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  1. #1
    cyclist2173 is offline Associate Member
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    Rec. Dosage for a Prop/Masteron/Winny Cycle?

    I am an endurance athlete who is looking to drop BF while MAINTAINING muscle mass and power. I do not want to put on any more muscle mass since I am over my competitive weight. I recently did a cycle that consisted of only 210mg of Prop and 210mg of NPP per week and put on too much muscle mass. I am thinking of about 140mg Prop, 210mg Winny (Inj.) and 280mg Masteron per week. Too much, Too Little, or about right for my goal? Thank you. Almost forgot to mention.....I am on 4 IU of Jintropin EOD as well.
    Last edited by cyclist2173; 08-24-2007 at 01:14 PM.

  2. #2
    Merc.. is offline Steroidpedia
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    If you gained to much why do you want to use so many compounds this cycle??


  3. #3
    longhorn814's Avatar
    longhorn814 is offline Anabolic Member
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    I agree with how many calories do you eat daily? Thats another reason why you put on weight

  4. #4
    cyclist2173 is offline Associate Member
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    It's not that I gained a butt load of weight....about 13# and I am sure some is BF since I haven't been able to put on the miles on my bike that I used to. However, I do know that a lot is's pretty evident when I look in the mirror. As for why I would want to use Masteron and Winny and Prop. Well, do I need to answer why Prop? As for Masteron and Winny. I've used Winny before and lost a lot of BF with little cardio, also one of my buds is using 400mg. of Masteron with 200mg Prop (doing little cardio) and has dropped about 5% BF in 7 weeks (a little weight loss too). Plus I have read that Masteron and Winny are very synergistic. Hopefully, that answers the question why I would want to use these compunds versus the Nandrolone /Prop cycle that I was on. What do you think?

  5. #5
    Merc.. is offline Steroidpedia
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    Quote Originally Posted by cyclist2173
    It's not that I gained a butt load of weight....about 13# and I am sure some is BF since I haven't been able to put on the miles on my bike that I used to. However, I do know that a lot is's pretty evident when I look in the mirror. As for why I would want to use Masteron and Winny and Prop. Well, do I need to answer why Prop? As for Masteron and Winny. I've used Winny before and lost a lot of BF with little cardio, also one of my buds is using 400mg. of Masteron with 200mg Prop (doing little cardio) and has dropped about 5% BF in 7 weeks (a little weight loss too). Plus I have read that Masteron and Winny are very synergistic. Hopefully, that answers the question why I would want to use these compunds versus the Nandrolone/Prop cycle that I was on. What do you think?
    I understand ... I was just saying you possibly could just use test and accomplish what your trying to achieve..

    Keep in mind that everyone is different so IMO its not good to gauge what works for someone else but again I see what your saying..

    You can give it a go and see how it works for ya. Also as longhorn said diet ( + training) is going to dictate how much you gain or dont..

    Please keep us posted on your results .....


  6. #6
    cyclist2173 is offline Associate Member
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    Thanks Merc. I'll kick it around before I pull the trigger.

  7. #7
    Merc.. is offline Steroidpedia
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    Quote Originally Posted by cyclist2173
    Thanks Merc. I'll kick it around before I pull the trigger.
    No problem ...

    Yea you know how your body responds to the prop and winny so thats a plus for you...

    When you decide your exact cycle please let me know as I am interested in what your going to end up running.....


  8. #8
    Kratos's Avatar
    Kratos is offline I feel accomplished
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    Can you get mdht or halo instead of winny?
    I think you are on the right track with the prop dose and masteron
    Npp was a bad idea on the other cycle
    Try to loose a few pounds natural first

  9. #9
    Merc.. is offline Steroidpedia
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kratos
    Can you get mdht or halo instead of winny?
    I think you are on the right track with the prop dose and masteron
    I was wondering if winny gave him any joint problems but he didnt mention it so I assumed it doesnt bother him ..

    But I do agree Kratos halo might be a great compound for him to add..


  10. #10
    cyclist2173 is offline Associate Member
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    OK guys. Here's the deal. Winny has never given me joint pain. As for losing weight natural....not a problem, but I race bicycles so I am rarely not on something. I like to use AAS to keep my RBC count up and to speed recovery allowing me to train harder and longer. Unfortunately, I have been so inconsistent with training due to illnesses and injury. I haven't had the time to get back on track. As for Halo...I was going to use this, but my supplier is out of stock. Whadda Ya think?

  11. #11
    Kratos's Avatar
    Kratos is offline I feel accomplished
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    Quote Originally Posted by cyclist2173
    OK guys. Here's the deal. Winny has never given me joint pain. As for losing weight natural....not a problem, but I race bicycles so I am rarely not on something. I like to use AAS to keep my RBC count up and to speed recovery allowing me to train harder and longer. Unfortunately, I have been so inconsistent with training due to illnesses and injury. I haven't had the time to get back on track. As for Halo...I was going to use this, but my supplier is out of stock. Whadda Ya think?
    Dude I ride too. I understand what you are trying to do with your cycle, it doesn't look that bad. The thing is I think you want something more androgenic than winny, that's what I was getting at. I think go for it the way you have it laid out. I would say the prop and mast are good, mabe more mast and no winny would be fine.

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