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  1. #1
    billybambam's Avatar
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    How much should I take??

    Hey Ya'll,
    I am about to get my cycle, yet I am unsure as to how much this should equal out to...
    Let me explain.
    I am going to be taking a 10 week cycle of Deca .
    My source provides them in packets of 5/ml per packet, but yet description is this. (DECA-DURABOLIN 200mg/ml)
    So does that mean that there is 1000/mgs per packet or what???
    Don't know if anyone has ever used this kind or not but any info would be of great help.
    Trying to keep the wording correct as to not describe in full detail, (Giving away the source).

  2. #2
    Dizz28's Avatar
    Dizz28 is offline I reject your reality and substitute my own
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    You shouldn't do a deca only cycle. For your first you should stick to a long estered Testosterone and that's it.

    You also need to tell use your stats (+age) and lifting history. If you take the time to do a little searching on here you will find all the information about converting dosages, when to inject, how much, the side effects and also the PCT.

    A lot to learn man.

  3. #3
    Dizz28's Avatar
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    And you need to be willing to commit to it both physically and finacially. It's a lot of stuff to buy. You can't just take Test, work out 2times a week, not eat/rest properly and expect to have good gains. Many posts on here are dedicated to proper nutrition and exercise routines to get you on the right track. This type of thing has been discussed so much that it will be hard to find someone that is willing to repost all that information just because you didn't do a search.

    Visit the "PCT forum" "Diet Questions" and the "lifting techniques" forums and you will find many of your questions answered there.

  4. #4
    billybambam's Avatar
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    Not my first cycle, although I have only taken a 6 week cycle of Sustanon 250, and an 8 week cycle of Test in my lifetime.
    I am 33, 5'11, 208lbs. 11%BF. Been lifting / training since I was about 14.
    For this cycle I was going to stack D-Bol for the first 6 weeks, and then incorp. Teslac at the end of the cycle for 6 to 8 more weeks.

    200/mgs. Deca twice a week for 10 weeks
    25/mgs. D-Bol per day for 6 weeks
    100/mgs. Teslac per day beginning the last (10th.) week of cycle.
    Last edited by billybambam; 08-22-2007 at 11:19 AM.

  5. #5
    Dizz28's Avatar
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    ok, what's Teslac ? Sorry I've never heard of it

    400mgs of deca is a good dosage but you will find most people on here will suggest a longer cycle then 10wks for that just because it's a longer acting ester. It will take a while to start even seeing results from that and a few weeks later is then end of the cycle so you won't get all that you are expecting out of it if you run a shorter cycle. Most people on here will suggest at least a 12 - 14wk run for the deca.

    The D-bol dosage sounds good. Have you ever taken it before? if not then 25mgs/day should be a sufficient kickstart for you

    Also, you should think about adding Test to the whole cycle. Even 500mgs a week will help with the sides you will get from a deca only cycle. Some people don't report any problems from it but Deca is known to cause problems with libido.

  6. #6
    10nispro's Avatar
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    Teslac is similar to proviron in action, i believe. I know its an anti-estrogen.

  7. #7
    billybambam's Avatar
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    No, I have never taken D-Bol, and I am a little worried about it because of it being tablets... (Liver Toxic). This scares me more than anything. Yes I was thinking I should do a 12-14 week, and really I think I have enough to do so, but I still am not sure how much is in each packet... I am wanting to try Deca because everyone I know who has used it have recieved decent gains, and kept them. (I know I am not going to add 40lbs. of hard mass) But 10 - 15 of keep on mass would be nice.
    I have NO Libido problems... really, infact I could use a decrease.
    Teslac - testolactone.
    This is the greatest stuff ever!

  8. #8
    Dizz28's Avatar
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    Oh, ok. Never read anything about it so I couldn't comment on it

    Dbol is not as toxic as you might think. Your liver isn't gonna fail after a week of 25mgs a just need a healthy one to start with though. If you are a hard drinker then your liver probably isn't in good shape to begin with. Don't drink while taking oral steroids either.

