that I could use more calories. And I guess I should have said this in my first post, but the thing is I do like my body alot the way it is and I'm not exactly trying to GAIN weight. Like I would like to stay as cut and lean as I am, and I feel like I've sort of reached a peak at this and just wanted ta use the gear for that extra boost. Like I know I could change my diet and put on the 10-15 lbs. naturally, but I'd rather use the gear and get as much muscle as possible out of that 10-15 lbs. ya know? But if in order for me to get that out of it I do have to change my diet as well, I'll happily do that. I just thought that protein was what's important and that caloric intake depended on what you were trying to acheive. I guess I could have worded my first post differently, but thanks for the feedback.
    Just eat low carb later in the day, you won't get fat. You do need a caloric surplus to gain muscle. Also I really think a person should have a firm grasp on the principals of natural bodybuilding before they start learning about drugs. You should then learn a lot about these drugs BEFORE you put them in your body. I just don't understand why on earth anyone would ever want to put a chemical into their body that they don't know much about. Finally when you do run your cycle. I can't stress this enough. Please, please, please, take an AI like arimidex with your cycle. Nolva is a SERM and it just won't cut it. Liquid arimidex aka anastrozole is cheap and easy to get. It prevents gyno as well as the water retention you are worried about.

    I must say Jacked gets the award for worst advice EVER.
    I think he is like Arnold, trying to give you the wrong advices.

    PCT is important if you want to keep your gains, keep your estrogen levels from going up, get your natural test up, not be impotent for a few weeks. It prevents all kinds of nasty things that might happen. You can keep taking the arimidex and add clomid. Or you can switch to aromasin and take nolva instead of clomid. But arimidex and nolva reduce each others effectiveness so don't run those 2 together. There are even other options too.

    But honestly, you need a good solid base before you take gear, save your cycle for later.

  11. #11
    DrHoliday is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jon77
    Keep nolva onhand in case you need it during cycle. Up your test dose to 500mgs E5D. EQ 200-300mgs EW.....but IMO you should be doing test only.
    You mentioned in your first post that you thought your body took well to steroids ?? How can you possibly know this if you've never completed a cycle, or done pct. You need to read more and know exactly what your getting into. not run clomid and nolva for pct. Pick 1....I choose nolva personally.
    You need to research pct by: Anthony Roberts for more info. Your diet plan sucks. Sorry to be blunt, but it does.....I suggest this for a diet...........
    Beginner's first diet, feedback appreciated If your not adhering to a strict diet such as this, and not incorporating some form of pct, you can forget about keeping any gain.........................J
    That's about what my meal looks like, except i eat half the eggs, but i dont take out the yolks and no oatmeal. otherwise it's about even just cause I didn't go into exact specific detail. And instead of chicken at night it's beef or fish. and i just didn't include random fruit. and no flax oil. oh and no chicken breast in the morning. so basically the difference between your ideal diet and a diet plan sucking. is oatmeal, double eggs, chicken in the morning and chicken instead of beef or fish at night.

    and again, that guy weighs 250, im not trying to go above 180.

  12. #12
    DrHoliday is offline New Member
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    and the reason im saying they took well is because, "I gained 10 lbs. of muscle in 3 weeks"

  13. #13
    jon77 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrHoliday
    and the reason im saying they took well is because, "I gained 10 lbs. of muscle in 3 weeks"
    Keep reading........................................... ..............just.....keep reading.

    Only advise I can give you now......

  14. #14
    Stock's Avatar
    Stock is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrHoliday
    and the reason im saying they took well is because, "I gained 10 lbs. of muscle in 3 weeks"
    Most of that was probably water weight...

  15. #15
    longhorn814's Avatar
    longhorn814 is offline Anabolic Member
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    look your diet isnt terrible, it just needs improvement. Learn to take constructive criticism better. You need way more protein in your diet for starters, youre lucky if youre getting 150-175 grams/day. You have no idea what post workout nutrition is, which is the most important meal if you wanna build muscle..its right up there with breakfast. Eating a salad before bed is pointless. Look into casein protein before bed.

  16. #16
    DrHoliday is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by longhorn814
    look your diet isnt terrible, it just needs improvement. Learn to take constructive criticism better. You need way more protein in your diet for starters, youre lucky if youre getting 150-175 grams/day. You have no idea what post workout nutrition is, which is the most important meal if you wanna build muscle..its right up there with breakfast. Eating a salad before bed is pointless. Look into casein protein before bed.
    true true. so any reccomendations for diet change? I've been eating more recently, more eggs for breakfast, and i do drink a shake after workout, duno if that counts as a meal. and started eating chicken breast before bed. and have tried to eat more between meals. i've gained like 2 or 3 lbs. But any other reccomendations to help the diet? I will be back at school in a week where I can just go to the cafeteria and eat a shit load of whatever I want so I'm sure I'll gain alot of weight when I get back there. And why not run the EQ? A big reason I wanted to run that was to increase my appetite and help out my diet. it really will be a waste?

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