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Thread: My latest cycle

  1. #1
    pr0digy9daniel is offline Associate Member
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    My latest cycle

    Well, this cycle I am doing cause I am quite low on gear, and I only have a bit coming in. I am assuming that I will have 20 vials of 250mg Enanthate Test...

    Week 1 - 2: 250mg Test Enan 1cc vial
    Week 3 - 10: 500mg Test Enan x2 1cc vial
    Week 11 - 12: 250mg Test Enan 1cc vial
    Week 13 - 14: No injections
    Week 15: PCT, 14 Days After Last Inject
    Clomid 50mg ED - 3 Weeks
    Nolva 20mg ED - 4 Weeks

    If my calculations are right, that will be 20cc's of enanthate, 5000mg in total. I actually dont have enough clomid, the stuff I am getting is 12 tabs in a box and I am getting two of em. Anyway, let me know what you think of my cycle, I am hoping to make decent gains...

  2. #2
    HardCharger's Avatar
    HardCharger is offline Associate Member
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    IMO it'd be better to start off with 500mg/week of Test-E and keep it that way untill the end. It takes a while to normalize and with taking only 250mg those first two weeks it'll take longer to reach the desired amount in your blood. Also the tapering off of it is useless IMO. Yes you might have to get another vial of it but if your going to do you might as well do it right. Any other opinions?

  3. #3
    pr0digy9daniel is offline Associate Member
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    The reason for the first two weeks is that, I havent used this source before and I would like to keep the dose small to see how I react to it. The reason for the last last two weeks is I dont have enough test to do it for 500mcg...

  4. #4
    HardCharger's Avatar
    HardCharger is offline Associate Member
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    I get. So why not make a small order now, the when you see if they're legit, make another order. I know it'll take longer for you to start you cycle by doing this but you'll get much better results. You'll also be happier in the end. But if you only order 1 vial of test now, then wait to order more, it could save you money. If the place is bogus then you'll only be out the money for 1 vial insted of everything else.

  5. #5
    pr0digy9daniel is offline Associate Member
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    Well minimum orders basically... But I am getting enough gear to start a cycle, i might just be low on stuff like pct...

  6. #6
    HardCharger's Avatar
    HardCharger is offline Associate Member
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    IMO its a bad idea. If I've learned anything from useing gear its to have everything you're going to use on hand and to do it right. Nothing worse than starting a cycle thinking you'll get what ever else you need a week or two later only to have a suprise bill come and not be able to afford it or have your source be out of stock.

  7. #7
    pr0digy9daniel is offline Associate Member
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    True, I wouldnt usually do this. But I already have the money ringfenced, I practically have a seperate bank account for AAS stuff, and I wouldnt spend money on a bill when my HPTA might shut down. Either way, its a 12 week cycle and I am hoping I will have most of what I need to at least do a basic PCT by week 6... Your right, my source being out of stock would be a problem, but I have a few who I can get PCT stuff from, so at least one should have it...

  8. #8
    Stock's Avatar
    Stock is offline Member
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    IMO, you need to save your money and get everything before you start. PM a willing Vet or Mod for a source check if you are concerned abuot the gear. Here is why this cycle sucks, at 250mg/wk for the first two weeks, you might not feel any effects of the gear until weeks 6-8. Also, if you start to develope gyno you wont have what you need on hand. How about some stats as well (age, cycle history, etc.) BTW, the most important part of a cycle is PCT, and yours is worse than bad..."i might just be low on stuff like pct..."

    This is not the resopnsible way to use steroids

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