    The total daily dose should be split up in equal doses during the day though. either 3 or 4 different times that are equally spaced out. Something like 10mgs taken every 4-5hours. just because it has a fairly short half-life

    I did know someone that took Deca only cycles and did very well one them.

  9. #9
    longhorn814's Avatar
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    honestly, I wouldnt run deca alone without some replacement doseage of test. You say you have no libido problems, but theres a good chance you will if you dont add some test. Its something that could linger around for a while even after you come off too!

  10. #10
    billybambam's Avatar
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    Shouldn't the Teslac take care of the Libido problem???
    It should get body back to producing natural Test, and stop and lower my Estrogen levels.

  11. #11
    longhorn814's Avatar
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    deca will shut down your natural testosterone production very fast, thus the reason you need test...I dont know anything about teslac other than what I just read on the profile..looks something something to take during PCT to help boost test levels..however during cycle, you will be shut down and may suffer sides related to low testosterone ..low lidido, low energy, etc...

  12. #12
    Dizz28's Avatar
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    You can't get any tried-and-true Nolva, HCG or even Clomid for anti-estrogens and LH stimulators?

    Most places that sell gear sell those also

  13. #13
    billybambam's Avatar
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    I can get Nolva and Clomid, but I have used Teslac for PCT, and I have to say, I think it is awesome! I am surprised more people don't use it. Maybe your right though on the Test add into the cycle. How much would you use per week, and when do you think I should add and stop incorp'ing into the cycle?

  14. #14
    Dizz28's Avatar
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    what did you love about it. I'm kinda interested because, like I said, this is one of the first times I've heard from someone that's used it.

    500mgs/wk of Test E or C should be plenty to start off with if you are doing 400mgs/wk of Deca

  15. #15
    ottomaddox's Avatar
    ottomaddox is offline "Better Safe Than Sorry"
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    You could run maybe 100mgs to 200mgs per week of testosterone considering that is a replacement for your natural level that will be desimated by the deca .

    Quote Originally Posted by longhorn814
    honestly, I wouldnt run deca alone without some replacement doseage of test. You say you have no libido problems, but theres a good chance you will if you dont add some test. Its something that could linger around for a while even after you come off too!

  16. #16
    billybambam's Avatar
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    The biggest thing was that after my cycle it only took about a week and my natural test levels were back to normal. It completely stopped my production of estrogen and then dropped dramadiclly. By the third week of my PCT, My Test level was up 30% of norm, and I had no side effects... None. I also have never had any sign of Gyno. Never, and I think that is because both cycles I did, I always had Teslac at the end and used it for my PCT.

  17. #17
    billybambam's Avatar
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    Can someone please tell me where this chart is to convert mgs = to mls and ccs to mgs and all that?

  18. #18
    Dizz28's Avatar
    Dizz28 is offline I reject your reality and substitute my own
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    Alright....if you have a satchel or vial that 5cc's (or ml's, same thing) and it says 200mgs/ml then you have 5ml that at a concentration of 200mg per. so if you take a syringe and draw out 1ml then you have 200mgs in that syringe.

    If you want 400mgs then you have to draw out 2ml's. And yes, 5ml of deca at 200mg/ml then you have 1000mgs in one 5ml satchel

    1ml = 1cc in volume


  19. #19
    longhorn814's Avatar
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    you cant convert a mg to a cc/ml...they are two different units of measure. Mg measures measures volume..typically you see gear dosed at 250mg/ml..meaning there are 250mg of hormone in one cc/ml of liquid

  20. #20
    billybambam's Avatar
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    Thank you both so much. That is exactly what I wanted to know.

  21. #21
    billybambam's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by billybambam
    I can get Nolva and Clomid, but I have used Teslac for PCT, and I have to say, I think it is awesome! I am surprised more people don't use it. Maybe your right though on the Test add into the cycle. How much would you use per week, and when do you think I should add and stop incorp'ing into the cycle?
    How much Nolva would you use in your PCT?

  22. #22
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by ottomaddox
    You could run maybe 100mgs to 200mgs per week of testosterone considering that is a replacement for your natural level that will be desimated by the deca.
    thats wat i would suggest TRT is far more effective than high doses when running nor groups IMO

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